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Question | Answer |
virtuous | morally good person |
scarcely | barely |
fervently | with inthusiasm |
chutney | a fruit relish(tomatoes too) |
shepherds | to guid-lead to some where |
refuge | safe shelter |
nautical | dealing with sea and sailors |
bailiff | oversees of land |
wattle and daub | walls made of mud and sticks |
jerkin | short coat |
broth | liquid soup without meat or vegies |
delibrately | intentinal |
warren | buildings crowded together with lots of people |
muster | to gather/ assembly |
hep | plant material used to make rope |
fathom | unit of measure=6ft. |
navies | plural for navy; many warship |
frenzied | frantic |
apprentice | a person who works for someone to learn a trade |
supple | flexible |
flogging | a whipping |
shilling | a British unit of money |
impending | an event that is going to occur of happen |
mess | mealtime in the military |
curtly | describing a short or rudely given response |
stupendous | amazing |
sick bay | a medical area |
shrilled | a high pitched voice or sound |
rasping | rough voice |
manuscript | handwritten doucuments |
disparaging | rude remarks |
sedentary | an area where a river meets the shore |
bulkhead | a protected area |
cask | a wooden barrel used to store liquids on a ship |
atilt | tillted |
scalding | very hot liquid |
rogue | a rascl person |
plight | a dangerous situation |
encrusted | in a crust of some kind |
reeking | smelling very badly |