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Perpicacious (adj) shrewd, astute, or keen-witted; insightful; intelligent; sgagcious
Ostensible (adj) apparent; represented; surface
Obviate (v) to prevent; to make unnecessary; forestall; preclude
Myopic (adj) lacking foresight; having a narrow view or short-range perspective; short sighted; unthinking
Lachrymose (adj) tearful; teary; weeping
Obstinate (adj) stubborn; unyielding; stubborn; tenacious
Pastiche (n) piece of literature or music imitating other works; medley; spoof
Apostate (n) one who renounces a religious faith; defector; deserter
Efficacy (n) effectiveness; efficiency; force; vigor
Oblique (adj) indirect or evasive; misleading or devious; glancing; tangential
Effigy (n) stuffed doll; likeness of a person; dummy; image
Noisome (adj) stinking; putrid; disgusting; foul
Pedant (n) someone who shows off learning; doctrinaire; scholar
Austere (adj) sever or stern in appearance; undecorated; bleak; grim; harsh; sever
Occlude (v) to stop up; prevent the passage of; block; close
Jingoism (n) belligerent support of one’s country; chaunvinism; nationalism
Juncture (n) point of time, esp where two things are joined; crisis; moment
Judicious (adj) sensible; showing good judgement; circumspect; prudent
Nettle (v) to irritate; annoy; vex
Jocular (adj) playful; humorous; amusing comical
Lament (v) to express sorrow; to grieve; bewail; grieve; mourn
Obsequious (adj) overly submissive and eager to please; compliant; servile
Diurnal (adj) existing during the day
Posit (v) to assume as real or concluded; propose as an explanation; suggest
Prescient ( adj) having foresight; augural; mantic
Lassitude (n) a state of dimished energy; debilitation; fatigue
Orotund (adj) pompous; overblown
Laud (v) to give praise; to glorify; acclaim; applaud; hail; praise; extol
Prattle (n) meaningless; foolish talk
Pragmatic (adj) practical, as opposed to idealistic; rational; realistic
Levity (n) an inappropriate lack of seriousness; overly casual; amusement; humor
Ostentation (n) excessive showiness; flashiness; showiness
Opprobrium (n) public disgrace; discredit
Lethargic (adj) acting in an indifferent or slow, sluggish, manner; apathetic; languid
Prevaricate (v) to lie or deviate from the truth; equivocate
Precis (n) short summary of facts
Opine (v) to express an opinion; point out; voice
Potentate (n) a monarch or ruler with great power
Pusillanimous (adj) cowardly; without courage; timid
Ossify (v) to change into bone; to become hardened
Legerdemain (n) trickery; chicanery; conjuring
Palatial (adj) relating to a lace; magnificent; grand; stately
Palliate (v) to make less serious; ease; alleviate; assuage
Precipitate (v) to throw violently or bring about abruptly
Polygot (n) a speaker of many languages
Jargon (n) nonsensical talk; specialized language
Itinerant (adj) wandering from place to place; unsettled
Latent (adj) potential that is not readily apparent; inert; potential
Created by: 1104386371
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