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drugdoses dec2010

ACARBOSE 25->50-100 mg PO tid
ADRENALIN IM 1:1000 (1 mL = 1 mg) 0.3-0.5 mL (0.01 ml/kg)
ADRENALIN IV 1:10.000 (dulute 1 ml of 1:1000 in 9 mL of NS) 0.1 mL/kg
Allopurinol 100-300 mg q24h gout prophylaxis
Amantadine 100 mg PO q12h (additional drug in Parkinson's for 12mo)
Amitriptyline (Imipramine, Clomipramine, Desipramine, Doxepine, Nortriptyline) 50-75 mg PO nocte up to 250 mg (for all in the group)
Amoxicililn/Clavulanate 500/125 mg PO q8h (10/2.5 mg/kg) UTI, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia outpatient
Amoxicillin 500 mg q8h x 7d for Listeriosis, Chlamydia in pregnancy
Apomorphine 600 mug to 6 mg SC (severe akinesia and off phase in Parkinson's; also give domperidone to prevent vomiting)
Aspirin 600-900 mg PO q4h
ATENOLOL / METOPROLOL 2.5 mg IV or 25 mg PO q12h
ATROPIN 0.6-1.2 mg/5 min IV (up to 3 mg)
Azithromycin 250 mg qd PO x 4 (bronchitis/pneumonia) and 1 g PO single (chlamydia)
Baclofen 10-25 mg PO nocte or q8h (spasticity, MS spasticity)
Beclomethasone dipropionate 100-500-1500 mug q12h PUFF (corticosteroid in asthma)
Benztropine 1-2 mg IM/IV (dystonia, oculogyric crisis)
BICARBONATE SODIUM 1 ml/kg 8.4% over 1 hours
Bisacodyl (Durolax) 5-10 mg q12h (constipation)
BROMOCRIPTINE 1.25-5 mg PO bid (stimulants withdrawal, NMS, PMS, Parkinson)
Calcium Carbonate xxx mg (hyperphosphataemia)
Captopril 6.25-25 mg PO q12-24d
CARBAMAZEPINE 100 mg/8-24h (max. 2000 mg/day) (mania, impulse dyscontrol, neuropatic pain, bipolar, epilepsy)
Cefaclor 500 mg PO q8h (10 mg/kg) (otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis)
CEFALEXIN 500 mg PO q6-12h (10 mg/kg) (UTI, including pregancy)
Cefixime 400 mg PO (gonorrhea) or x3 days for UTI (incl.pregnancy)
CEFOTAXIME (3G) 1-2 g/12h IM/IV slowly (50 mg/kg/12h) (pneumonia)
CEFOXITIN (PID,TOA) 2 g/6h IV/IM + Probenecid 1g po if IM used + 14-d.Doxycicline (PID,TOA)
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose (exposure to STD; gonorrhea)
CEFUROXIME 750 mg IV q8h (covers Strep, Staph, gr-, anaerobes) (pneumonia inpatient)
CETIRIZINE 5-10 mg/24h PO (new H1-blocker)
CHLORAMPHENICOL 0.5% eyedrops q1-2h
CHLOROQUINE p: 300 mg qw 2w->4w; tx: 4 tab.stat -> 2 tab.qd x3 (CSFM malaria prophylaxis; the only drug used in pregnancy)
CHLORPHENIRAMINE 10 mg IM/IV (up to 40 mg/24h) PO: 4 mg/6h (allergies, H1-blocker, anaphylaxis)
Chlorpromazine 25-100 mg q8h PO or IM (hicchough, psychosis, delirium)
Cimetidine 400 mg PO q12h pc or 800 mg nocte (GERD)
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg q12h PO (pyelonephritis outpatient; UTI 2nd line; bronchitis/pneumonia; prophylaxis of gonorrrhea/chlamydia (including rape victims) + Doxycycline/Azithromycin)
CLINDAMYCIN PO: 300mg/6h;IV/IM:900 mg/8h
Clonazepam 0.3-0.5 mg PO/SC q12h (distress/restlessness)
Clotrimazole pessaries 100 mg qd x 7d (Trichomona vaginalis in pregnancy)
CODEINE PHOSPHATE 30 mg/4-8h PO/IM (antidiarrheal, weak opioid analgesic)
Colchicine 0.5-1 mg q6-8h PO (acute gout 2nd line)
Co-trimaxozole 4/20 mg/kg PO q12h (UTI in children; UTI; bronchitis; traveller's diarrhea)
DEXAMETHAZONE 4-16 mg IV stat -> 4 mg/6-8h IV/PO
Diazepam 5-10 mg IV/PO q8h vestibular neuronitis/labyrinthitis, Menieres
Diclofenac 75 mg IM stat ->25-50 mg PO q8h x7 days (uretheric colic)
DIGOXIN 0.5 mg q12h PO/IV
DIPHENHYDRAMINE (BENADRYL) 25-50 mg PO/IM/IV q6h (antihistamine, used for nausea)
DOBUTAMIN / DOPAMIN 5-20 mcg/kg/min IV
DOCUSATE SODIUM (COLACE) 100 mg PO q12h (stimulant and softener)
Domperidone 10-20 mg PO q8-12h (GI motility agent nausea, vomiting, add to Apomorphine in Parkinson's off phenomenon)
Doxycycline 100 mg PO q12h x 2 weeks (exposure to STD, Mycoplasma pneumnonia, Chlamidia psitacci, brucellosis, Q fever, leptospirosis. Lyme disease)
Droperidol 5-10 mg (sedating Haloperidol, psychoses, acute vestibular conditions)
EMOLLIENTS PREPARATION mineral and vegetable oil, white petrolatum, aqueus cream
Enalapril 2.5-10 mg qd
ENOXAPARIN 20-40 mg/24h SC (LMWH, DVT prophylaxis, SLE in pregnancy, NSTEMI)
ERGOTAMINE 1 mg PO q30m up to 3 mg/day (migraine abort, + Caffeine)
Erythromycin 500 mg q6-12h (chlamydia in pregnancy, legionella, bronchitis, pneumonia)
Famotidine 40 mg nocte (GERD)
Ferrous sulfate / gluconate 5 mg/kg/day x 3 weeks (anaemia in pediatrics)
FLUCLOXACILLIN 500 mg PO/IM/IV q6h 30 min before food
FLUCONASOLE 50 mg PO q24h (candidiasis stat)
FLUMAZENIL 0.2 mg IV over 15 sec then 0.1 mg/min as needed q2-3 mto 1-2 mg (benzodiazepine antagonist)
Fluoxetine (Paroxitene, Citalopram) 20 mg PO mane
Fluvoxamine (Sertralile) 50 mg PO mane
GABAPENTIN 300 mg PO q24h (anticonvulsant, neuropathic pain, bipolar, GAD)
GLICLASIDE (DIAMICRON) 80 mg PO with meals bid (sulfonylurea for fat)
GLIPIZIDE 5-10 mg PO before meals tid (sulfonylurea for thin)
Glucagone 1 mL IM
GLYCERYL TRINITRATE 20 mcg/min IV 50 mg in 50 mL of NS at 2-10 mL/h ; 0.4 mg SL q5m x 3
Haloperidol 2.5-10 mg q12-24h PO/IM (tics and Tourette's; psychosis; hiccoughs; nausea/vomiting if due to morphine)
HYDRALAZINE 5-10 mg IV q20m x3 (preeclampsia 1st line)
HYDRATION D5 2L + NS 1L + K 20 mmol/L per 24h
HYDROCORTISONE 100 mg IV q8h (up to 10 mg/kg)
IBUPROFEN 400-800 mg q6h PO with meals (biliary/renal colic, menorrhagia)
IMIPINEM-CILASTATIN 500 mg PO qd IV (pyelonephritis in pregnancy)
IMIPRAMINE 25 mg PO q24h at bedtime (nocturia,enuresis,coital incontinence, detrusor instability)
Imiquimod 5% cream x 3 times/weekly for 16 weeks
Indomethacine 50-100 mg q8h (acute gout; seronegative spondyloarthropathies)
Insulin 0.3 U/kg/day. Regular - short-acting; Lente (NPH) - intermediate.
IPRATROPIUM 0.5 mg (0.025% 2 ml in 4 ml NS) OR 20 mug/puff x 4 q4-6h
ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 30 mg/8h PO with rest of 8h
KERATOLYTIC PREPARATIONS Urea 10-20%, Salicylic acid 4-10%, Sulphur
LACTULOSE SYRUP 15-30 ml PO q12h (osmotic)
Levodopa/Carbidopa (Sinemet) 100/25 mg PO q8-12h (initial drug in Parkinson's_
LIDOCAINE 100 mg (1 mg/kg) IV x 2 at 10-50 mug/kg/min (VT/VF)
LISINOPRIL 2.5 mg PO q24h (start in MI immediately)
Lomotil (diphenoxylate + atropine) 2 tabs stat + q8hr PO
Loperamid (Imodium) 2 caps stat + 1 caps. after every motion up to 8/day
LORATADINE 10 mg/24h PO (non-sedating antihistamine)
MANNITOL 20% 1-2 g/kg over 10-20 min IV (>ICP)
Mefloquine 250 mg qw (1w/before-2w/after) malaria prophylaxis (CRFM), not recommended for children
MEPEREDINE (DEMEROL) 50-100 mg IM q3-4h OR 10-25 mg IV q2-3h (narcotic analgesic)
Metformin 1 g PO q8h (DM2 second-line only; for obese; avoid: cardiac, hepatic, renal)
METHYLDOPA 125-500 mg PO/IV q8-12h
Methylprednisolone 1 g in 200 ml NS slowly for 3 hours (relapse of MS^ optic neuritis, brainstem)
Metoclopramide 10 mg PO/IM/IV q8h (GI motility agent - anorexia, antiemetic, GERD)
Metronidazole 400 mg PO q8h for 7-10 days (Cl.difficile toxin); 2g stat PO or 500 mg bid PO x 7d (trichomona)
Microlax (enema) constipaiton
Midazolam 1.25-5 mg IM (distress/restlessness/delirium)
Misoprostol 400 mug PO q12h (PUD)
Morphine 10 mg PO q4h or Morphine SR PO q12h (up to 200 mg day)
NALOXONE 0.4 mg IV q2-3 min to max. 10 mg (opiate overdose). For neonates 0.01 mg/kg
NAPROXEN 250-500 mg/8-12h PO wiht food (when anti-inflammatory action is vitally important)
NEFAZODONE 150 mg PO q12h (5-HT2-blocker, depression with anxiety)
Nicotine gum 2-4 mg x 6 pieced/day for 3 mo
Nicotine transdermal patch 14-21 mg patch q16-24h q24h for 4-6 weeks
Nitrofurantoin 50 mg PO nocte (UTI prophylaxis after intercourse)
NORFLOXACIN 400 mg q8-12h PO (travellers diarrhea, e.coli, campylob. OR cipro)
NORMAL SALINE 20 ml/kg IV to 333 ml/h
OXYBUTYNIN 5 mg PO q8h (neurogenic bladder)
OXYCODONE 10 mg/4-6h PO or 30 mg PR (step 2 analgesic ladder)
OXYTOCIN 20U in 1000 mL of D5RL at 100 drops/min OR 10U IM OR 6-40 mU/min
Paracetamol 1g PO q4h
PARKLAND FORMULA 4 ml/kg/%burn per 24h; give 50% in the first 8h
PENICILLIN G (BENZYLPENICILLIN) 300-600-900-1200 mg/4-6h IV
PENICILLIN V 500 mg/6-12h PO 30 min before food
Pergolide 50 mug PO q12h (dopaminergic, add-on in Parkinson)
PETHIDINE 100 mg q4h IM/SC
PHENYTOIN 200 mg/24h PO; 20 mg/kg IV at 50 mg/min
Podophyllotoxin 0.5% q12h x 3d for 4 weeks (HPV, not in pregnanancy)
Primaquine 15 mg PO q24h for 14 days (P.malaria/ovale/vivax treatment with Chloroquine)
Prochlorperazine (Stemetil) 5 mg PO or 5 mg, 25 mg PR q8h (motion sickness, vestibular neuronitis, labirynthitis, Meniere's)
Promethazine (Avomine, Phenergan) 10-25 mg PO/IM/PR suppositories q12h (motion sickness)
PRURITIC PREPARATIONS Menthol 0.25%, Coal tar 2-10 %, Camphor 1-2%
Quinine sulfate 600 mg PO q8h x 7 days + Doxycycline (P.falciparum malaria)
Ranitidine 150 mg PO pc or 300 mg nocte (GERD)
SALBUTAMOL 0.5% 2 ml with 4 ml of NS with O2 6-8 L/min (0.03 cc/kg in 3-4 NS) OR 0.2-0.4 mg IV
Selegiline 2.5 mg PO q12-24h (MAO-B inhibitor, add-on in Parkinson)
Senna (Senocot) q12h (constipation)
Sertraline / Fluvoxamine 50 mg PO qd (up to 200 mg)
SODIUM BICARBONATE 50 mL 8.4% solution IV
Sodium valproate 200-400 mg PO q12h (epilepsy, bipolar disorder)
Sucralfate 1 g PO q6h 1 h ac and nocte (PUD)
Sulfasalazine xxx mg qxh PO (second line in AS, IBD)
Sumatriptan 6 mg (x2) for 24h (5HT agonist; abortion of cluster headache or migraine)
Tetracycline 250 mg q6h PO (bronchitis/pneumonia)
Tolbutamide 1 g q8h (DM2 first-line; short-acting, prefered in elderly)
TRAMADOL 100 mg PO/IM/IV q4h (opioid placed between codeine and morphine use)
TRIMETHOPRIM 300 mg qd PO nocte (PED: 6 mg/kg/24h) diarrhea in children, pregnancy
VALPROATE 250 mg PO q12h (bipolar, mania, impulse control disorder)
VANCOMYCIN PO: 125 mg q6h IV: 1 g/12h
Venlafaxine 37.5-75 mg q12h PO
VERAPAMIL IV: 10 mg PO: 240 mg/12h (SVT)
Vitamin B12 1000 mg IM q2-3 days x 10-15 injections B12 deficiency
VITAMIN B6 50-100 mg/24h for PMS
VITAMIN E 600 IU/day x 8 weeks (fibrocystic disease;slowing cognitive decline)
XYLOMETAZOLINE 0.05% (nasal decongestant)
ZOLPIDEM 10 mg PO (non-benzodiazepine hypnotic)
Created by: sochi2013
Popular Pharmacology sets




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