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LH pharmacy abbrev.

Pharmacy Tech Abbreviations

abd abdominal
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
alb albumin
alk alkaline
ane anesthesia
BM Bowel Movement
BP blood pressure
BS blood sugar
CA carcinoma
carb carbohydrate
cath catheter
CCU coronary care unit
CHF congestive heart failure
CNS central nervous system
CVA cerebro vascular accident
DX diagnosis
ECG electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
EKG electrocardiogram
FBS fasting blood sugar
GI gastrointestinal
HR heart rate
ICU intensive care unit
n & v nausea and vomiting
NPO nothing by mouth
post op after surgery
post partum after delivery
pre op before surgery
STAT now, at once
surg surgery
TX treatment
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
ADR adverse drug reaction
amp ampule
APAP acetaminophen
APC aspirin, phenacetin, codeine
ASAP as soon as possible
AAWP average/ average wholesale price
AWP average wholesale price
B+O belladonna and opium
cmpd, cpd compound
conc concentration
DAW dispense as written
DC discontinue
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
DUR drug utilization review
EtOH ethyl alcohol, ethanol
HA hyperalimentation
HC hydrocortisone
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
INH isoniazid
KVO keep vein open
LAS label as such
LCD liquid carbonic detergent
legend prescription drug
M. mix
MAC maximum allowable cost
MDI metered-dose inhaler
mEq milliequivalent
MOM milk of magnesia
MS morphine sulfate
MVI multi-vitamin infusion
NF National Formulary
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NTG nitroglycerin
OJ Orange Juice
OTC Over the Counter
PCN penicillin
ped. pediatric
PPI patient package insert
sat. saturated
SSKI saturated solution potassium iodide
T temperature
TCN tetracycline
TPN total parental nutrition
USP United States Pharmacopeia
vit vitamin
Created by: LaurenH925
Popular Pharmacology sets




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