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chapters #4


neoplasma uncontrolled growth of cells
neoplasm-or-tumor group of cells that is fast growing
benign tumors noncancerous, usually localized (contained)
malignant tumor cells accumulate uncontrollably, invade normal tissue, have aability to metastasize , or move to other sites.
adenoma benign tumor of gland-can cause oversecretion of hormone in structure
fatty Lipomas develop in adipose tissue-occur more often in men
myoma tumor of muscle-rare in voluntary muscles, do develop in smooth muscle. ex: uterine fibroids
angiomas localized tumors that result from hyperplasia of blood or lymph tissue. ex: port wine birthmarks
epithelial common wart. ex:of papiloma
meningiomas benign brain tumors
transformation process in which cancer cells develop
initiation (first phase) a change in genetic material prepares the cell to become cancerous abnormal tumor promoting genes
promotion (second phase) initiated cells-initiated cells proliferate
carcinogenesis the development of cancer involves a complex sequence of genetic mutations.
mutation a change in the biochemistry of a gene resulting in the abnormal cells.
carcinomas epithelial cells that line the body surfaces ex; skin, mucous membranes
sarcoma highly malignant connective tissue tumors originate from muscle, fat, bone, and blood vessels
mixed cancers originate in cells. Capable of differentiating into epithelial or connective tissue.
leukemias or cancer of blood forming tissue
lymphomas cancer of lymphatic tissue, classified by cell type and degree of differentiation
melanomas malignant neoplasms derived from pigment producing cells called melanocytes
Created by: carolynsue
Popular Pharmacology sets




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