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IOS 10 Exam 4


Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome is > 2 of the following criteria:
Sepsis- is defined as SIRS + Infection
Severe Sepsisis is defined as Sepsis with organ dysfunction, hypo-perfusion or hypotension
Septic Shock-is defined as SBp<90 mmHg or drop of 40
(SIRS) Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome MOA Causes Cytokines release which activates NO, PDG1, and prostacyclin, Down regulate alpha and beta receptors 3. Relative decrease in vasopressin (ADH lack of constriction) and cortisol
(CARS) compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome MOA (IL-1ra), IL-4, and IL-10.
Cardiogenic Shock-Cold shock PUMP IS NOT WORKING Builds up =PCWP (alpha and beta mediated) refractory hypotension or heart failure symptoms, uncertain volume status, or declining renal function. Problem is decrease Cardiac Output the body will increase SVR . The body vaso-constricts
Distributive Shock is Warm shock, Decrease in SVR (vasodialation more volume for blood to distribute- mediated by NO) , will lead to increase in CO-response tachycardia.
Hypovolemic Shock Cold shock Decrease in Volume (Trauma-bleeding), and a decrease in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (left ventricle blood flow) and body trys to compensate by increasing SVR (constriction). S/S Vomiting Blood-Obvious
Goals of therapy 1.Arterial pressure (MAP ≥ 65 mmHg with CVP 8-12 mmHg), 2. Urine production (≥ 0.5 mL/kg/hr),3. Skin perfusion, mental status, and indexes of perfusion (↓ lactate, SVO2 ≥ 70%).We do this by increasing preload (PCWP) with fluid replacement
Shock causes Build up of Lactic acid- (anion gap) Metabolic acidosis
Therapy of sepsis 1.Crystalloid (NS, lactated ringers) or colloid (albumin, hetastarch) if edema 2.Vasopressor - Norepinephrine- Direct A 1 and B 1 or Dobutamine IF (CO,2.5L/min or SVO2<70%) 3. Corticosteroida.IF 1.Cortisol response test 2. Pressor >48hr
Corticosteroid effect is sepsis Directly and indirectly inhibit NF-kB to reduce inflammation (SIRS), reduce NO, and increase alpha and beta receptors. (200 to 300 mg/day) of hydrocortisone
Norepinephrine-MOA Direct Alpha 1 and Beta 1- Causing more vasoconstriction increase CO. Increase work load on heart (dangerous-MI)
Phenylephrine-MOA alpha 1 only Great if tachycardic
Vasopressin-MOA V1 to enhance fluid retention and increase urine output (increase in mortality) B1 tachycardia
Dobutamine-MOA More B2=more vasodilatation and decreased SVR Use IF (CO,2.5L/min or SVO2<70%)
Dopamine-MOA Converted and release endogenous CCA’s- body has already released) Dose response: <5mcg -Dopamine (vasodilatation = increase urine production), 5-10mcg Beta1(increase CO) –> 10mcg alpha-Contract
Drotrecogin-alfa- Recombinant human activated protein C, which has both anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant propertiesIndication: Use within 48 hours of severe sepsisContraindicated: Trauma patients and Surgery patients due to increase bleed risk
Created by: liza001
Popular Pharmacology sets




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