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drugs for bacterial infection

pathogens organisms that can cause disease
Pathogens must bypass the body's defenses: two ways: invasiveness and toxin production
pathogens that divide rapidly to overcome and cause direct damage: invading invasiveness
pathogens that are very small amounts disrupt normal cell function: one viral cell toxin production
pathogens organisms that can cause disease
ability of an organism to cause infection: cold virus- disruption pathgenicity
Pathogens must bypass the body's defenses: two ways: invasiveness and toxin production
Anti- infective drugs are known as antibacterial, antimicrobal, antibiotic
pathogens that divide rapidly to overcome and cause direct damage: invading invasiveness
Anti- infective drugs: pharmacological class mechanism of action ( cell wall inhibior, folic- acid inhibitor)
pathogens that are very small amounts disrupt normal cell function: one viral cell toxin production
Anti- infective drug: Therapeutic class anitbacterial, antimicrobial, antibiotic
ability of an organism to cause infection: cold virus- disruption pathgenicity
action of anti- infective drugs affect target organim's structure, metabolism, or life cycle
ability of a microbe to produce disease when present in minute numbers: virulence
goal of anti- infected drugs is to eliminate pathogen
Anti- infective drugs are known as antibacterial, antimicrobal, antibiotic
kill bacteria bactericidal
Anti- infective drugs: pharmacological class mechanism of action ( cell wall inhibior, folic- acid inhibitor)
slow growth of bacteria bacteriostatic
Anti- infective drug: Therapeutic class anitbacterial, antimicrobial, antibiotic
Antituberculosis drugs used to prevent disease in high- risk populations chemoprophylaxix
action of anti- infective drugs affect target organim's structure, metabolism, or life cycle
Close contacts and family members of recent
goal of anti- infected drugs is to eliminate pathogen
kill bacteria bactericidal
slow growth of bacteria bacteriostatic
Antituberculosis drugs used to prevent disease in high- risk populations chemoprophylaxis
drug given to Close contacts and family members of recently infected TB clients chemoprophylaxis
drug given to clients with AIDS chemoprophylaxis
drug given to clients who are HIV- positive or are recieving immunosuppresant drugs chemoprophylaxis
prototype for Penicillin penicillin G (pentids)
Penicillin's mechanism of action kill bacteria by disrupting their cell walls
Penicillin's primary use: as a drug of choice against streptococci, pneumococci, and staphylococci organisms that do not produce penicillinase
Penicillin G (pentids) is also a med of choice for gonorrhea and pyphillis
Adverse reactions for penicillin G(pentids) diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, superinfections, anaphylaxis
Prototype drug for Cephalosporins cefotaxmine (claforan)
cefotaxmine (claforan) mechanism of action to act with broad spectrum activity against gram- negitive organisms
cefotaxmine (claforan) primary use: for serious infections of lower respiratory tract, CNS, genitourinary system, bones, blood and joitns
Adverse affects of cefotaxmine (claforan) hypersenitivty, anaphylaxis, diarrhea, vomitting, nausea, pain at injection site
Tetracycline prototye drug: tetracycline HCL (Achromycin, others)
tetracycline HCL mechanisms of action: effective against broad range of gram + and gram - organisms
Primary use of Tetracycline HCL (Archomysin) clamydiae, rickettsiae, and mycoplasm
Adverse affects of Tetracline HCL (Archomysin) superinfections, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, discoloration of teeth, photosensitivity
Macrolide prototype drug: erthromysin (E- Mysin, Erythrocin)
Mechanism of action erthryomysin (E- mysin, Erythrocin) to act as spectrum similar to that of penicillins; also effectve against gram + bacteria
Primary use of Erythromysin (E- mysin, Erythrocin) Bordetella pertusis (whooping cough) and Corynebactrium diphtheriae, most gram + bacteria
adverse a
Created by: Mollie28
Popular Pharmacology sets




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