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SS semester 1


who were the arawaks The Arawaks were the early inhabitants of The Bahamas, who migrated out of South America.
Where did the arawaks originally come from They came from South America.
List 3 aspects of an arawaks physical appearance Arawaks were a brown-skinned people, quite tall, with broad faces.
who were caribs and what were they known for The Caribs were the Lucayans rival tribe.
list 2 duties of the cacique He/she shared out the land, food and jobs and decided on war or peace.
how did arawaks travel from island to island They travelled by canoes.
cacique ruler over the Lucayans.
bohio the chief’s house
zemi idols
duho cacique’s throne
batos ball game
coyaba Heaven
lucayans favorite food pepperpot
who was columbus Columbus was the first European to establish permanent contact between Old and New World.
where was columbus born? In what year? Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451.
what was the primary reason behind columbus voyage To outdo the Portuguese, find a new sea route to the East, expand Spanish territories, and to spread Christianity.
who financed columbus's voyage.which country did they rule King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed his voyage. They ruled Spain.
from what city did columbus originally embark from Columbus embarked from Palos, Spain.
name columbuses 3 ships Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria are Columbus’ three ships.
why did columbus have to stop in the canary islands To repair the rudder on the Pinta.
describe 3 problems experienced during the journey to the new world The compass did not point true to true north, nowhere for men to sleep, and false alarms led to restlessness.
on what date did columbus land in the bahamas Columbus landed in The Bahamas on October 12, 1492.
what was the arawak name for the island he landed on. what did columbus rename it. Guanahani is the island he landed on. He renamed it San Salvador.
where did columbus believe he landed . He thought he landed in Asia.
what was columbus's first impression on the arawaks He thought they would make good servants. He wanted their gold.
what was the name of the labor system the spanish introduced the arawaks to The encomienda system was the labor system introduced to the Arawaks.
name two navigational instruments used by columbus on his voyage, and explain what they measure The compass and the quadrant were two navigational instruments used by Columbus.
what happened to the santa maria on the first voyage He shipwrecked the Santa Maria off the north coast of Hispaniola
what was the name of the first spanish settlement in the new world The name was La Navidad.
when did columbus's second voyage begin In September 1493, Columbus began his second voyage.
how many voyages did columbus make He made 4 voyages.
which church controlled most of europe during this time The Catholic controlled the majority of Europe during this time.
who was the bahamas granted to in 1629 The Bahamas was granted to Sir Robert Heath in 1629.
who were the first european settlers in the bahamas.where did they come from They were the Eleutheran Adventurers and they came from Bermuda.
what was the name of the puritan ship captain who led the adventurers to the bahamas. what was his previous job His name was William Sayle, and he was previously governor of Bermuda.
what was the name of the document which acted as a constitution for the adventurers. how many signatures did it have. It was called Articles and orders and it contained 26 signatures.
what is the name of the cave in which the adventurers settled. They settled in Preachers Cave.
what was the name of the ship they arrived in. The ship was called The William.
what was the name of the other captain who accompanied the adventurers. The other captain who accompanied them was Captain Butler.
describe the disagreement between the two captains They argued over religion. Butler wanted no religion, Sayle wanted religion. A quarrel developed between the two captains and it was decided that Captain Butler be put ashore.
the adventurers named the island eleutheria. what does this word mean and where did it originate. ” Eleutheria” means freedom and it was Greek.
name two settlements established by the adventurers They eventually established Spanish Wells and Harbor Island.
name the college that was built as a result of the adventurers sending wood to massachusetts. Harvard College was built as a result of the Adventurers sending wood to Massachusetts.
list three responsibilities of proprietors The proprietors were there to establish law and order, raise taxes, and make money from trade.
how many lord proprietors controlled the bahamas. where were they from. There were six Lord Proprietors and they came from the Carolinas.
why was it thought that proprietors were needed They needed structure.
how much did it cost to charter the bahamas per year It cost them 100 pounds per year to charter the Bahamas.
describe the 3 responsibility of the proprietary govenors They had to run the colony, collect taxes and carry out their policies.
describe 3 ways proprietors made money By raising taxes from the settlers, running large farming or trading enterprises by themselves, and through privateering in times of war.
what was the name of the proprietary governor who renamed charles town nassau. what else did he do for the settlement His name was Nicholas Trott and he also built a fort in Nassau.
describe 3 reasons why proprietary government failed in the bahamas Governors were easily corrupted, no one good crop could be found profitable and some settlers were too selfish or too lazy.
what was the name of type of ship used by spain to transport gold from americas to europe A Galleon was the type of ship.
define the term privateer Licensed private individuals who sailed under their nations flag.
what was the name of the contract privateers had to sign The name of the contract was a letter of Marque.
name one condition that might have been found on this contract They were required to share their prizes with the governments that hired them.
where did privateers usually go to repair their ships They went to Hispaniola to repair their ships.
define boucan and explain the process behind how it was made They would hunt wild cattle, cutting the meat into strips and drying it out. These strips of meat, called boucan, was sold to passing privateers.
where did boucaniers set up their first colony They set up their first colony in Tortuga.
list two reasons why many privateers turned to a life of privacy Some governments would turn a blind eye to privateers, and they got tired of the government doing nothing but they still had to share their reward.
list 2 similarities between and 2 difference between pirates and privateers Pirates-attacked any ship, didn’t work for government Privateers-only attacked certain ships, worked for government
what were 2 common articles found aboard a pirate ship If you were caught stealing, you would be marooned. If you smoked inside cabin, you got 40 lashes of the whip.
list two reasons for nassau being chosen as a base It had a good harbor with two exits, and it was a good place to party/sell goods.
as a result of its popularity amongst pirates nassau became known as what It became known as the Pirates Republic.
list four reasons why pirates chose to work in the bahamas. The Bahamas was chosen because of its reefs, channels, protected harbors, and many deserted islands which were convenient hideaways and difficult to navigate.
what was edward teach's nickname His name was Blackbeard.
what was the name of his ship His ship was named Queen Anne’s Revenge.
name the two famous female pirates Anne Bonney and Mary Read were two famous female pirates.
what was the real name of the pirate known as calico jack His real name was John Rackham.
what is the name of the pirate who was infamous for making people walk the plank Stede Bonnet
explain why royal governmanet replaced proprietary government in the bahamas The Proprietary Government failed in the Bahamas.
what was the name of the bahamas' first royal govenor Woodes Rogers was the first Royal Governor in The Bahamas.
what was the name of the bahamas' second royal govenor The second governor was George Phenney.
describe woodes rogers early career He was a privateer. He also set out to find a Spanish treasure. He rescued Andrew Sulcure.
where in new providence is woodes rogers believed to have landed? what was the date He is believed to have landed near the present-day Sheraton British Colonial Hotel. He arrived on July 26, 1718.
explain the royal proclamation of pardon. name one pirate who excepted it It gave pirates a chance, so that if they turned themselves in, they would not be prosecuted for piracy. Captain Hornigold accepted it.
describe the disastrous state new providence was in at the time of rogers arrival The fort was without men or guns, the plantations were not producing sufficient crops, the roads were overgrown, and rubbish was piled up in every conceivable place.
list 3 ways in which rogers attempted to improve new providence during his first term He repaired the forts walls and more guns were mounted, the roads were fixed, and he also tried to reform how land was owned, used and managed.
what were some problems rogers experienced during his first term 86 of his men died within a year, and some of the settlers turned out to be quite lazy.
what was the first motto introduced by rogers The first motto was ‘Expulsis Piratis, Restituta Commercia’.
what did phenney do as governor He settled arguments on Harbor Island, and encouraged more trade in timber, salt, agriculture, and straw work.
explain why george phenney was removed as royal governor His wife took control of all goods coming into the islands and sold them at expensive prices.
in what year did rogers establish the bahamas' first elected assembly He established the assembly in 1729.
name one problem woodes rogers experienced during his second term John Colebrook got in his way. His main obstacle was the assembly, which tried to stop many of his planned projects.
would you consider woodes rogers a successful governor? why or why not I would consider him a successful governor because he still set up an assembly and fixed a lot of problems in Nassau.
Created by: Lindamina



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