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multifarious (adj) diverse, assorted, indiscrminate, hetergeneous, motly, multifold
misanthrope (n) a person who dislikes others, curmudgeon
nascent (adj) starting to develop, coming into existence
onerous (adj) troubledome and oppresive; burdensome
neologism (n) new word or expression
mendicant (n) beggar
martinet (n) strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules
montony (n) no variation; tediously the same
Neophyte (n) novice; beginner
Mendacious (adj) dishonest
Meretricious (adj) gaudy; falsely attractive
Missive (n) a written note or letter
Maudlin (adj) overly sentimental
Naïve (adj) lacking sophistication or experience
Militate (v) to operate against; work against
Mercurial (adj) quick, shrewd, and unpredictable
Monastic (adj) extremely plain or secluded, as in a monastery
Molt (v) to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
Nadir (n) lowest point
Metaphor (n) figure of speech comparing two different things
Mores (n) fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Meticulous (adj) extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
Mollify (v) to calm or make less severe
Mirth (n) frivolity; gaiety; laughter
Jettison (v) to discard; to get rid or as unnecessary or encumbering
Permeate (v) to penetrate
Pervade (v) to be present throughout; to permeate
Phalanx (n) a compact or close knit body of people, animals, or things
Perfidious (adj) willing to betray one’s trust
Paradox (n) a contradiction or dilemma
Exigent (adj) urgent; requiring Immediate attention
Liberal (adj) tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish
Malleable (adj) capable of being shaped
Listless (adj) lacking energy and enthusiasm
Lapidary (adj) relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
Lavish (adj) extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly
Querulous (adj) inclined to complain; irritable
Lampoon (v) to ridicule with satire
Philanthropy (n) charity; a desire or effort to promote goodness
Plastic (adj) able to be molded, altered, or bent
Politic (adj) shrewd and practical in managing or dealing with the things; diplomatic
Languid (adj) lacking energy; indifferent; slow
Pare (v) to trim off excess; reduce
Parley (n) discussion, usually between enemies
Perfunctory (adj) done in a routine way; indifferent
Peregrinate (v) to wander from place to place; to travel, especially on foot
Peripatetic (adj) wandering from place to place
Parry (v) to ward off or deflect, especially by quick witted answer
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