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benzodiazepinesanti anxiety - habit forming
benzodiazepines - used for anxiety panic attacks, preanesthetic sedation and muscle relaxation, convulsions/seizures, alcohol withdrawl
benzodiazepines examples ativan, xanax, valium, librium, klonopin
benzodiazepines adverse rx mild lethargy, tolerence with long term use, disorientation, restlessness, anger, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, visual distrubances
benzodiazepines antidote Flumazenil given IV and works within 6 - 10 min
benzodiazepines interactions teach pt to avoid alcohol. can stop your breathing. never discontinue abruptly.
Benzodiazipines withdrawl symptoms increased anxiety, concentration difficulties, tremors, sensory disturbances such as parathesia, photophobia, hypersomnia, metallic taste.
Benzodiazepines preg D causes Floppy infant syndrome
Benzodiazepines nursing process antianxiety meds check B/P, monitor profound drowsiness, check resp, IM injections, oral with food, decrease dose on elderly
Benzodiazepines Pt education dont drive till you know how it effects you, no alcohol, sip H2O, dry mouth, increase fluids, exercise, fiber for constipation.
Extrapyramidal Effects (EPS) most significant adv rx associated with antipsychotic drugs EPS affects nervous system causing Parkinson like symptoms Akathisia - extreme restlessnes and increase motor activity Dystonia - abnormal muscle movement of various muscle groups
Lithium manic drug. not a true antipsychotic drug toxic when serum lithium level greater than 1.5 MEq/L. dosage must be adjusted. call doc. take with food
S/S toxicity N/V/D, arrhythmia, seizures, coma
Tardive Dyskinesia TD potentially irreversible, rhythmic involuntary movements of tongue, face, mouth, jaw, or extremities.
Neuroleptic Malignant syndrome NMS rare reaction. combination of EPS, hyperthermia, and autonomic disturbance, NMS fatal immediate discontinuation of med
Antipsychotic drugs also called neuroleptic drugs used to treat psychiatic disorders
Symptoms of psychosis Hallucinations- false sensations or perceptions having no basis in reality. Delusions- false beliefs thats not true. flattened affect-absense from emotions anhendonia- no pleasure in anything
Antipsychotic drugs -to much dopamine uses-mngmnt of acute and chronic psychoses schizophrenia, bipolar(manic depressive)illness. agitated behaviors associated with dementia.
Typical antipsychotics- inhibiting or blocking release of nruotransmitters dopamine Thorazine, use for hiccup Haldol Compazine, N/V Navane Orap, touretts syndrome
Atypical antipsychotic- act on serotonin receptors and dopamine receptors. do not cause as much side effects Abilify Clozaril Zyprexia Invega Resperdal
Typical and Atypical Adv RX sedation, hypotension, dry mouth, nasal congestion, urticaria, photophobia, behavoral changes, H.A.
Created by: trish45631
Popular Pharmacology sets




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