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POLS 1113

all of the other final material except the civil rights & liberties

• Majoritarianism the government should do what the majority of the people want
• Elite Theory the government should be controled by an elite group of people high up in society
• Pluralism A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decision making is characterized by bargaining and compromise.
• Equality vs. Liberty the fact that your liberty of speech ect. can be limited by having to treat all people equally
Strengths of the Articles of confederation It was a good basic idea for government
weaknesses of the articles of confederation can't regulate army or fund it
• Great Compromise bicameral legislature -lower legislature elected by the people -upper chamber selcted by members of lower chamber
• 3/5 Compromise counting slaves as 3/5 of a person for representation purposes
• Federalists positive name attended convention understood the constitution time, money, and power
Anti-Federalists wanted a government like the one under the Articles of Confederation and feared monarchy
• Bill of Rights 1st 10 amendments found in the constitution, to guarantee freedoms not found in the constitution
• Marbury vs. Madison first time supreme court ever used judicial review, set precedent
• Arguments for Federalism compromise between strong and weak gov. effecient communication focus on state gov location of authority,having one location is impractical brings gov. to the people
• Arguments against Federalism powerful local entities might impedelocal plans inequalities across states
• Supremacy Clause federal laws are supreme to all state and local laws
• Roosevelt’s Court Packing Plan: What was it, and what was its purpose? legislation to appoint up to 6 new judges -garner support for new deal -make courts more sympathetic -epic fail
• How is public opinion formed? through political socialization
• Problems with polls sampling error, survey bias, and representation
• Three things that make an interest group powerful 1st amendment, culturally a "nation of joiners", and disturbance hypothesis- threatens status quo
• 5 functions of a political party -recruit candidates for office -organize and run elections -present alternative policies -accept responsibility for operating government -act as organized oposition to the party in power
• Reverse-Income Effect tendency for the wealthier states to favor the democrats & the less wealthy to favor the republicans
• Three faces of a political party 1. in the electric-numbers of the general public that identify with a political party or express a preference for one party over another 2. organization-formal structure & leadership of a political party Gov.- elected & appointed officials
• Ways we get third parties issue driven, party dissatisfaction, and following a leader
• Factors influencing who does/does not vote age, education, minority status, income, & two-party competition
• Formula for the Electoral College # in house + # in senate= # of electors
• Different types of committees standing, select, joint, conference, and the house rules
• Roles of the President head of state, cheif exec., commander in cheif, cheif diplomat, and cheif legislature
• What influences the Supreme Court to take a case? -how many people it impacts -media coverage -constitutional issue -a case that lower courts are conflicting over
• What plays a role in judicial appointment and why? ideaology
Created by: Emily Ann
Popular American Government sets




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