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Pharm Unit One - C

Lilley Chapters 2, 3, 5

Agonist A drug that binds to and stimulates the activity of one or more receptors in the body.
Antagonist A drug that binds to and inhibits the activity of one or more receptors in the body. Also called inhibitors.
Additive effects effect of combination of two or more drugs with similar actions equals the sum of the individual effects. 1+1=2
Antagonistic effects effect of combination of two or more drugs is less than the sum of the individual effects. 1+1 = less than 2.
What is the cause of antagonistic effects? usually caused by an antagonizing effect of one drug on another
Bioavailability a measure of the extent of drug absorption for a given drug and route (0% to 100%)
Biotransformation one or more biochemical reactions involving a parent drug. occurs mainly in the liver and produces a metabolite that is either inactive or active. Also known as metabolism.
Cytochrome P-450 general name for a large class of enzymes that play a significant role in drug metabolism.
Dissolution The process by which solid forms of drugs disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract and become soluble before being absorbed into the circulation.
Pharmacology the study or science of drugs
Pharmacokinetics the study of drug distribution among various body compartments after a drug has entered the body, including the phases of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Pharmaceutics the science of preparing and dispensing drugs, including dosage form design
Adverse drug event Any undesirable occurrence related to administering or failing to administer a prescribed medication.
Adverse effects A general term for any undesirable effects that are a direct response to one or more drugs
Allergic reaction a type of adverse drug event
Chemical name the name that describes the chemical composition and molecular structure of a drug
Contraindication Any condition, esp. one related to a disease state or other pt characteristic, including current or recent drug therapy, that renders a particular form of treatment improper or undesirable.
Drug Any chemical that affects the physiologic processes of a living organism
Drug actions The cellular processes involved in the interaction between a drug and body cells; also called mechanism of action.
Pharmacology the study or science of drugs
Pharmacokinetics the study of drug distribution among various body compartments after a drug has entered the body, including the phases of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Pharmaceutics the science of preparing and dispensing drugs, including dosage form design
Adverse drug event Any undesirable occurrence related to administering or failing to administer a prescribed medication.
Adverse effects A general term for any undesirable effects that are a direct response to one or more drugs
Allergic reaction a type of adverse drug event
Chemical name the name that describes the chemical composition and molecular structure of a drug
Contraindication Any condition, esp. one related to a disease state or other pt characteristic, including current or recent drug therapy, that renders a particular form of treatment improper or undesirable.
Drug Any chemical that affects the physiologic processes of a living organism
Drug actions The cellular processes involved in the interaction between a drug and body cells; also called mechanism of action.
Drug effects The physiologic reactions of the body to a drug. They can be therapeutic or toxic and describe how the function of the body is affected as a whole by the drug. The terms onset, peak, and duration are used.
Drug interaction Alteration in the pharmacologic activity of a given drug caused by the presence of one or more additional drugs; it is usually related to effects on the enzymes required for metabolism of the involved drugs.
Duration of action the length of time the concentration of a drug in the blood or tissues is sufficient to elicit a response
First-pass effect the initial metabolism in the liver of a drug absorbed from the GI tract before the drug reaches systemic circulation through the bloodstream.
Generic name. nonproprietary name. much shorter and simpler than the chemical name and is not protected by trademark
Half-life the time required for half of an administered dose of drug to be eliminated by the body, or the time it takes for the blood level of a drug to be reduced by 50%.
Incompatibility the characteristic that causes two parenteral drugs or solutions to undergo a reaction when mixed or given together that results in the chemical deterioration of at least one of the drugs.
Medication error any preventable adverse drug event involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or health care professional; it may or may not cause harm to the pt
Metabolite A chemical form of a drug that is the product of one or more biochemical (metabolic) reactions involving the parent drug.
Active metabolites have pharmacologic activity of their own, even if the parent drug is inactive.
Inactive metabolites lack pharmacologic activity and are simply drug waste products.
Onset of action time required for a drug to elicit a therapeutic response after dosing
Parent drug the chemical form of a drug that is administered before it is metabolized by the body's biochemical reactions into its active or inactive metabolites.
Peak effect the time required for a drug to reach its maximum therapeutic response in the body
Pharmacodynamics the study of the biochemical and physiologic interactions of drugs at their sites of activity. It examines the physiochemical properties of drugs and their pharmacologic interactions with body receptors.
Pharmacotherapeutics the treatment of pathologic conditions through the use of drugs
Prodrug an inactive drug dosage form that is converted to an active metabolite by various biochemical reactions once it is inside the body
Steady state the physiologic state in which the amount of drug removed via elimination is equal to the amount of drug absorbed with each dose.
Therapeutic drug monitoring the process of measuring drug peak and trough levels to gauge the level of a pt's drug exposure and allow adjustment of dosages with the goals of maximizing therapeutic effects and minimizing toxicity.
Therapeutic effect the desired or intended effect of a particular medication
Therapeutic index the ratio btwn the toxic and therapeutic concentrations of a drug
Tolerance Reduced response to a drug after prolonged use
Toxic the quality of being poisonous
Trade name proprietary name
Trough level the lowest concentration of drug reached in the body after it falls from its peak level, usually measured in a blood sample for therapeutic drug monitoring.
Created by: 569961683
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