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!Speed Spanish 1-4
Question | Answer |
Estoy | I am |
Cansada | Sleepy |
Inferma | Sick |
Nerviosa | Nervous |
Triste | Sad |
Enamorada | In love |
Alegre | Happy |
Furiosa | Furious |
Aburrida | Bored |
De mal humor | Bad mood |
De buen humor | Good mood |
Preocupada | Preoccupied |
Tranquilo | Calm |
Me gusta | I like |
No me gusta | I dont like |
Te gusta | You like |
No te gusta | You dont like |
Es importante | Important |
No es importante | Not important |
Es posible | Its possible |
No es posible | Not possible |
Favor de | Please |
Favor de no | Please dont |
Porfavor | Please |
Podrias | Could you? |
Quiro | I want |
Tengo que | I have to |
Me gustaria | I would like |
Puedo | I can |
Puedes | You can |
Vas a | You are going to |
Es facil | Its easy |
Quires | You want |
Tienes que | You have to |
Te gustaria | You would like |
No puedo | I cant |
Voy a | I am going to |
Dar | To give |
Comprar | To buy |
Ayudar | To help |
Limpiar | To clean |
Trabajar | To work |
Ir | To go |
Practicar | To practice |
Ver | To see |
Cocinar | To cook |
Hablar | To talk/speak |
Estudiar | To study |
Ponder | To put |
Comer | To eat |
Escuchar | To listen to |
Mirar | To look at (To watch) |
Aprendar | To learn |
Leer | To read |
Lavar | To wash |
Aqui | Here |
Alli | There |
Puerta | Door |
Lavaplatos | Dishwasher |
Nevera | Refrigerator |
Telefone | Telephone |
Ventana | Window |
Cuarto | Room |
Agua | Water |
Relog | Clock |
Periodico | Newspaper |
Mesa | Table |
Cosina | Kitchen |
Television | Television |
Refrigerador | Refrigerator |
Llaves | Keys |
Garaje | Garage |
Armario | Closet |
Toalla | Towel |
Ducha | Shower |
Casa | House |
Libro | Book |
Tarea | Homework |
Contigo | With you |
Conmigo | With me |
y | And |
o | Or |
Porque | Please |
Pero | But |