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HIT 65
Glossary A-F
Question | Answer |
Abortion/Aborted | Includes mothers for whom the pregnancy has terminated |
Admitted after Delivery | Includes mothers for who the pregnancy terminated before reaching the hospital, regardless of whether the infant is liveborn or is a fetal death. |
Ancillary service | Tests, procedures, and services, generally performed on an outpatient basis. |
Anesthesia Death | Death caused by an anesthetic agent. |
Autopsy | Inspection and partial dissection of a dead body to learn the cause of death and the nature and extent of disease |
Available for Hospital Autopsy | The body of a current or former hospital patient that has been transported to the appropriate facility for autopsy |
Average daily inpatient Census (Average Daily Census) | Average number of inpatients peresent each day for a given period of time. |
Bar chart | Bars (rectangles) extend horizontally. |
Bed Capacity | The number of beds that a health care facillity was designed and built to house. |
categorical Data | Data that can be sorted into a category. It includes nominal, ordinal, intervalk and ratio data. |
census | Count; an official count of people |
Chart | A graphic presentation illustrating data using only one quantitative coordinate. the most common charts are column, bar, line, and pie charts |
Column Chart | Bars (rectangles) extend vertically. |
Community-Acquired infection | An infection that presents itself within 72 hours of admission to the hospital |
Comorbidity | A preexisting condition that will, because of its presence with a principal diagnosis, increase the stay at least one day in 75 % of cases. |
comparison Bar/Column Chart | Two or more sets of data are plotted side by side or stacked on top of each other (stack bar or percent stack bar). |
Comparison Line Chart | plots more than one set of data on the same chart |
Daily Inpatient Census (DIPC) | the number of patients present at the census-taking time each day plus any inpatients who were admitted and discharged (A&) after the census-taking time th eprevious day. |
Day on leave of Absence | A day occurring after the admission and prior to the discharge of a hospital inpatient during which the patient is not present at census-taking time because he/she is on leave of absence from the hospital. |
Delivered in the Hospital | Includes mothers for whom the pregnancy has terminated in the hospital, regardless of whether the infant is live born or is a fetal death. |
Delivery | Expelling of a product of conception or having it removed from the body. Multiple births are considered a single delivery. A delivery may include either a live infant or a dead fetus. |
Descriptive Statistics | Data that describe a population (group) without drawing conclusions about a larger group. |
Direct maternal Death | Death directly related to pregnancy. |
Discrete Data | data that represent distinct values or observations and contain only finite numbers |
Frequency Distribution | Data organized into classes or categories. |
Frequency Distribution Table | Table of the data in a frequency distribution. |
Frequency Polygon | similar to a lline chart but with both ends of the distribution connected to the baseline at the 0 frequency level. |