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OTHA 1301 9b
HCC OT Medical Terminology Lesson 9 Medical Terms
Question | Answer |
calcic (calc ic) | of, or pertaining to, calcium |
calcemia (calc em ia) | the presence of an abnormally large amount of calcium in the blood |
calcaneus (calcane us) | name of the heel bone, the large tarsal (ankle) bone that forms the heel |
calcareous (calcare ous) | pertaining to or containing lime or calcium; chalky |
chiropractic (chir o pract ic) | a method of treating disease by manipulation of the body, especially manipulation or the spine with the hands |
chiropractor (chir o pract or) | one who practices chiropractic |
cheirarthritis (cheir arthr itis) | inflammation of the joints of the hands including the joints of the fingers |
cineradiography (cine radi o graph y) | the making of motion picture records of images produced by X-rays |
cineangiography (cine angi o graph y) | the recording of images of the blood vessels through motion picture techniques |
cineangiocardiography (cine angi o cardi o graph y) | the recording of images of the heart and blood vessels through motion picture techniques |
kine-, kinesi- (kine si-) | forms denoting relationship to movement |
kinemia (kin em ia) | movement of the blood from the heart |
kinesitherapy (kines i therap y) | the treatment of disease by movement or exercise |
-kinesia, -kinesis (-kines ia, -kine sis) | combinations meaning abnormal movement |
bradykinesia (brady kines ia) | slow movement |
kinetic (kinet ic) | pertaining to or producing motion |
kinetism (kinet ism) | the ability to perform or begin muscular motion |
collagen (colla gen) | the gelatinlike or sticky substances of skin, bone, cartilage and connective tissue |
collagenous (colla gen ous) | forming or producing collagen; pertaining to collagen |
collagenogenic (colla gen o gen ic) | pertaining to the production of collagen |
colloid (coll oid) | gelatinlike or resembling glue or starch |
cutis (cut is) | the skin; the outer protective covering of the body |
cuticle (cut icle) | ”a little skin”; the outer layer of the skin; the ep/onych/ium |
cutitis (cut itis) | inflammation of the skin |
subcutaneous (sub cutan eous) | situated or occurring beneath the skin |
transcutaneous (trans cutan eous) | through the skin |
digital (digit al) | pertaining to the digits (fingers or toes) |
dorsum (dors um) | name for the back; the back of the body |
dorsal (dors al) | pertaining to the back or the “backside”; denoting a position more toward the back surface than to some other object of reference |
dorsad (dors ad) | toward the back or the “backside” |
subdorsal (sub dors al) | situated below the dorsal (back) region |
dorsolateral (dors o later al) | pertaining to the back and side |
dysentery (dys enter y) | abdominal disorders marked by inflammation of the intestines and accompanied by pain in the abdomen, cramp and frequent bowel movements containing blood and mucus |
dyspepsia (dys peps ia) | indigestion; a weakening or lessening of the power or function of digestion |
dysphagia (dys phag ia) | difficulty in swallowing |
dyspnea (dys pne a) | difficult or labored breathing |
dystrophy (dys trophy) | a disorder arising from defective or faulty nutrition; faulty development |
encephal- (en cephal) | ”within the head”; usually with reference to the brain; however, the reference may be to other conditions within the head as, for example, encephalagia, “pain within the head” or headache |
enostosis (en ost osis) | an abnormal bony growth developed within the cavity of a bone |
empathy (em path y) | ”feeling within”; the entering into the feelings of another person |
emplastic (em plast ic) | literally “pertaining to forming within”; adhesive; a constipating medicine |
gangliocytoma (gangli o cyt oma) | a tumor containing ganglion cells |
ganglioplexus (gangli o plex us) | a network (plexus) of nerve fibers in a ganglion |
ganglionectomy (gangli on ectomy) | excision of a ganglion |
geminate (gemin ate) | paired; occurring in pairs; also called bi/gemin/al |
geminus (gemin us) | a twin |
gemini (gemin i) | twins |
graduate (grad u ate) | a container marked with a series of lines used to measure volume / one who receives a degree |
retrograde (retr o grad e) | going backward |
digitigrade (digit i grade) | characterized by walking on the toes |
granul- (gran ul) | form denoting relationship to small particles |
granule (gran ul e) | a small particle |
granulation (gran u lation) | the formation in wounds of small rounded fleshy masses |
granuloma (gran ul oma) | a tumor composed of grainy tissue |
granuloplastic (gran ul o plast ic) | forming granules |
labium (labi um) | a fleshy border or edge; used as a general term to designate such a structure |
labial (labi al) | pertaining to a lip; pertaining to a labium |
labiodental (labi o dent al) | pertaining to the lips and teeth |
labiology (labi ology) | the study of the movements of the lips in singing and speaking |
lateral (later al) | pertaining to a side; also, denoting a position farther from the middle or the midline of the body or of a structure |
laterad (later ad) | toward a side |
lateroposition (later o position) | displacement to one side |
laterality (later al ity) | a tendency to use the organs (hand, foot, ear, eye) of the same side |
mammi-, mammo- (mamm i-, mamm o-) | forms denoting relationship to the breast or the milk secreting gland in the breast of a female (the mast/aden-) |
mamma (mamm a) | name for the breast |
mammary (mamm ary) | pertaining to the breast |
mamill- | an element used to denote the nipple of the breast or any nipplelike structure |
mamilla (mamill a) | name for the nipple or any nipplelike structure |
mammoplasty (mamm o plasty) | plastic reconstruction of the breast |
mammogram (mamm o gram) | x-ray of the breast |
mastalgia (mast algia) | pain in the mammary gland |
mastectomy (mast ectomy) | excision of the breast; mammectomy |
microblepharia (micr o blephar ia) | small eyelids |
microcephaly (micr o cephal y) | small head |
microcardia (micr o cardia) | small heart |
microaden- (micr o aden-) | small glands, usually small lymph glands |
microangi- (micr o angi-) | small blood vessels |
microscope (micr o scop e) | an instrument used to obtain a large image of small objects |
microscopic (micr o scop ic) | of extremely small size; visible only by the aid of a microscope |
microsurgery (micr o surgery) | dissection of small structures under the microscope |
microphthalmia (micr ophthalm ia) | abnormal smallness of the eyes |
micropsia (micr ops ia) | a condition in which objects are seen as smaller than they usually are |
micrencephaly (micr en cephal y) | abnormal smallness of the brain |
micropsychia (micr o psych ia) | literally “a condition of small mind”; feebleness of the mind, feeble-minded |
pepsin (peps in) | a substance secreted in the stomach that begins the digestion process |
peptic (pept ic) | pertaining to digestion, such as a peptic ulcer |
dyspepsia (dys peps ia) | faulty digestion; indigestion |
bradypepsia (brady peps ia) | slow digestion |
periodontal (peri odont al) | situated or occurring around a tooth |
periosteoma (peri oste oma) | a morbid bony growth surrounding a bone |
periadenitis (peri aden itis) | inflammation of the tissues around a gland |
periosteum (peri oste um) | a specialized connective tissue covering all bones of the body |
pericardium (peri card ium) | the fibrous sac that surrounds the heart |
phobia (phob ia) | a condition or state of abnormal fear |
phobe, -phobe (phob e, -phob e) | one having a specified phobia |
phobic, -phobic (phob ic, -phob ic) | of the nature of or pertaining to phobia or morbid fear |
phobophobia (phob o phob ia) | a condition marked by fear of one’s own fear |
photic (phot ic) | pertaining to light |
photoallergy (phot o allergy) | an allergic type of sensitivity to light |
photophobia (phot o phob ia) | abnormal intolerance of light |
photosensitive (phot o sensitive) | sensitive to light |
photo-opthalmia (phot o –opthalm ia) | blindness or severe inflammation of the eye caused by intense light such as an electric light, rays of welding arc, or reflection from snow |
pleura (pleur a) | name for the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the thoracic (lung) cavity |
pleural (pleur al) | pertaining to the pleura |
pleurisy, pleuritis (pleur isy, pleur itis) | inflammation of the pleura |
pleuropneumonia (pleur o pneumon ia) | pleurisy complicated with pneumonia |
pleurocholecystitis (pleur o chole cyst itis) | inflammation of the pleura and the gallbladder |
prolabium (pro labi um) | the prominent central part of the upper lip |
prolapse (pro lapse) | a slipping forward (or out of place) of an organ or part of the body; a displacement (lapse means “a fall”) |
proptosis (pro ptosis) | a forward displacement |
prootic (pro ot ic) | situated in front of the ear |
proencephalon (pro en cephal on) | the front part of the brain |
rachis (rachi s) | name for the spinal column |
rachidial, rachidian (rachidi al, rachidi an) | pertaining to the spinal column |
rachitis (rach itis) | inflammation of the spine; a disease commonly known as rickets, in which there is a failure to form bones properly and a softening of the bones because of a lack of vitamin D |
rachitic (rach it ic) | pertaining to or affected with rickets or rachitis |
rachicentesis (rachi centesis) | puncture into the spine |
tarsus of the lower eyelid (tars us) | the edge of the lower eyelid |
tarsus of the upper eyelid (tars us) | the edge of the upper eyelid |
tarsitis (tars itis) | inflammation of the tarsus or edge of the eyelid; blepharitis |