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Peds - Drugs to Know

the list of drugs Peters says we need to know

Tylenol - generic name Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen - trade name Tylenol
Tylenol/acetaminophen classification antipyretics, nonopioid analgesics
Tylenol/acetaminophen indications for use mild pain, fever
Tylenol/acetaminophen safe dose for children PO children 1-12 yrs 10-15 mg/kg/dose q 4-6 hrs as needed. not to exceed 5 doses in 24 hrs
Tylenol/acetaminophen side effects hepatic failure, hepatotoxicity (overdose), renal failure (high doses/chronic use), neutropenia, pancytopenia, leukopenia, rash, urticaria
Tylenol/acetaminophen pt teaching check concentrations of liquid preparations. Errors result in serious liver damage.
Tylenol/acetaminophen nursing considerations if overdose occurs, use acetylcysteine
Advil - generic name ibuprofen
Ibuprofen - trade name Advil, motrin
Advil/ibuprofen - classification antipyretics, antirheumatics, nonopioid analgesics, NSAIDs
Advil/ibuprofen indications for use mild to moderate pain, juvenile RA, lowering of fever
Advil/ibuprofen safe dose for children PO infants and children 4-10 mg/kg/dose q 6-8 hrs, not to exceed 40 mg/kg/day
Advil/ibuprofen side effects headache, dizziness, drowsiness
Advil/ibuprofen pt teaching calculate and measure doses accurately, check labels of OTC products to prevent giving child more than one ibuprofen product, don't give to dehydrated children.
Advil/ibuprofen nursing considerations pts with asthma, aspirin-induced allergy, and nasal polyps are at increased risk for developing hypersensitivity reactions.
Amoxicillin - trade name Augmentin
Augmentin - generic name Amoxicillin
Augmentin/amoxicillin - classification anti-infectives, aminopenicillins/beta lactamase inhibitors
Augmentin/amoxicillin - indications for use treatment of a variety of infections: skin/skin structure infections, otitis media, sinusitis, resp. tract infections, GU tract infections
Augmentin/amoxicillin - safe doses for children PO children > 40 kg 250 mg q 8 hr or 500 mg q 12 hr
Gentamicin - trade name Cidomycin, Garamycin
Cidomycin - generic name gentamicin
Gentamicin - classification anti-infectives, aminoglycosides
Gentamicin - indications for use treatment of serious gram-negative bacillary infections and infections caused by staphylococci when penicillins or other less toxic drugs are contraindicated.
Gentamicin - safe dose for children IM, IV Children >5 yrs 2-2.5 mg/kg/dose q 8 hr IM, IV Children 1 mo-5 yr 2.5 mg/kg/dose q 8 hr
Gentamicin - side effects ataxia, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Gentamicin - pt teaching report signs of hearing loss, hypersensitivity, tinnitus, vertigo, rash, dizziness, or difficulty urinating. important to drink plenty of liquids.
Gentamicin - nursing considerations assess for infection before and during therapy. evaluate CN VIII throughout therapy. Monitor I/O to assess hydration status/renal function.
Augmentin/amoxicillin - side effects diarrhea, rashes, anaphylaxis, serum sickness
Augmentin/amoxicillin - pt teaching notify health care professional immediately if diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, or bloody stools occurs. calculate/measure doses accurately.
vancomycin trade name Lyphocin
Lyphocin generic name vancomycin
vancomycin (Lyphocin) classification Anti-infectives
vancomycin (Lyphocin) indications for use Treatment of potentially life-threatening infections when less toxic anti-infectives are contraindicated. Particularly useful in staphylococcal infections.
vancomycin (Lyphocin) safe dose for children IV (Children > 1 month): 40 mg/kg/day divided q 6-8 hr. maximum dose: 1 g/dose
vancomycin (Lyphocin) side effects Nephrotoxicity, phlebitis, anaphylaxis
vancomycin (Lyphocin) pt teaching Report signs of hypersensitivity, tinnitus, vertigo, or hearing loss. Notify health care provider if no improvement is seen in a few days.
vancomycin (Lyphocin) nursing considerations Monitor IV site closely (severe pain with extrvasation). Evaluate VIII cranial nerve.
prednisone trade name Sterapred
Sterapred generic name prednisone
prednisone (Sterapred) classification antiasthmatics, corticosteroids
prednisone (Sterapred) indications for use used systemically/locally in wide variety of chronic diseases: inflammatory, allergic, hematologic, neoplastic, autoimmune, prevention of organ transplantation, asthma.
prednisone (Sterapred) safe dose for children PO (children) <2 mg/kg/day, in various divided doses
prednisone (Sterapred) side effects depression, euphoria, hypertension, anorexia, nausea, acne, decreased wound healing, ecchymosies, fagility, hirsutism, petechiae, adrenal suppression, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, cushingoid appearance.
prednisone (Sterapred) pt teaching stopping meds suddenly can result in adrenal insufficiency, this can be life-threatening. Causes immunosuppresion and masks symptoms of illness, keep away from contagious people.
prednisone (Sterapred) nursing considerations children should have periodic evaluations of growth. If ordered daily/every other day, administer in the morning to coincide w/body’s normal secretion of cortisol.
prednisone (Sterapred) pt teaching cont. Avoid vaccinations. Immediately report severe abdominal pain or tarry stools. Tell doctors about medication before treatment or surgery.
prednisone (Sterapred) nursing considerations cont. Administer with food. Tablets may be crushed and admin. w/food. Do not confuse prednisone with methylprednisolone or primidone.
albuterol trade names Proventil, Ventolin, Accuneb
Proventil generic name albuterol
Ventolin generic name albuterol
Accuneb generic name albuterol
albuterol classification bronchodilator, adrenergic
albuterol indications for use control/prevent reversible airway obstruction caused by asthma
albuterol safe dose for children Inhaln (MDI, children >4 yr) 2 inhalations q 4-6 hr or 2 inhalations 15 min before exercise (90 mcg/spray). Inhaln (nebulizer, children 2-12) 0.15 mg/kg/dose (min 2.5 mg) q 20 min for 3 doses, then 0.15-0.3 mg/kg (not over 10 mg) q 1-4 hr prn.
albuterol side effects nervousness, restlessness, tremor, chest pain, palpitations
albuterol pt teaching albuterol may cause an unusual or bad taste. Rinse mouth with water after each inhalation to min. dry mouth. Caution about overuse of inhalers, which can cause heart damage and life-threatening arrhythmias.
albuterol nursing considerations do not confuse Salbutamol (albuterol) with Salmeterol. Use spacer with inhaler for children <8 yrs of age.
ribavirin trade names Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole
Virazole generic name ribavirin
Rebetol generic name ribavirin
Copegus generic name ribavirin
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole) classification antiviral, nucleoside analogues
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole) indications for use treatment of severe lower resp. tract infections caused by the resp. syncytial virus (RSV)
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole) safe dose for children 300mL of 20 mg/mL solution delivered via mist for 12-18 hr/day
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole) side effects hemolytic anemia, emotional lability, anorexia, vomiting, fever
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole)pt teaching Explain purpose and route of treatment. Inform that ribavirin may cause blurred vision and photosensitivity.
ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Virazole) nursing considerations assess for infection, resp. status, and fluid status before and throughout therapy. Obtain specimens for culture and sensitivity prior to therapy.
metaclopramide trade name Reglan
Reglan generic name metaclopramide
Reglan (metaclopramide) classification antiemetic
Reglan (metaclopramide) indications for use prevention of chemotherapy-induced emesis. treatment of postsurgical gastric stasis. facilitation of small bowel intubation in radiographic procedures. treatment and prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Reglan (metaclopramide) safe dose for children Postoperative nausea/vomiting, IM/IV: 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose, repeat in 6-8 hr if needed. Chemotherapy, PO/IV: 1-2 mg/kg 30 min before therapy.
Reglan (metaclopramide) side effects drowsiness, extrapyramidal reactions, restlessness
Reglan (metaclopramide) pt teaching unintentional overdose has been reported in infants and children with the use of metoclopramide oral solution. teach parents to accurately read labels.
Reglan (metaclopramide) nursing considerations monitor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, altered consciousness, irregular pulse or blood pressure, tachycardia, and diaphoresis).
Reglan (metaclopramdie) safe doses cont. Small bowel intubation, IV: (children 6-14 yr)2.5-5 mg (do not exceed 0.5 mg/kg) over 1-2 min. (children <6) 0.1mg/kg over 1-2 min.
Desferal generic name deferoxamine
deferoxamine trade name Desferal
Desferal (deferoxamine) classification antidotes, heavy metal antagonists
Desferal (deferoxamine) indications for use acute toxin ingestion. Secondary iron overload syndromes associated with multiple transfusion therapy.
Desferal (deferoxamine) safe dose for children Acute iron ingestion (children >3 yr), IM,IV: 20 mg/kg then 10 mg/kg q 4 hr for 2 doses. Additional doses of 10 mg/kg q 4-12 hr may be needed (not to exceed 6g/24 hr.
Desferal (deferoxamine) safe dose cont. Chronic iron overload (children >3 yr), IM, IV: 500 mg-1g daily; additional doses of 2 g should be given IV for each unit of blood transfused.
Desferal (deferoxamine) side effects red urine
Desferal (deferoxamine) pt teaching reassure pt that red urine is expected and reflects excretion of iron. advise not to take vit C preparations because tissue toxicity may increase.
Desferal (deferoxamine) nursing considerations monitor signs of iron toxicity, VS, I/O, urine color. may cause oculotoxicity or ototoxicity. report decrease visual acuity or hearing loss.
pancrelipase trade names Creon, Pancrease, Viokase
Creon generic name pancrelipase
Pancrease generic name pancrelipase
Viokase pancrelipase
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) classification digestive agents, pancreatic enzymes
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) indications for use pancreatic insufficiency
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) safe dose for children PO (children) 1-3 capsule(s) before or with meals; dosage may be increased as needed, or 1-2 delayed-release capsule(s), or 0.7 g powder.
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) side effects abdominal pain (high doses only), diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) pt teaching dosage should be adjusted for fat content of diet. 300 mg of pancrelipase is needed to digest every 17 g of dietary fat. do not chew tablets, swallow quickly with plenty of liquid.
pancrelipase (Creon, Pancrease, Viokase) nursing considerations assess nutritional status prior to and during therapy. monitor stools for high fat content. assess pt for allergy to pork. administer immediately before or with meals and snacks. pancrelipase is destroyed by acid.
Created by: 569961683
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