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sig codes

@ at
a before
ac before meals
AD right ear
ad lib as desired
am morning
amt amount
app apply, applicator
APAP tylenol
aq water
AS left ear
ASA aspirin
as tol as tolerated
AU both ears
bid twice a day
bin twice a night
BP blood pressure
c with
cap capsule
cc cubic centimeter
COPD chronic obstructive pulminary disease
cr cream
CR controlled release
d day
DAW dispense as written
d/c discontinue
disp dispense
DOB date of birth
DW distilled water
Dx diagnosis
elix elixir
exp expectorant
Exp expiration
Fe iron
g gram
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
gr grain --- about 60 mg
gtt drop
HA headache
h, hr hour
hs bedtime
Hx history
IM intramuscular
INJ inject
IO intraocular
IU insulin units
IV intravenous
K potassium
mcg microgram
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
mixt mixture
Na sodium
NaCl sodium chloride
no. number
noc night
non rep no refill
NPO nothing by mouth
N/S normal saline
NTG nitroglycerin
N/V nausea & vomiting
OC oral contraceptive
OD right eye
oint ointment
opnth instill in eye
OS left eye
otic instill in ear
OU both eyes
oz ounce
p after
pc after meals
PO by mouth
pr per rectum
prn as needed
pv per vagina
q every
q4h every 4 hrs
q6h every 6 hrs
q4-6h every 4-6 hrs
qam every morning
qd every day
qh every hour
qid 4 times a day
qod every other day
qs sufficient quantity
RX take
SC subcutaneous
sig directions for use
sl sublingually
S.O.B. shortness of breath
ss 1/2
stat now/immediately
supp suppository
Sx symptoms
syr syrup
tab tablet
tbsp tablespoon, 15ml
tid 3 times a day
tinct tincture
top topically
tsp,tea teaspoon, 5ml
Tx treatment
U units
ud as directed
ung ointment
vag vaginally
x times
A ear
O eye
U both
D right
S left
aa of each
ad as directed (occasionaly in error)
amp ampules
apl applicatorful
C 100
cd cycle day---menstrual cycle
cid 5x daily
cmpd compound
d daily -or day
DC, dc, d/c discontinue--- or discharge form hospital
DS double strength
eq equivalent
et and
fid five times daily
5x/d five times daily
g, gm gram
gen generic
HD high dose
H2O water
IU international units
kg kilogram
l liters
liq liquid
lot lotion
max maximum
MDl metered dose--inhaler
ug microgram
min minute
min minumum
mo month
neb nebulizer
noct night
nr no refills
pc breakfast after breakfast
per per (day, week, month)
per in (in nebulizer, in rectum)
PM evening or nighttime
po, per os nhy mouth
qhs every night at bedtime
q7PM everday at 7pm
qn every night
qod every other night
r, rec rectally
rept repeat
rf refill(s)
s without
sid once daily
sol solution
sq subcutaneous
ss sliding scale
subq, sub q subcutaneous
sup suppository
susp suspension
tiw three times weekly
ud, udt as directed
x3d for 3 days
wc with meals
YO years old
/ per (max 5/12h = max of 5 per 12 rs)
less than
> greater than
BC birth control
Ca, Ca++ calcium
CHF congestive heart failure
Cl chlorine, choride
Cod codeine
DM dextromethorphan
DCN, DN100 darvocet N-100
doxy doxycycline
EC enteric coated
EC ASA enteric coated aspirin
ER extended release
EtOH (etehyl) alcohol
Fe, Fe++ iron
FeSO4 ferrous sulfate (iron)
HC hydrocortisone
HCT hydrocrtisone, or , hydrochloothiazide
HCO3 bicarbonate
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HS half strenght
K, K++ potassium
LA long acting (time release)
Mg, Mg++ magnesium
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
MSO4 morphine ssulfate
MOM milk of magnesia
MTX methotrexate
MVI multivitamin
Na, Na+ sodium
NS, NSS normal saline
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PB phenobarbital
PCN penicillin
PNV prental vitamin
SR slow release, or sustained release
TAC triamcinolone
TCN tetracycline
TMP/SMZ sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
TMP/SMX sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim
TR time release
XL extended release
XR extended reledase
Zn, Zn++ zinc
ZnSO4 zinc sulfate
ADD attention deficit disorder
ADHD attention deficit and hyperacitvity disorder
AIDS acquired immune deficienct syndrome
BM bowel movement
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
CA, Ca, ca cancer
c cough & congestion
CBC complete blood count
GI gastrointestinal
HBP high blood pressure
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HTN hypertension
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
nv, n nausea and vomiting
OCD obsessive-complsive disorder
pro-time prothrombin time (lab test on anti-coagulants)
PT prothrombin time
RBC red blood cdells
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
WBC white blood cells
Created by: fligrlie
Popular Pharmacology sets




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