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Romeo and Juliet

Vocabulary Acts 1 through 3

valiant brave
fray fight
profaner one who treats sacred things with contempt
pernicious destructive; deadly
forfeit something a person must give up as punishment for breaking the law or rules of a game
adversary opponent or enemy
portentous threatening
transgression the breaking of a law
assail attack violently
anguish great mental or physical suffering
languish to become weak
counsel advice
waddle to walk with short steps that cause the body to sway from side to side
disposition a settlement
esteem high rank
oppression something that weighs heavily on the mind, body, or senses
boisterous stormy; violent
alderman a member of the city government
athwart across
nuptial a wedding
rapier a long, slender two edged sword
endure to last
intrusion an uninvited or illegal entry
convert to change into another form or thing
trespass to enter another’s property or land without permission
conjure to appeal to earnestly
invocation a serious request
perjury the telling of a lie while swearing to tell the truth
variable changeable
idolatry extreme devotion to a person or thing
repose to lie at rest
procure to get
rite a religious or other formal ceremony
prate to chatter
fain gladly
herald a person or thing that announces important news or events to come
wanton unrestrained
vile disgusting
dexterity skill
tributary a stream flowing into a river
banishment exile
calamity a disaster
prevail to succeed
reconcile to accept or agree to something
commend to give regards, or good wishes, to someone
tidings news
beseech to ask seriously
Created by: shaws
Popular Literature sets




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