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Alfred Kidder Pecos Conference, 1920s-1930s, Pecos Canyon
Frank Cushing Participant observation and Zuni Tribe late 19th century
George Curvier Catastrphist, multiple disaster brought on by God by late 17th century early 18th century
Jean Baptist Lamarck accquired characteristics, giraffes, essentialism, early 1800s
Sir Charles Lyell uniformitarianism, Principles of Geology 1833
James Hutton gradualism, earth process is slow and steady, late 1700s and early 1800s
Charles Darwin Origin of Species 1859
John Lubbock prehistoric times 1865, paleolithic, mesolithic and neolithic periods
Marvin Harris materialist, modes of production and reproduction
Lewis Binford new archaeology, 1960s, middle range theory, optimal foraging
Hernan Cortex conquers Aztec in 1520s
Franz Boaz father of American anthropology, first department in NY
William Stukeley "discovers" and records Stonehenge, 1723
Napoleon Bonaparte discovers the Rosetta Stone late 1790s, Egyptian, creek and cuneiform
Thomsen and Worssae three age system, 1820s-1830s
Thomas Jefferson father of American archaeology 1790s-early 1800s, systematic excavation
William Smith stratigraphy
Stephens and Catherwood Uxmal, Copan, Chitzen Itza etc ancient Mayan civilizations 1840s into the early 20th century
Julian Steward cultural ecology 1930s
Alfred Kroeber first department of anthropology in Berkley 20th century student of Boaz
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 20,000 years ago
Clovis theory peopling of the New World
Bering Land Bridge exposed during LGM due to ocean levels being lowered 300-400 ft
Geofact looks like an artifact but is natural
Ecofact other parts of the assemblage, the stone debris, bones, leftovers from activities etc
Assemblage everything collected from the archaeological context
Feature fire pit, house, roch alignment, carin, workstation, rock art, etc
Seven Steps to Archaeological Inquiry planning, reconnaissance, survey, excavation, data collection, analysis, and publication
Planning first aid/things to bring:clothes shoes etc water; ask questions: transportation, where is the site, money, what do you want?
Reconnaissance asking questions: who has already been here, who is researching there, what they've found, looking at maps etc
Survey look around, start a grid from a point of reference (set flags etc) make a 'map' of things on the ground
Excavation set a base line, then build a grid system
Data collection
Created by: missmyk
Popular Anthropology sets




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