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GRE SEC 17-18
Question | Answer |
Glower (v) | to glare or stare angrily and intensely; frown; lower; scowl |
Abstemious (adj) | moderate in appetite; temperate; abstinent; sober |
Kinectic (adj) | relating to motion; characterized by movement; active; dynamic; mobile |
Knell (n) | sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure |
Maelstrom (n) | whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind |
Garner (v) | to gather and store; amass; harvest |
Debutante (n) | young women making debut in high society |
Blithe (adj) | joyful, cheerful,m or w/o appropriate though |
Dogmatic (adj) | dictatorial in one’s opinions; overbearing |
Dissonance (n) | a harsh and disagreeable combination, eso of sounds |
Antipathy (n) | extreme dislike |
Desultory (adj) | jumping from one thing to another; disconnected |
Desiccate (v) | to dry out thouroughly; dehydrate; dry; proch |
Distaff (n) | the female branch of a family |
Demagogue (n) | a leader or rabble rouser, usual appealing to emotion or prejudice; instigator |
Dogma (n) | a firmly held opinion, creed; doctrines |
Bifurcate (v) | to divide into two parts; bisect |
Tangential (adj ) | digressing; diverting; irrevelant; peripheral |
Tawdry (adj) | gaudy; cheap; or showy |
Terrestrial (adj) | earthly; down-to-earth; commonplace; mundane; terrene |
Tirade (n) | long, harsh speech or verbal attack |
Toady (n) | one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors; parasite; sycophant |
Tome (n) | book, usually large and academic; novel; volume |
Torpor (n) | extreme mental and physical sluggishness; apathy; languor |
Transitory (adj) | temporary; lasting a brief moment; ephemeral; evanescent; fleeting; momentary |
Trenchant (adj) | acute, sharp, or incisive; forcefulo; effective; caustic; keen |
Turgid (adj) | swollen as from a fluid; bloated |
Tyro (n) | beginner; novice; fledging; greenhorn |
Umbrage (n) | offense; resentment; asperity; dudgeon |
Kindle (v) | to set fire to or ignite; awaken; arouse; spark |
Exonerate (v) | to clear of blame; absolve; clear; vindicate |
Laconic (adj) | using few words; concise; curl; terse; taciturn |
Kudos (n) | fame, glory, or honor; acclaim; accolade; praise |
Keen (adj) | having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp; perceptive |
Nuance (n) | a subtle expression of meaning or quality; tone; gradation |
Mannered (adj) | artificial or stilted in character |
Limpid (adj) | clear; transparent |
Lissome (adj) | easily flexed; limber; agile; supple; graceful |
Malediction (n) | a curse; a wish of evil upon another |
Exponent (n) | one who champions or advocates; supporter |
Obdurate (adj) | hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion |
Numismatic (n) | coin collecting |
Lumber (v) | to move slowly and awkwardly |
Malinger (v) | to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill; slack |
Nominal (adj) | existing in name only; negligible |
Equivocate (v) | to use expression of double meaning in order to mislead; evasive; waffling |
Officious (adj) | too helpful; meddlesome; eager; unwanted |
Livid (adj) | discolored from a bruise; pale; reddened with anger; furious; pallid |
Divine (v) | auger; foresee; inuti; predict; presage |
Dilatory (adj) | intended to delay; flagging; laggard; lagging |
Demur (v) | to express doubts or objection; dissent; kick; protest; remonstrate |
Diaphanous (adj) | allowing ligh to show through; delicate; transparent; translucent |
Dirge (n) | a funeral hymn or mournful speech; elegy; lament |
Dissemble (v) | to present a false appearance; to disguise one’s real intentions or character |
Deride (v) | to speak of or treat with contempt; to ock |
Disabuse (v) | to set right; free from error |
Declivity (n) | downward slope; decline; discent; slant; tilt |
Adulterate (v) | to make impure; debase; doctor; load |
Dilate (v) | to make large ; expand; amplify ; elaborate |