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Jiao Ai Tang (Ass Hide Gelatin and Mugwort D.)
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Jiao Ai Tang has E Jiao and Ai Ye has Chiefs. Its Deputy herbs are 3 of the 4 components of Si Wu Tang. What are they?
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Formulas III- Wk4&5

Blood Stasis Generally, IB Menses, IB Injury, Clear Heat SB, Tonify SB

Jiao Ai Tang (Ass Hide Gelatin and Mugwort D.) Nourish Blood (thus the E Jiao), Regulate Menses (go figure), and Calm the Fetus (the mugwort)
Jiao Ai Tang has E Jiao and Ai Ye has Chiefs. Its Deputy herbs are 3 of the 4 components of Si Wu Tang. What are they? Shu Di, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong are the Four Substances in Four Substance Decoction. Jiao Ai Tang has all but Bai Shao (Shao Yao).
Warm Yang to Stop Bleeding. What is the Formula? And what do you have to add to compensate for the coldness of the chief (but very effective here to stop bleeding) herb? Bai Ye Tang (Chief herb is (Ce) Bai Ye aka Biota Leaf (not to be confused with Biota Seed, which is Bai Zi Ren!). Because biota leaf is Bitter, Astringent & COLD, add Gan Jiang and Ai Ye as Deputy herbs.
What herbs would you add to Bai Ye Tang to Tonify and Stop Bleeding if you needed more Qi Tonic power? Ren Shen, Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Da Zao
What herbs would you add to Bai Ye Tang to Tonify and Stop Bleeding if you needed more Yangi Tonic heft? Lu Rong (Cornu cervi), Du Zhong (Eucommia bark), Xian Mao (Curculiginis rhizome), Xian Ling Pi (aka Yin Yang Huo/Epimedium)
What Tonify to Stop Bleeding Herb formula are you very unlikely to ever use? And what would you possibly substitute for the "soot" if you were to do so? Yellow Earth Decoction (Huang Tu Tang). Can use (charred) Gan Jiang in place of the "soot" (Zao Xin Tu).
Clear Heat to Stop Bleeding: Which 2 formulas are exclusively for Upper Jiao maladies? Four Fresh Pill (Si Sheng Wan) and Coughing Blood Decoction (Ke Xue Tang)
Clear Heat to Stop Bleeding: Which 2 formulas are exclusively for Lower Jiao maladies? And which of those 2 is especially good for uterus and excessive uterine bleeding? Xiao Ji Yin (Cephaloanoplos D.) and Qing Re Zhi Beng ("Clear Heat" to Stop Excessive U.B. Tang)
Okay so you have excessive uterine bleeding and you need to Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding. But you also need to Regulate Qi. What might you add to Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang? Qing Pi. Chen Pi.
Okay so you have excessive uterine bleeding and you need to Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding. But you also need to Tonify Qi. What might you add to Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang? Dang Shen/Codonopsis (I suppose she would have said Ren Shen if it weren't so expensive), Huang Qi/Astragalus.
Okay so you have excessive uterine bleeding and you need to Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding. But you also need to address Turbidity. What might you add to Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang? Bi Xie!!! (Remember Radix Dioscoreae? The gods parting the seas? "Separates clear from turbid." Goes to UB, ST, LR. Is Bitter & Neutral.
Okay so you have excessive uterine bleeding and you need to Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding. But you also need to address Turbidity. Besides the obvious (Rx Dioscoreae) might you add to Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang? Shi Chang Pu (Rhizoma Acori aka Sweetflag Rhizome) "Transforms turbid damp" Is Warm, Acrid, Aromatic. Enter HT-ST.
Blood Stasis d/t Injury (aka "At Meridians"): Which of the 4 formulas to "Spread LR qi?" Revive Health by Invigorating the Blood (Fu Yuan Huo Xue)
Blood Stasis d/t Injury (aka "At Meridians"): Which of the 4 formulas to "Move Qi, Reduce Swelling/Pain?" (seem it might be applied topically) 7/1,000ths of a Tael Powder (Qi Li San)
Blood Stasis d/t Injury (aka "At Meridians"): Which of the 4 formulas to "Harmonize Nutritive qi; Reduce Swelling/Pain?" Trauma Pill (Die Da Wan)
Blood Stasis d/t Injury (aka "At Meridians"): Which of the 4 formulas to "Unblock Collaterals/Stop Pain?" Fantastically Effective (Special) Pill to Invigorate the Collaterals (Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan)
Blood Stasis @ Uterus, possible with Mass Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
"Any gynecology d/o with Blood Stasis" Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Two of the three "Warm the Menses" formulas are indicated for threatened miscarriage. One is for Chong & Ren Xu Cold with Blood Stasis and Heat (Wen Jing Tang). What is the other one? Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Which of the 3 Warm the Menses formulas would be Best Choice for lochioschesis (retention of placenta after birth)? Generation & Transformation Decoction (I imagine): Sheng Hua Tang
Warm the menses, alleviate pain Sheng Hua Tang
Blood Stasis with Qi (and Blood) and Cold (@ uterus) Sheng Hua Tang
Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong are Chief herbs. What is the (Warm the Menses) formula? Sheng Hua Tang
Gui Zhi and Fu Ling are Chief herbs. What is the (Warm the Menses) formula? Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Wu Zhu Yu and Gui Zhi are Chief herbs. What is the (Warm the Menses) formula? Wen Jing Tang
Wu Zhu Yu and Gui Zhi address the Xu Cold in C&R (in Wen Jing Tang). What herbs address the Blood Heat from prolonged Stasis? E Jiao, Mai Men Dong, (Deputies) Mu Dan Pi (Assistant)
Wu Zhu Yu and Gui Zhi address the Xu Cold in C&R (in Wen Jing Tang). What herbs Nourish the Blood? Dang Gui, Shao Yao (Deputies)
Wu Zhu Yu and Gui Zhi address the Xu Cold in C&R (in Wen Jing Tang). What Deputy herb Invigorates Blood (actually know for stopping pain)? Chuan Xiong
What are the 2 SP tonic herbs of Wen Jing Tang to help the SP to "generate qi and blood?" Ren Shen, Gan Cao
What 2 (Envoy?) herbs of Wen Jing Tang guide the formula to the Stomach (because ST meridian connects to Chong & Ren)? Sheng Jiang and.... BIOT, Ban Xia!
What might you add to Wen Jing Tang in case of excessively heavy menstruation with subsequent Essence &/or Blood Xu? Zi He Che (Purple Earth Vehicle). Also Xu Duan (Japanese Teasel Root)
What might you add to Wen Jing Tang in case of severe (uterine) masses (fibroids?)? Xiang Fu, Chen Pi, San Leng, E Zhu
Caution/Contraindication for use of Wen Jing Tang (Warm the Menses)? NOT for XS that has turned into Xu. (It is for Xu (C&R cold) that has turned into XS (Blood Stasis w/ Heat)!)
Which of the 3 Warm the Menses formulas would you choose for this constellation of sx: Irregular or heavy or no menstruation; Lower ab (dull) pain. BWP. Severe, stabbing (higher) ab pain; Dry mouth, insominia, infertility? Wen Jing Tang
Which of the 3 Warm the Menses formulas would you choose for this constellation of sx: SOB, lassitude, PA/LS. Pale complexion, dizziness/vertigo, insomnia. Pale purple T with black spots, TWC. Thready, choppy, deep, weak P. Generation & Transformation Decoction (Sheng Hua Tang)
Which of the 3 Warm the Menses formulas would you choose for this constellation of sx: Pale purple T with black spots. P is only thready or choppy. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang
All 3 Warm the Menses formulas are indicated for PID, myoma, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, lochioschesis. But only 1 is indicated for OVARIAN CYSTS. Which one? Wen Jing Tang (which doesn't really make sense b/c Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is the one that mentions MASSES!!!?)
Only two of the Warm the Menses formulas are indicated for Threatened Miscarriage. Which one is "Best Choice?" Probably Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Created by: mrbarr
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