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jfriesen vocab

champ field
hay paille
enclume anvil
purin slurry
creuser to dig
malediction curse
etre etonne to be surprised
etre surpris to be surprised
le terrain field
le but the goal, the aim
poteau pole
marquer un point score a point
la partie a game
recuperer collect
fosse pit
reserve de fumier manure reserve (pile)
is se deseche it dries up
gerer to manage
couter trop cher cost to much
recouvrir cover
mepriser to despise
viser to aim at
graines, semences seeds
fumier manure
jachere fallow
agriculture biologique organic farming
rendement yield
faire les foins harvest the hay
deux-tiers two-thirds
defi challenge
eleveur cattle-raiser
elevage cattle-raising
etre conscient de quel que chose to be aware of something
temoignage testimony
je suis persuade i am convinced
produire to produce
pensee thought
autrement otherwise
paysan farmer
nourrir to feed
reussite success
l'humanite mankind
avant la chute before the fall
gander to keep
emprunter to borrow
durable sustainable
on devrait we should
il faudrait qu'on we should
devoir + infinitive je dois aller, il doit aller
falloir + subjunctive il faut que j'aille, il faut que il aille
il va falloir que j'y aille i will have to go there
il faut que j'y aille i have to go there
herbe grass
faux scythe
faucher cut the grass with scythe
recolter to harvest
brousse bush
culture crop
poteau post
suivre to follow
suivi follow-up
savoir to know
le savoir knowledge
le francais ca donne mal a la tete headache
Created by: jfriesen
Popular French sets




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