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cult Anthro ch 5

cult anthro: the human challenge ch 5

A series of symbols representing the sounds of a language arranged in a traditional order. alphabet
Changing from one mode of language to another as the situation demands, whether from one language to another or from one dialect of a language to another. code switching
The most basic and long-lasting words in any language – pronouns, lower numerals, and names for body parts and natural objects. core vocabularies
Varying forms of a language that reflect particular regions, occupations, or social classes and that are similar enough to be mutually intelligible. dialects
A branch of linguistics that studies the relationships between language and culture and how they mutually influence and inform each other. ethnolinguistics
Distinct male and female speech patterns, which vary across social and cultural settings. gendered speech
Facial expressions and bodily postures and motions that convey intended as well as subconscious messages. gesture
In linguistics, a method for identifying the approximate time that languages branched off from a common ancestor. It is based on analyzing core vocabularies. glottochronology
The entire formal structure of a language, including morphology and syntax. grammar
system of notating & analyzing postures, facial expressions, & bodily motions that convey messages. kinesics
A system of communication using sounds or gestures that are put together in meaningful ways according to a set of rules. language
A group of languages descended from a single ancestral language. language family
The idea that language to some extent shapes the way in which we view and think about the world around us; sometimes called the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis after its originators Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf. linguistic determinism
The development of different languages from a single ancestral language. linguistic divergence
The attempt by ethnic minorities and even countries to proclaim independence by purging their language of foreign terms. linguistic nationalism
The idea that distinctions encoded in one language are unique to that language. linguistic relativity
The modern scientific study of all aspects of language. linguistics
The smallest unit of sound that carries a meaning in language. It is distinct from a phoneme, which can alter meaning but has no meaning by itself. morpheme
The study of the patterns or rules of word formation in a language (including such things as rules concerning verb tense, pluralization, and compound words). In biology, morphology refers to the shape or form of a structure. morphology
Voice effects that accompany language and convey meaning. These include vocalizations such as giggling, groaning, or sighing, as well as voice qualities such as pitch and tempo. paralanguage
The smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in meaning in a language. phoneme
The systematic identification and description of distinctive speech sounds in a language. phonetics
The study of language sounds. phonology
The cross-cultural study of humankind’s perception and use of space. proxemics
An instinctive sound or gesture that has a natural or self-evident meaning. signal
The study of the relationship between language and society through examining how social categories (such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion, occupation, and class) influence the use and interpretation of distinctive styles of speech. sociolinguistics
The patterns or rules by which morphemes are arranged into phrases and sentences. syntax
A language in which the sound pitch of a spoken word is an essential part of its pronunciation and meaning. tonal language
A set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language in a systematic way. writing system
Created by: kimharris
Popular Anthropology sets




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