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feb 26 french


du soir PM (night time)
de l'aprés midi PM (afternoon time)
du matin (l'heure) AM (morning time)
à temps partiel part time
plus que jamais more then ever
d'ici là by then / until then
dans quelque temps before long
par la suite afterwards
quand même still / anyway
depuis quelque temps for awhile
rétroaction feedback
conjoint spouse
en tant que as (e , t , q) (in such that)
d'ailleurs although, beside
une marche à suivre a procedure
peu importe regardless of
plutôt Instead / rather
d'occasion used
Afin de In order to / so that
encore que even though ( e )
vraisemblement likely to
l'instant now (I)
issu derived
dès que as soon as (a, q)
Dependent depends
terminaison Ending
faire parti be part
Les Postes convenables suitable positions
adresse artfulness
affectations assignments
facultative optional
de même que just as
Vous faire prevu You demonstrated (you made evident)
en effet indeed
surtout especially
dédommagement compensation
alentours surroundings
plus à fond more thoroughly
Un dispositive a device
l'ayant having
se passer de to do without
de sorte que so that, in such way
à supposer que in assuming that
faudrait qu'elle accept would have had to accept
autrefois formerly
en admettant que in admitting that
a l'egard de in the respect of
La Consignes instructions
Conformément à According to (conforment to)
plus maintenant anymore
quant à as for, regarding
tout fera l'affaire any will do.
En plus On top of ____
a l'instar de la plupart Like most
De plus In additon/furthermore
une fois que once
dépannage troubleshooting
parfois sometimes
revanche contrast
partout throughout, all over, anywhere
tant So much, many
à mesure que as (progressively)
ainsi aswell, therefore, thus
actuellement currently
un retrait withdrawal
conforme consistent
contient contains
encore anyway
une partie de partly
des bancs places seating benches
relance stimulus
l'endettement the debt
étiquetage labelling
interdiction ban
paysage landscape, scenery
comportements behaviours
etre bouclé be completed
au-delà beyond
l'argent (m) money
Poste postage
a la fois par both by
à condition que provided that
remettre a plus tard to postpone
exigeante demanding
au plus tard at the latest
chercheur inquiring
bien que Although / Even though (b )
contenu contents
matière matter
Conseils tips
en fait as a matter of fact
pour que (subjunctive) so that / for that
sien ones own
ne dur que only lasts
en outre in addition
aupres among
selon moi, I believe
d'ici by / within
jadis once
enfermer to be locked in
faire part to express
faire le point to focus
faire face to cope
faire parvenir to send
devoir relever to have to meet
raconter to recount
graduer to graduate
dégager to exctricate
déboucher to lead (d )
oser to dare
Tenir de to take after
tenir à (+noun) to care about
ne tenir aucun compte to disregard
remettre to hand over
Égarer to mislead
entrer en contact to get in touch
Accorder to admit
ralentir to decelerate
répartir to spread
promulguer to enact
préconiser to advocate
s'engager to commit oneself
se mettre to set about
Avérer to prove (a)
recourir to resort
escroquer to defraud
Entretenir to look after
convenir to be suitable
Revoir to review
entacher to taint
décevoir to disappoint
Survenir to occur
s'entretenir to confer
se prévaloir to rely on
embouteiller to bottle
indemniser to compensate
remarquer to point out
prevoir fournir plan to provide
Désigner to indicate
Empêcher to prevent (e)
Prévoir To anticipate , to expect
verser to pay
conduire to lead
mettre en œuvre to implement
émettre to issue
Convaincre to convince
subvenir to support (S___v__)
Réussir to succeed ( r)
se rendre compte de to realise
réglementer to regulate
Abolir to abolish
Aboutir to succeed (a)
attendre to wait for
paraître to seem (p)
tenir to hold
endommager to damage
Amener to bring (people, anim, vehicl)
Emporter to take (carryables here)
manquer de to neglect
Prévenir to warn, prevent
exiger to require ( e )
présenter to submit (p)
Parvenir to reach (p)
inciter to encourage
se tromper to be mistaken
Apporter to bring (carryables here)
étendre extend
se révéler utile be useful
Aménager to develop
impliquer to involve
considérer to regard
retenir to retain
Réviser to revise
se dépêcher to hurry onself
promouvoir to promote
Figurer to represent
Susciter to arouse
Constater to notice
Reprendre to resume
Concevoir to conceive
Prétendre to claim
influer to influence
seconder to assist
s'étaler to spread
respecter to observe
effrayer to scare
disputer to compete
Enfreindre to infringe
mettre en marche to activate (m, m)
secouer to shake
Acheminer to forward, dispatch, transport
louper to miss out
deviner to guess
renforcer strengthen
de ravir to delight
invoquer to invoke
distraire to distract
définir to define
appuyer to support
adresser to contact
aborder to approach
Rater to miss
émouvoir to move (é)
Effectuer to carry out
Created by: alecthewiz
Popular French sets




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