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Clinical Toxicology

Exam1, decontamination, stabilization, acid base

In general, any potential benefit from GI decontamination is very reduced once __ hours from the ingestion has elapsed. 2 hours is generally the max time to consider decontamination.
4 important variables that are likely to affect efficacy are time from ingestion, tablet formulation, drug chemistry, intestinal motility
If you have to use emesis syrup of ipecac (cephaeline stimulates the CTZ); works in 20 minutes 90% of people
Contraindications for ipecac 1. non-toxic ingestions 2. prior significant vomiting 3. comatose, seizing or hypotensive patients; others
AE of ipecac intractable vomiting, diarrhea, aspiration, myocardial toxicity, neuromuscular weakness, lethargy, possible abortion
5 minute max Gastric lavage indications 1.potentially life-threat poison and present w/in 1 hour anticholinergic presenting within 4 hours. 3.ingestion of sustained release toxic dose
gastric lavage absolute CI corosive ingestions of esophageal disease
Gastric lavage complications 1/2 esophageal rupture is a very rare but potentially fatal complication
gastric lavage complications 2/2 profound bradycardia, cardiac arrest, asystole may be precipitated by lavage in poisoning w/drugs affecting cardiac conduction
What is the acryonym for activated charcoal? PHAILS - minimally abs by charcoal
PHA of PHAILS P-pesticides H-hydrocarbons/heavy metals A-Acid/Alkali/Alcohols
ILS of PHAILS I-iron L-lithium S-solvents
Is it better to give activated charcoal with a cathartic? No, charcoal only is as effective
Indications for active charc 3/5 1. absorbed by AC and is toxic 2. less 1-2 hours since ingestion 3. significant enterohep circulation
indications for AC 4 and 5 4. drug delays gastric emptying and it's been <4 hours 5. controlled release drug and it's been less than 12-18 hours
What is the dosing for AC? 1g/kg with a 100g max. as a premixed solution. may give in yogurt or ice cream for palatability
What is impt about AC admin? goal of 50g of AC within 20 minutes of starting therapy. NG may be necessary
Complications of AC charcoal aspiration; bowel obstruction; hypotension/tachycardia due to hypovolemia
MDAC is for what drugs? CPDQT; Carbamazepine, Dapsone, Pheobarbital, Quinine, Theophylline
MOA of MDAC? interrupts enterohepatic recirc
MDAC admin? 25g q 2 hours w/max of 2-3 doses. >3 doses increases risk of bowel obstruction
WBI-Whole bowel irrigation large volume of isoosmolar solution that is not absorbed
IND for WBI 1. iron and lithium 2. sustained release preps 3. Salicylates and others that form pharmacobezoars
MOA of WBI physically flushes tablets from the GI tract
Dose of WBI 500ml/h 9mon-6year 1000ml/h 6-12year 1500-2000ml/h in adolescents and adults. All oral or NG tube
WBI and vomiting? give ondansetron or metoclopramide.
4 reqs for hemodialysis 1. low MW <500 2. Highly water soluble 3. <1L/Kg volume of distribution 4. low protein binding
3/6 ind for hemodialysis 1. ethanol 2. methanol 3. ethylene glycol
3/6 ind for hemodia 4. lithium 5. salicylates 6. theophylline
AE of hemodia hypotension due to volume loss
Diagnosis of poisoning history, physical exam, laboratory results, recognizing toxidromes
physical exam ABC, vitals, id'ing toxidromes, always get APAP levels!
how to calculate an anion gap (Na+Cl)-HCO3; normally 8-12; accounts for unmeasured anions
ATMUDPILES - ATMUD - all cause metabolic acidosis WITH anion gap A-alcohol T-toluene M-methanol U-uremia D-DKA
ATMUDPILES - PILES - all cause metabolic acidosis WITH anion gap P-paraldehyde I-isoniazid/iron L-lactate E-ethylene glycol (antifrez acidos) S-Salicylate/Strychnine
Serum osmolarity and osmolar gap freezing point depression - artifact calculated osmolal normal 290 normal is <=10, can be used to estimate alcohol levels?
causes of elevated osmolar gap? ethanol, isopropanol, methanol, ethylene glycol
blood gases while arterial gases are best, venous will work often, pulse oximetry can fill in the gap for venous gases
Hypoglycemia complications from <40mg/dL: brain injury, seizures, coma, AMI
TX of hypoglycemia immediate empirical tx if AMI, 50% dextrose in adults if <70
hyperkalemia causes acidosis, alpha agonists, beta-blockers, digitalis, fluoride, lithium, renal failure
hypokalemia causes beta agonists, theophylline, caffeine, stress
hyperkalemia complications >5meq/L muscle weakness, widened QRS intervals, AV block, Vfib, cardiac arrest; early sign: ECG peaked T waves!!
Toxicology screening qualitative are limited value, quantitative impt when tx is guided by conc.
impt quant levels APAP!, carbamazepine, Dig, ethylene glycol, iron, lithium, methanol, salicylates, theo, valproic acid
Toxidrome - mixed alpha/beta agonist HTN, tachycardia, mydriasis, diaphoresis, dry mucous membranes
examples of mixed alpha/beta agonist cocaine/amphetamines - sweating dialated pupils
Beta antagonist OD toxidrome hypotension, bradycardia, miosis, decreased peristalsis
beta antagonist OD example beta-blockers or clonidine(looks like narc OD); visine is similar to clonidine (HR 10bpm)
Autonomic syndrome - mixed Ach agonist miosis, diaphoresis, pulmonary edema, increased peristalsis V/D, muscle weakness
mixed Ach agonist example organophosphates - cause overstimulation of Ach and eventually cause receptors to shut down
antimuscarinic syndrome red as a beet, hot as a hare, mad as a hatter, dry as a bone. tachy, flushed, mydriasis, agitation, urinary retention
antimuscarinic syndrome jimson weed, diphenhydramine
SSRI od toxidrome tachy, tremor, spasm, responded to benadryl, hallucinations, garbled speech
treat ssri od? periactin is a serotonin receptor blocker, ativan
opiate toxidrome miosis, resp depression, relative brady/hypo, analgesia. looks similar to clonidine/visine.
evaluation of OD? check for mixed drugs and labs that conflict with stories.
normal pH / pCO2 / HCO3 pH 7.35-7.45 pCO2 35-45mmHg HCO3 20-26mEq/L
given a constant HCO3, what happens when you change the pCO2 from 65 to 20? cause pH to increase
given the same pCO2, what happens when you raise the bicarb from 5 to 30? cause pH to increase
Base excess-How far from normal are you? minus number indicates below normal; calc by subtracting HCO3 from theoretical normal, can help determine metabolic component
Step approach to acid/base: step 1 1. assess metabolic (CO2 of chem7) and resp (pCO2 on blood gas)
Created by: nickh88
Popular Pharmacology sets




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