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estrogen replacement therapy benefit during menopause oral contraception, osteoporosis, acne
medical conditions that benefit from Tx with/ anabolic steroids hypogonadism, cancer, AIDS wasting
anabolic steroid controlled drug schedule C-III
tissues/glands that produce progesterone corpus luteum, adrenal cortex, placenta
conditions that anti-androgen drugs Tx prostate cancer, testicular cancer, hirsutism
some anti-androgen drugs Proscar, Propecia, flutamide
a monophasic oral contraceptive Loestrin FE
a biphasic oral contraceptive Ortho-Novum
a triphasic oral contraceptive Triphasil
class of drug used for "post-fertilization" contraception following unprotected sex post-coital contraception
Do oral contraceptive drugs protect against the transmission of the AIDS virus? NO
some medical uses of Megace AIDs wasting, endometrial cancer, breast cancer
some drugs used to stimulate ovulation Clomid, Fertinex, Pergonal
some side effects of testosterone therapy hypercalcemia, priapism, impotence
glands that produce testosterone testes & adrenal cortex
MOA of oral contraceptive medications estrogen: suppresses FSH, preventing ovulation progesterone: changes endometrial lining to prevent implantation
hysterectomy surgical removal of uterus
menopause phase of a woman's life when menstruation ceases, usually beginning around age 50 (decrease in hormonal levels)
endometriosis displaced endometrial lining outside the uterus, especially on pelvic & abdominal organs; can be site of ectopic pregnancy
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
advantages of biphasic & triphasic oral contraceptives mimic natural estrogen & progesterone levels
some uses of estrogen-containing products dysmenorrhea & prostate cancer Tx
some uses of progestin-containing products uterine bleeding & infertility Tx
a hormonal replacement product available as a patch Testoderm, Estoderm & Combipatch
RX drugs used to enhance male sexual function Muse, Levitra & Cialis
where fertilization of the ovum takes place felopian tubes
trivora Triphasil (oral contraception)
stanozolol Winstrol (anabolic steroid)
transdermal testosterone Testoderm (androgen)
medroxyprogesterone Provera (progestin)
nandrolone decanoate Deca-Durabolin (anabolic steroid)
leuprolide acetate Lupron (gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog)
tamoxifen Nolvadex (anti-estrogen)
danazole Danocrine (androgen)
conjugated estrogens Premarin (estrogen)
fluoxymesterone Halotestin (androgen) (C-II)
finasteride Proscar (anti-androgen)
Created by: sillysisyphus
Popular Pharmacology sets




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