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Street Law Chapt11
Question | Answer |
a Latin word meaning "elsewhere"; an excuse or plea that a person was somewhere else at the time a crime was committed | alibi |
biological evidence, derived from testing samples of human tissues and fluids, that genetically links an offender to a crime | DNA evidence |
the legal defense of a person considered not yet legally responsible for his or her actions; the time before which a person becomes entitled to the legal rights and responsibilities normally held by citizens | infancy |
a state of drunkenness or similar condition created by the use of drugs or alcohol | intoxication |
defense raised by a criminal defendant stating that because of mental disease or defect, the defendant should not be held responsible for the crime committed | insanity defense |
an act by law enforcement officials to persuade a person to commit a crime that the person would not otherwise have committed; if this is proven, this is a valid defense to a criminal charge | entrapment |
unlawful pressure on a person to do something that he or she would not otherwise do; this may be a defense to a criminal charge | duress |
a defense to a criminal charge that shows a just or lawful reason for the defendant's conduct | necessity |