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Chapert 10

Chapters 10, 11, 12, and 24

Most pulmonary medications are designed to make breathing easier by causing? Bronchodilation and reducing inflammation.
Common respiratory diseases that respond to bronchodilators include? 1. Asthma 2. Emphysema
Asthma and emphysema are COPD'S which stand for? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Many pulmonary medications are administered by inhalation via? Metered - dose inhaler (MDI)
Administration of MDI's is measured in? Puffs
Common fast acting Bronchodilators (NSAID) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include? 1. albuterol 2. Proventil 3. Ventolin 4. ProAir 5. aminophylline 6. epinephrine aka Primatene Mist 7. Alupent 8. Maxair 9. terbutaline aka Brethine 10. theophylline (theo) aka Elixophyllin or Theo-25 11. Atrovent 12. Serevent
Long acting bronchodilators should never be used alone in the treatment of asthma and should be used for the? Shortest duration of time.
Long duration is associated with an increased risk of? Severe worsening of asthma symptoms
Leukotriene blockers reduce allergy related asthma and include? Singular
(SAID'S) = steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs designed to reduce the incidence of asthma include? 1. Asmanex 2. Pulmicort 3. Azmacort 4. Flovent
Medications containing a bronchodilator and SAID used to treat asthma include? 1. Symboicort 2. Advair 3. Combivent
MDI medication to treat asthma and emphysema is? Spiriva
Intradermal skin test used to detect TH exposure include? 1. PPD 2. Mantoux 3. tine
Antituberculine (TB) medications include? 1. INH aka insoniazid 2. Ricadin aka rifamoin 3. Myambutol aka ethambutol
MDRTB multidrug resistant tuberculosis
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) include? 1. Habitrol 2. Nicoderm NTP = nicotine Transdermal patch 3. Nicotette 4. Nocotrol
Non-nicotine smoking cessation drug include? 1. clonidine aka Catapres 2. Zyban (ban on smoking) Zyban is also used as an antidepressant 3. Chantix
Mucolytics are used for? Break up mucus in the lungs for easier expectoration.
A common mucolytic is? Mucomyst
Mucomyst (Acetadote) is also used as an? Acetaminophen (APAP) antagonist
Common trade name for acetaminophen is? Tylenol
Pneumovax is used for? prophylactically prevent streptococcal pneumonia
CHF stands for? Congestive Heart Failure
CHF indicates a? "Weak pump"
Causes of CHF includes? 1. Heredity 2. Smoking 3. Excess fat in diet (obesity) 4. Sedentary lifestyle 5. Age 6. MI(s) 7. Valvular
As the heart weakens the amount of blood the heart ejects lessens and the heart rate? Increases
Signs of CHF includes? 1. Pedal edema 2. Pulmonary edema
Medication that slows the heart rate and stimulates the heart to beat more forcefully is called? 1. Lanoxin 2. Digitek 3. Lanoxicaps
The generic name for Lanoxin, Digitek, and Lanoxicaps is? dixgoxin (dig)
Lanoxin, Digitek, Lanoxicaps (digoxin) has a narrow TI which means? the margin between the therapeutic level and toxic level is very narrow.
Patients taking digoxin get routine blood tests called? dig levels
Signs of digitalis toxicity include? Bradycardia and yellow-green halos around lights
Lanoxin, Digitek, or Lanoxicaps (digoxin) is commonly administered in combination with a diuretic called? furosemide aka Lasix
Lasix (furosemide) causes an excessive loss of the electrolyte? Potassium
The abbreviation of potassium is? K
K is measured in mEq = milliequivillents
Thoracodynia caused coronary ischemia is called? Angina pectoris
The coronary ischemia is caused by? Stenosis (narrowing) of the coronary arteries.
Causes of atherosclerosis include? 1. Heredity 2. Smoking 3. Excessive fat in the diet (obesity) 4. Sedentary life style 5. Age
Many antianginals work by causing the coronary ateries to? Vasodilate
Antianginals include? 1. mitroglycerin aka Nitrostat or Nitro Dur 2. Isosorbide (sore heart) aka Isordil 3. antenolol aka Tenormin 4. metoprolol aka Lopressor or Toprol 5. nadolol aka Corgard 6. propranolol aka Inderal (Inderal does it all)
Antianginals continued? 7. amlodipine aka Norvase 8. nicardipine aka Cardene 9. nifedipine aka Adalat or Procardia 10. verapamil aka Calan 11. diltiazem aka Cardizem
The abbreviations for nitroglycerin include? NTG, nitro
NTG is routinely administered? sublingually (SL) transdermally intravenously (IV)
Antiarrhythmic medications are prescribed to treat? Cardiac dysrhytmias.
Cardiac dysrhythmias are? Abnormalities in the condition of electrical impulses in the heart.
Antiarrhythmics include? 1. Norpace aka disopyramide 2. Betapace 3. procainamide aka Pronestyl 4. Rythmol 5. propranolol aka Inderal (Inderal does it all) 6. diltilazem aka Cardizem 7. verapamil aka Calan 8. clonidine aka Catapres 9. digoxin aka Lanoxin,Digitek,
HTN Hypertension
Hypertension refers to? Chronic high blood pressure
HHD stands for? Hypertensive heart disease
Medications prescribed to lower blood pressure are called? Antihypertensive
Common cause of hypertension (HTN) include? 1. atherosclerosis 2. kidney disease 3. Poor stress management 4. excess salt, caffeine nicotine and alcohol
Hypertension of unknown causes is called? Primary, essential, idiopathic hypertension.
Antihypertensives include? 1.Diovan 2.Cozaar 3.Benicar 4.Hyzaar aka losartan + hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) 5.Avapro 6.metoprolol aka Lopressor or Toprol 7.propranolol aka Inderal 8.antenolol aka Tenormin 9.nadolol aka Corgard 10.amiodipine aka Norvasc
Antihypertensive continued? 11.nicardipine aka Cardene 12.nifedipine aka Adalat or Procardia 13.diltilazem aka Cardizem 14.verapamil aka Calan 15.clonidine aka Catapres 16.Minipress 17.Capoten 18.Lotensin 19.Hytrin
Hyperlipidemia means? a blood condition of excessive fat
Fats that can cause disease of the heart and blood vessels include? 1. Cholesterol 2. Triglycerides 3. Trans-fatty acids
These fats are considered? Saturated
Medications prescribed to lower the amount of circulating fat in the blood are called? Antihyperlipidemics (statins)
Antihyperlipidemics (statins) include? 1. Lipitor 2. Crestor 3. Pravachol 4. Zocor 5. Lopid 6. niacin aka Niaspan 7. trilipix
The combination of Norvasc (amlodipine) Lipitor is called? Caduet
An omega-3 supplement for hypertriglyceridemia is called? Lovaza
Anticoagulants decrease the body ability to form? Thrombi (clots)
Abnormal thrombus formation can lead to floating clots called? Emboli
Emboli can become lodged in a stenosed artery and cause? Infarcts
Common infarcts include? 1. mycardial infarction (MI) a MI is aka a heart attack or coronary 2. Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) aka a stroke.
Layperson called anticoagulants? Blood thinners.
Common anticoagulant medications include? 1. heparin 2. warfarin aka Coumadin 3. Plavix 4. ASA 5. dipyridamold aka Persantine 6. Lovenox
Plavix ix a common prophylaxis? MI and CVA
Plavix use has been linked to? Thrombotic thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
TTP can cause? Bleeding tendencies Hypochromic anemia and kidney failure.
Bleeding problems can occur if ASA or Coumadin (warfarin) is combined with? Gingko biloba , garlic, ginger and NSAIDS
Thrombolytic (tPA) medications are administered to? Break up thrombi already formed.
Common thrombolytic (tPA) medications include? 1. streptokinase aka Streptase 2. alteplase aka Activase 3. teneceplase aka
A drug administered as a heparin antagonist is called? Protamine sulfate
Medication used as coagulant is? Vitamin K aka Mephyton
ACLS stands for? Anvanced Cardiac Life Support
Emergency medications are commonly administered IVP Intravenous push
Large dose of a medication may be administered IVP to quickly achieve a therapeutic level? Bolus aka loading dose
Emergency medications can be administered via the? Endotracheal tube (ET)
Emergency medication administered to stimulate the heart to beat (cardiac stimulant) and to bronchodilation? epinephrine (epi) aka Adrenalin
Emergency medication administered to treat severe bradycardia? atropine
Emergency antiarrhythmic drug is called? lidocaine aka Xylocaine
Xylocaine(lidocaine)is also used as a? Local anesthetic
Emergency medication administered to treat acidosis? sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate is abbreviated? NaHCO3 (bicarb)
Emergency cardiac stimulant? calcium chloride
Calcium chloride is abbrevation? CaCl
Vasopressors are administered to treat severe? Hypotension
Emergency Vasopressors include? 1. epinephrine aka Adrenalin 2. dopamine aka Intropin 3. isoproterenal aka Isuprel 4. norepinephrine aka Levophed
Emetics are administered to induce? Vomiting
Most commonly prescribed emetic is? Syrup of Ipecac
Emergency medication usually administered via a N/G tube to absorb toxic substance in the stomach is? Activated charcoal
Commonly prescribed emergency narcotic antagonist is? naloxone aka Narcan
Created by: mystique
Popular Pharmacology sets




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