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Immunity & Inflam.

McCance, Ch. 8

allergy immune response to unharmful environmental antigen
autoimmunity immune response to own body tissue, ex, Grave's disease
Alloimmunity imcompatibility response to tissue of same species. transfusion rejection, ABO, fetal
Type I IgE; allergic reaction, require antigen crosslink, mast cell degranulation cause histamine response
Type II tissue (cell surface) specific reaction. IgM, IgG. Lysis, phagocytosis, ADCC, or cell malfunction. ex: ABO mismatch, Myasthenia Gravis
Type III immune complex mediated, hypersensitive antibodies bind to antigens in diff. tissues of body. Ex: degenerative joint dx, arthritis
Type IV cell-mediated,(T-lymphocyte), Tc cells or Th1 produce cytokines cause phagocytosis of tissue by lysosomal enzymes, ROS; ex: poison ivy, graft rejection, RA, TB test
antigen non-self substances, "foreign" to our body; i.e. virus, bacteria, etc. environmental agents
hapten small antigens that need carrier for immunologic response to be actived
antibody immunoglobulin, produced in response to challenge immune system. IgG, IgM, IgE, IgD, IgA.
ADCC antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. subpopulation of cytotoxins that are not antigen specific. (NK-natural killers, attach to Fc receptors of the IgG)
C5-9 of complement cascade complement mediated lysis,.damages cell membrene causing cell lysis (ex: eyrthrocyte damage during ABO mismatch, Type II)
cryoglobulins precipitate of immune complexes in fingers, toes, nose below body temperature, from serum sickness called Raynaud phenomenon
Fc receptor site on IgE
ELISA test that detects IgE antibodies in the serum
contact dermatitis Type IV allergic hypersensitivity, seen with poison ivy, metals, delayed reaction, found only at the site of contact
atopic dermatitis immediated Type I hypersensitivity. widely distributed lesions; hives assoc with food allergy.
Arthus reaction Type III. skin reaction after 1 hour exposure, peak at 6-12 test; SQ injection or intradermal inoculation of drug, fungal, antigen
HLA human leukoctye antigen; match to prevent graft rejections
hemagglutinins naturally occuring antibodies, IgM, assoc. with blood typing.
universal donor Type O
universal recipient Type AB
RhD protein antigen which determines if Rh+ or Rh-. Rh+ have RhD protein. Rhd(Rh-) can make IgG anti-D antigens if exposed to Rh+ blood.
anti-D immunoglobulin prevent sensitization against D antigen if given within few days of exposure to Rh+ blood
Th1 cells, Tc cells Th1 release cytokins that activate infiltrating macrophages and Tc cells attach endothelial cells during acute rejection (Type IV)
hyperacute reaction white graft, immediate and rare graft rejection, usually caused by preexisting antibodies from previous graft, bl trans.
acute antibody-mediated rejection Type II reaction, antibody and complement reaction , about 2 wks. sensitization, complement, neutrophils, thrombi found in graft
chronic rejection slow progressive failure of organ r/t inflammation to endothelial cells lining blood vessels
opsonin C3b factor for neutrophils
chemotaxins C3a, C5a for neutrophils
Created by: Sniffen group
Popular Physiology sets




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