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Edelman 1-6


How are the size of a tree and it's age related Directly
How are the height of a person and the color of his automobile related unrelated
how is the age of a loaf of bread related to it's freshness inversely
Which of the following is an appropriate unit for area square yards
Which of the following is not an appropriate unit for volume cm
List the metric terms in increasing order Micro,milli,deci,deca,hecto,mega
List these metric terms in decreasing order giga,kilo,hecto,centi,micro,nano
How many millimeters are in 8 liters 8000 (mili means thousands)
How many centimeters are in 3 meters 300 (centi means hundredth and there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter
How many kilometers are in 3000 meters 3 kilo means thousand
What is the reciprocal of 100 1/100 or 0.01
what is the reciprocal of 1/8 8
How many Hertz is 3 MHz 3,000,000
How many millimeters are contained in a jar filled with 5 liters of fluid 5000
how many liters are contained in 80 ml of fluid 0.080
how much bigger is 1000 then 10 100 times
how much bigger is a billon than a million 1000 times
how much smaller is a hundred than a thousand 1/10 (one tenth)
what do waves transfer from one location to another waves carry energy from place to place
Which of the following best describes sound waves sound waves are a series of compressions and rarefractions
Which of the following terms does not belong with the other wide molecular spacing
Variations in all of the following identify specific waves as acoustic except parameters
what identifies specific waves as acoustic pressure, density, acoustic variables
All of the following are true of sound waves except they are not transverse (they are longitudinal)
All of the following are acoustic parameters except Pressure
Considered acoustic parameters period, propagation,frequency
Best Describes sound waves longitudinal, pressure waves
Two waves are traveling in a medium and arrive at a location at the same time. What event takes place interference
Units that are used to report the pressure of a sound beam Pascals (Pa)
Which waves will exhibit both constructive and destructive waves of different frequency
What are the units of wavelength millimeters
What are the units of frequency Hertz
What are the units of intnesity watts/cm2
What are the units of propagation speed meters/second
What are the units of period second
What are the units for power watts
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters?Wavelength both
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters? frequency sound source
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters? intensity (initial) sound source
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters?Propogation speed medium source
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters? period (initial) sound source
Does the medium or the sound source determine these parameters? amplitude (initial) Sound source
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator. Wavelength cannot
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator. frequency cannot
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator. intensity can
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator.propagation speed cannot
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator. period cannot
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator.power can
Using a particular ultrasound system and transducer, which of the following cannot be changed by the operator.amplitude (initial) can
True or False A wave with a frequency of 15,000 MHz is ultrasonic True
True or False If the amplitude of a wave is increased to 3 times it's original value the intensity is increased by 6 times False
(true false)If the power of a wave is halved the intensidy is reduced to one fourth its original value False
(T/F) Propagation speed increases as frequency increases false
Medium 1 has density of 9 and stiffness of 6 Medium 2 has density of 8 and stiffness of 6, In which medium will sound travel slower? Medium 1 since both media have same stiffness (don't think my mind in not in the gutter while typing this-roflmao)but the medium with greater density has lower propagation speed.
which of the following characteristics will create the fastest speed of sound low density, high stiffness
which of the following characteristics will create the slowest speed of sound high density, low stiffness
If the power in a beam is 1 watt, and the area is 5cm2 what is the beams intensity 0.2 W/cm2
If intensity remains the same while the power is doubled, what has happened to the beam area? doubled
A sound beam travles a total of 10 cm in 2 seconds. What is the speed of the sound 5 cm/sec (10 cm/2 sec=5cm)
(t/f)Propagation speed increases as the frequency increases False
(t/f)Propagation speed increases as frequency decreases False
t/f Propagation speed does not change as frequency increases True Propagation speed and frequency are unrelated.
What is the wavelength of a 3 Mhz sound in soft tissue? 0.51 mm
What is the wavelength of a wave with an unknown frequency traveling in soft tissue 0.51mm
The effects of sound waves on tissue in the body are called bioeffects
These are all acoustic bariables density,particle motion,pressure
Which are considered acoustic parameters. frequency, period
The effects of a medium on an ultrasound wave is called Acoustic propagation properties
Pulse repetition frequency is the reciprocal of? Pulse repetition period
By changing the imageing depth, which of the following does the operator also change Pulse repetition frequency, duty factor, pulse repetition period
The speed of a 5 MHz continuous wave is 1.8 km/sec. The wave is then pulsed with a duty factor of 0.5. Calculate the new propagation speed propagatin speed for pulsed and continuous wave sound is the same 1/8. It depends only on the medium through which the sound travels
what is the duty factor if the pulse duration is 1 microsecond, and the pulse repetition period is 1 ms duty factor is 0.001 or 10/3 10/6 divided by 10/3= 10/3 or 0.001
what is the duty factor if the pulse duration is 1 millisecond, and the pulse repetition period is 1 second the duty factor is 0.001 or 0.1% 0.001 divided by 1.0=0.001
a reduction in the intensity of a sound beam to one-half of it's original value is ____dB -3dB
A reduction in the intensity of a sound beam to one-quarter of it's original value is ___ -6 dB
-10dB means that the intensity is reduced to ____ of it's original value. one-tenth
dB is a mathematical representation with a _____ scale logarithmic and relative
A wave's intensity is 2 mW/cm2 There is a change of +9dB. What is the final intensity 16 mW/cm2
Every 3dB change means that the intensity will ________ double
Every 10 dB change means that the intensity will increase ten times
if the final intensity of a sound beam is more than the initial intensity, then the gain in dB is _ Positive
If the initial intensity of a sound beam is less than the final intensity, then the gain in dB is Positive
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same. Period remains the same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.frequency remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same. wavelength remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.speed remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.amplitude (initial) remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.pulse duration remains same.
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.spatial pulse length remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.pulse repetition period increases
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.PRF decreases
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.duty factor decreases
A sonographer is using a 3MHz transducer and changes to a 6 MHz transducer. The imaging depth remains unchanged. Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease, remain the same. Period decreases
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.frequency increases
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.wavelength decreases
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same. speed remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.intensity remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.PRF remains same
A sonographer adjusts the depth of view of an ultrasound scan from 8cm to 16 cm Would each of the following parameters increase, decrease or remain the same.pulse repetition period remains same.
Created by: sold1234



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