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GRE SEC 9-10

Arrogate (v) to claim w/o justification; appropriate; presume; take
Calumny (n) a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation
Abase (v) to humble; disgrace; demean; humiliate
Cartography (n) science or art of making maps
Candid (adj) impartial and honest in speech; frank; honest
Disparate (adj) entirely unlike; different; dissimilar
Connoisseur (n) a person with expert knowledge or discriminating tastes
Xenophobia (n) a fear or hatered of foreigners or strangers
Zeal (n) passion; excitement; passion
Zenith (n) the point of culmination; peak; acme; pinnacle
Talon (n) claw of an animal, esp. a bird of prey
Propriety (n) the quality of behaving in a proper manner; obeying rules and customs; decency; decorum
Prudence (n) wisdom, caution, or restraint
Collusion (n) collaboration; complicity; conspiracy
Cogent (adj) convincing and well-reasoned
Quiescent (adj) motionless
Contumacious (adj) rebellious
Discern (v) to perceive or recognize
Canard (n) a lie
Affected (adj) phony; artificial
Alacrity (n) speed or quickness
Condone (v) to overlook, pardon, or disregard
Puerile (adj) childish, immature, or silly
Abscond (v) to leave secretly
Impious (adj) not devout in religion
Impetuous (adj) quick to act without thinking
Iconoclast (n) one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions
Inimical (adj) hostile; unfriendly
Hermetic (adj) tightly sealed
Idiosyncrasy (n) peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity
Hegemony (n) the domination of one state or group over its allies
Imbue (v) to infuse, dyem wet or moisten
Pejorative ( n) having bad connotations, disregarding
Ignoble (adj) having low moral standards, not noble in character; mean
Innocuous (adj) harmless
Pariah (n) an outcast
Edify (v) to instruct morally and spiritually
Grovel (v) to humble oneself in a demeaningway
Prodigal (adj) lavish; wasteful
Philistine (n) a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values
Phlegmatic (Adj) calm and unemotional in temperament
Heterogeneous (adj) composed of unlike parts; different; diverse
Gregarious (adj) outgoing; sociable
Husband (v) to manage economically; to use sparingly
Homogeneous (adj) of a similar kind
Paragon (n) model of excellence or perfection
Gullible (adj) easily deceived
Ingratiate (v) to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage; curry ; favor; flatter
Guile (n) deceit; trickery
Erratic (adj) wandering and unpredictable
Created by: 1104386371
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