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Voc. SOL 6

Civics and Econ

agency a bureau or department that does business for the government
ambassador a diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one country to another
annual once a year
appeal an application for review by a higher court
appoints to name or assign officially
bicameral having two chambers or houses
budget a plan for spending money
bureaucracy a body of officials and administrators
cabinet a council advising a leader or chief executive
committee a group of people chosen to investigate and act on a matter
confirm approve
executes carries out
federal national
foreign of or from another country
impeach to accuse p public official of misconduct in office by bring charges before an appropoiate tribunal
interpret to give the meaning of
omterstate involving different states
judicial review the power supeme courts have to stop legislation that it determines is unconstitutionsl
legislation a law or a body of laws enacted
override overrule or reject
policy a course of action adopted and pursed by a government
propose to offer for consideration
regulate to control or direct in accordance with a standard or requirement
regulatory group group who controls and directs the standards and requirements
revenue income the government gets from taxes and other sources
special session an unplanned meeting of Congress called by the president in a time of crisis
State of the Union address a speech the president makes every January to tell the nation what course or policy he would like the nation to take
structure the manner in which something is organized or interrelated
unconstitutional goes against the constitution
veto the power of one branch of government to cancel the decisions or actions of another
Created by: sforrester
Popular American Government sets




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