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global warming increase in world temperatues and change in climate associated with increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other gases resulting from human activities such as deforestation and fossil-fuel burning.
globalization increasing interconnectedness of the world through common processes of economic, enviormental, political and cultural change.
greenhouse effect trapping of heat with in the atmosphere by water vapor and gases, such as carbon dioxide, resulting in the warming of the atmosphere and surface.
imperialism extention of the power of a nation through direct or indirect control of the economic and political life of other territories
mercantilism economic policy in which government controls economic trade.
apartheid south africa's policy of racial separaton that prior ro 1994 structured space and society to keep separate black white and colored populations.
berlin conference meeting convened by german chancellor bismark in 1884085 to divide africa among european colonial powers.
imperialism is the economic domination of one country by another
McDonalization is a from of rationalization. It refers too the spread of the principles of fast-food restaurants, such as efficiency, predictability, and calculability, to all spheres of life
Liberal Stronger, more active government, deficit spending when necessary, public welfare, national healthcare, tolerant of lifestyle choices, freedom of choice. members- women, higher education, blacks, Hispanics
Conservative limited government, strong military, private sector handles things, traditional family, traditional Christian views. members- men, lower education, whites, Cubans
Political Parties pick candidates, help people decide how to vote, coordinate campaigns, advocate for policy, coordinate among branches
Closed Primaries only people registered with that party can vote
Open primaries voters decide on election day which they want to participate in
blanket primaries voters vote for all parties
Why we have a two party system we have a winner take all system which makes people want to join one of the 2 larger parties
prejudice a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people
stereotype a simplified description applied to every person in some category
racism the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another
pluralism a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing
assimilation the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture
capitalism an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned
socialism an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned
monopoly the domination of a market by a single producer
oligopoly the domination of a market by a few producers
pluralist model an analysis of politics that sees power as spread among many competing interest groups
social stratification a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy
social mobility a change in position within the social hierarchy
caste system social stratification based on ascription, or birth
class system social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement
blue-collar occupations lower-prestige jobs that involve mostly manual labor
white-collar occupations higher-prestige jobs that involve mostly mental activity
socioeconomic status (SES) a composite ranking based in various dimensions of social inequality
global stratification patterns of social inequality in the world as a whole
Marbury v. Madison was the 1803 Court decision that gave the Supreme Court the right to determine whether a law violates the Constitution. It set up the principle of judicial review.
Dred Scott v. Sanford was the Supreme Court decision that said slaves were property and not citizens.
Plessy v. Ferguson was that public facilities may be "separate but equal" for blacks and whites.
Brown v. Board of Education said that racial segregation in public schools is in conflict with the Constitution and therefore illegal.
Miranda v. Arizona said that defendants or suspects must be informed of their Constitutional Rights before questioning.
Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court decided that state of Georgia did not have the authority to move Cherokee Indians off their land.
Doctrine of nullification ideas that states had the right to reject any law passed Congress.
Due process of law everyone is entitled to be treated equally by law.
Electoral college a group of voters chosen be each state to elect the President and Vic-Pres.
Embargo prevents ships from entering or leaving ports.
Erie Canal (1825) waterway connected Great Lakes to New York City
Freedman’s Bureau federal agency set up to help former slaves in the south.
Free enterprise system an economic system that has few government restrictions.
Free-Soil Party political party formed in 1846 to stop the spread of slavery.
French and Indian War (1754-1763) world-wide war between France and England
6indentured servant someone who agreed to work for an employer in exchanger for passage to the New World.
Manifest Destiny idea that Americans had a right to all of the land between the east and west coasts.
Mercantilism economic system in which England controlled the trade of the countries.
Mexican session land in the Southwest given up by Mexico in 1848 after the Mexican War.
Mexican War war between U.S. and Mexico 1846-1848.
Middle passage journey of captured Africans to the New World to be sold as saleves
Reconstruction process of re-admitting southern states into the Union
Wilmot Proviso (1846) proposal that would have banned slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico
Created by: misty66
Popular American Government sets




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