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SAT vocab 1

abstruse difficult to understand, very abstract
affable pleasant, friendly
alia an assumed name, false name or pseudonym
ameliorate to make better, improve
amenable willing to agree, responsive, cooperative
anomalous deviating from a general rule, an irregularity, something that is incongruous
approbation approval
appropriated to take or make use of without authority or right
arduous long and difficult and thus hard to accomplish
bequest something left to an heir in a will
blanch to drain of color, become pale
bombastic pretentious, inflated speech or writing, lacking humility
burgeon to grow rapidly
cantankerous difficult or irritating to deal with
capacious spacious, roomy
circuitous following a circular or winding path, indirect
circumscribe to draw a line around, hence to restrict or limit
codicil in addition to a will
compendium a concise list or summary
corroborate to support with evidence, confirm a claim
covenant a solemn and binding agreement
decorum conformity to accepted norms or behavior
deify to worship as a god, to show great respect
demarcation the settling or making of boundaries or limits
demonstrative openly displaying feelings
demystify to make clear and thus less baffling
desoalte lonely, uninhabited
desultory marked by a lack of a plan or purpose, lacking direction
dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate
disabuse to rid of false ideas, enlighten, free from error
disingenuous giving a false appearance of simple frankness
disparage to run down, belittle, speak poorly of
docil easy to manage, malleable
dogmatic very stubborn adherence to beliefs
dominion to have supreme authority over
drudgery, travail hard distasteful work
eclectic choosing from a variety of sources
effervescent to give off bubbles and thus be bubbly, exuberant
embezzlement the unlawful taking of money entrusted to one's care
emulate to imitate, copy
equanimity evenness of mind, especially under stress
espouse to give support to
exacerbate to make worse
exhort to urge someone to do something
exigency great urgency, requiring immediate attention
fallible capable of making errors
fastidious exacting, meticulous, hard to please
fervor intense feelings, great passion
garish excessively vivid colors
gratuitous not called for by the circumstances
heretical holding an opinion opposed to official or established beliefs
hubris excessive pride, arrogance
idiosyncracy any personal peculiarity, eccentricity
implacable cannot be appeased
incandescent giving off light, gleaming, brilliantly shining
incipient in the early stages, just beginning, embryonic
incontrovertible cannot be disproved
indelicate lacking a sensitivity for the feelings of others
indomitable incapable of being subdued, unconquerable
ineffable incapable of being expressed, indescribable
inexorable relentless, unstoppable
injunction a court order requiring or prohibiting an action
innate present in an individual from birth
innocuous harmless, not damaging
insipid without flavor, tasteless, not exciting, dull
insuperable something incapable of being overcome
irrevocable not possible to revoke, unalterable, unable to be called back
jurisprudence the science of law
labyrinth maze
legion a very large number
levity light-hearted humor
lexicon a word list, vocabulary
limpid transparent, perfectly clear
linchpin the key element in something
machinations scheming or crafty acitons intended to accomplish an evil end
mercurial rapid and unpredictable changes in mood
munificent very generous
nuance a subtle distinction or shade of difference
orthodox conforming to established beliefs, conventional
ostentatious fond of conspicuous display, pompous, pretentious
paradox a seemingly contradictory statement that nonetheless expresses a truth "A place of innocence ruled by corruption."
paragon a model of excellence
paramount a supreme importance
patronizing to act superior toward, to adopt an air of condescension
polemic involving a dispute, very argumentative
precipitous acting with undue haste
predilection a liking or preference for something
quandary a state of perplexity or doubt, a dilemma
quell to put down, squelch
querulous complaining
quixotic idealistic in an impractical way
raucous harsh, jarring sound, blaring
rebuke to criticize sharply, reprimand, berate
rectitude great integrity, moral uprightness, honesty
redoubtable formidable, worthy of respect
reprehensible conduct deserving criticism or censure
sanctimonious pretending to be pious and devout, false piety
sedition to incite resistance against lawful authority
somber gloomy, cheerless, grave
specious tempting but false, untrue, spurious
spurious falsified, fake, not genuine
staid marked by self-restraint, sober, grave
stanch to stop the flow of blood from a wound
strident loud, harsh sound
succinct concise
suffuse to spread over or through, to diffuse
tactile connected with the sense of touch
talisman an object held to act as a charm to alert evil and bring good fortune
tenuous weak, flimsy, shaky
torpor a lack of energy, lethargy
ubiquitous present everywhere, pervasive
usurp to illegally seize power, property, or position
vacuous empty, having or showing a lack of intelligence or insight
venal capable of being bought or influenced by money, corrup
wan lacking vitality
watershed a very important event
allay, alleviate, assuage, mollify, appease, mitigate to soothe, calm, relieve, alleviate congestion, mitigate a problem, mollify anger, assuage pain, and allay anxiety
banal, hackneyed, trite, mundane, cliche, platitude, vapid, prosaic commonplace, trivial, or made common and worn out by overuse
indolent, phelgmatic, enervated, languid, lethargic, listless, slothful, anemic, wan, torpid exhausted and lacking energy, vigor and vitality, to be sluggish
abhorrent, appalling, despicable, heinous, replusive horrible in an extreme way
apprehension, foreboding, premonition uneasy feeling about the future
diatribe, harangue, tirade a long abusive speech or lecture
ecstatic, exultant, elated, exhilarated, exuberant very happy
despondent, dejected, disconsolate, dispirited sad, defeated
garrulous, loquacious, verbose overly talkative
absolve, vindicate, exculpate, exonerate to free from blame, prove guiltless
laconic, reticent, succinct, taciturn saying little, keeping brief and to the point
fleeting, transient, ephemeral, evanescent temporary
dogged, obdurate, recalcitrant, intractable, intransigent, obstinate stubborn, inflexible, hard to budge
clandestine, furtive, covert, stealthy, surreptitious done or kept in secrecy
addendum, postscript an addition or supplement to a book a note appened to a completed letter, abbreviated PS
adjourn, hiatus, moratorium, respite to suspend until a later time, a temporary gap, break in continuity
coda, epilogue a concluding musical section, a concluding section of a literary work
servile, fawning, obsequious, subservient to act in an overly submissive manner, to be toady
venerate, revere to hold in great esteem, admire
recalcitrant, intransigent, intractable, obdurate stubborn
rebuke, censure, reprimand, reprove, remonstrate, reproach, admonish to scold
acclaim, adulation, hail, extol, laud, eulogize, plaudit to win praise
alloy a mix of two or more metals
amalgam a combination,mixture, blend
arboreal pertaining to trees
astral pertaining to the stars
caustic capable of destroying or eating away by chemical reaction
celestial pertaining to the skies
hermetic airtight
occlude to close shut or block
osmosis diffusion of fluid through semipermeable membrane, process of assimilation or absorption
ossify to harden into bone
appreciate to rise in value
depreciate to fall in value
dearth an inadequate supply, scarcity
duty a tax on imports
remuneration payment due for a service
abdicate to renounce, resign, vacate a throne
anachronism a chronological misplacing of events, persons, or objects
autocrat an absolute ruler
autonomy self-rule, self-governing
buttress to support, prop up
desiccated to become very dry, arid, parched
dissolution dissolve, break apart
dogma doctrine, set of beliefs
duty tax on imports
enumerate to count
epistolary series of letters
impasse deadlock, stalemate
proliferation to multiply, increase, spread rapidly
nullify to make void
repudiate to take back or disavow
soverign the supreme ruler in a kingdom
adjudicate to setlle a dispute in court
censure an official reprimand
collusion secret agreement, usually illegal or deceitful
edict official proclamation or decree
expurgate to delete or remove from the record
incorrigible can't be reformed
injunction a court order requiring someone to do something
larceny the unlawful taking of personal property
reprieve a delay in punishment
spurious a false, as a spurious claim that can't be proven
substantiate to prove, verify, as to substantiate an argument
ambivalent lacks conviction
boorish crude, lacking refinement
callow immature and sophomoric, lacking maturity
desolate lacks inhabitants
diffident lacks self-confidence
flippant lacks proper respect or seriousness
inept lacking skill
intrepid brave and therefore lacking fear
nondescript ordinary, therefore lacking in distinction
precarious lacks stability
viscous thick, syrupy, therefore lacking movement
assidious very hard working, diligent
auspicious very favorable
conspicuous very noticeable
discerning very insightful
egregious a very bad error
fastidious very neat
fractious very divisive
garish very loud, very bright colors
immaculate very clean
mercurial very changeable, as a mercurial personality
pugnacious very quarrelsome, combative
venal corrup, dishonest
vigilant very alert
boor person who is rude and insensitive
braggart known for bragging
brigand known for living by plunder, a bandit
curator a person who is in charge of a museum
demagogue a person who arouses popular passions and prejudices (Hitler, Mussolini)
devotee an ardent follower, supporter or enthusiast
dilettante a dabbler, having superficial interest in a variety of fields or endeavors
hedonist a person who seeks pleasure, gratification
jingoist an extreme nationalist, a chauvinist
laggard a person known for being habitually tardy, dilatory
magnate a person known for having great power
malingerer a person who pretends illness as to avoid work
martinet known as a strict disciplinarian
philanthropist a person known for generosity, a humanitarian
quack person who pretends to have skill knowledge they do not have
raconteur person known for telling witty stories and anecdotes
renegade a person known for rejecting lawful or conventional behavior
reprobate person known for being morally corrupt, depraved
rogue a person known for being mischievous
savant a person with detailed knowledge in a specific field, a sage
seer a person who can predict future events
skinflint a person who is overly thrifty with money, a miser
spendthrift a person known for spending money unwisely
stalwart a loyal supporter, an adherent, someone who stands by you
supplicant a person who is overly humble, who pleads for a favor
upstart a person who has risen suddenly from a low position to great success
virtuoso a person with great artistic talent
zealot a person who is filled with zeal and enthusiasm for a cause
decry to criticize, denounce, condemn, in short to put something down
despondent feeling very down, discouraged
exorbitant literally out of orbit, hence unreasonable
expound to elaborate, to explain in great detail
extricate to get out of an entanglement or difficulty
misanthrope a person who hates or distrusts mankind
miscreant one who behaves criminally, an evildoer, a malefactor
misnomer wrong name
benediction to say or speak well of, hence a blessing
benign good natured, kindly, favorably, not malignant
unfounded groundless, without substance, false
unremitting unrelieved, relentless, ceaseless
unfettered free from restraints, liberated
untenable that which cannot be defended
aberration a departure from what is normal or typical
repatriate to return to one's country of origin
supercilious thinking you are above others, arrogant, haughty
supersede replace, take the place of
malediction to say bad things, a curse
immutable unchanging
impious lacking reverence, disrespectful
inauspicious not favorable
indefatigable incapable of being fatigued, having great stamina
inviolable secure and thus cannot be violated
incorporeal without material form or substance
hypo- under, beneath, less than (hypodermic, hypocrite)
neo- new (neolithic, neoclassic)
perfidious treacherous, untrustworthy
affluent to flow in abundance, wealthy
confluence to flow together, convergence
superfluous to flow above, hence exceeding what is necessary
egregious out of the group, outstandingly bad
pellucid very clear, transparent
acrid unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor
acrimonious full of spite, bitter, nasty
acuity keenness of perception
acumen mental sharpness
impugn to challenge the accuracy or honesty of something
pugnacious combative, quick to fight
repugnant offensive, very distasteful, repulsive
specious seemingly fair or true, but actually not so, deceptive
circumspect to look around and thus be cautious
perspicacity having keen vision, as in being perceptive, astute
harangue a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe
intemperate extreme or severe, unrestrained
conciliate to overcome distrust or hostility, to win or gain goodwill, regard, or favor
palliate to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate
litigious inclined to dispute or disagree; argumentative
compendium a summary, epitome, abridgement of a subject
innocuous innoffensive, harmless
obstinance the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome
hubris excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance
impetuous sudden or rash action, emotion; impulsive
valor boldness or determination when facing great danger
circumscribed bounded by a line; limited or confined
irreverent lacking reverence or respect
extant in existence, not destroyed or lost
belied to misrepresent, to show to be false
irresolute lacking resolution, wavering, hesitating
officious meddlesome; agressive in offering unwanted actions; interfering
rancorous full of bitterness, malice, ill will, hatred
punctilious precise, careful, conscientious
myopic lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded
elucidating to make lucid or clear; provide clarification
admonish to cauion, advice, or counsel against something
vestibule a small entrance hall or anteroom; lobby
placid pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil
despoiled pillaged, raped, ravaged, sacked
imprudent lacking discretion, incautious, rash
denuded to make naked or bare; strip
dispatch the sending off of a messenger, letter, etc., to a destination; dismissing a person
amalgam an alloy consisting of silver mixed with mercury
occlude to close, shut, or stop up
facetious not meant to be taken seriously or literally; amusing or humerous
ebullient overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited
Created by: amcpherson
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