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Spanish Test 2

Capitulo 3

el (la) asesor(a) adviser
la asistencia financiera financial aid
la beca scholarship
la cobertura total complete coverage
la colegiatura tuition
el departamento apartment
la estancia stay, period of time
la fecha límite deadline
los gatos expenses
el historial académico academic transcript
la inscripción/ inscribirse registeration/ to register, enroll
el intercambio exchange
la licenciatura undergraduate degree
las materias courses
la recámara bedroom
la solicitud application
el trámite procedure, step (in a process)
la vacuna/ vacunarse vaccination/ to get vaccinated
posgrado(a) graduate
vigente current
elegir(i) to choose
cursar to take courses, to deal with a process
el choque cultural culture shock
el hospedaje/ hospedarse lodging/ to lodge oneself
acoplarse to fit in
enfrentarse a los retos to confront challenges
enriquecer to enrich
extrañar a (los amigos) to miss (friends)
integrarse to integrate oneself (into a country)
involucrarse en (actividades) to get involved in (activities)
mudarse to move (residence)
el cambio loose change
el chofer driver
la disponibilidad/ disponible availability/ available
el descuento discount
el destino destination
el folleto brochure
el hostal hostel
los impuestos taxes
el itinerario itinerary
la línea camionera (aérea) bus (air)line
el letrero the sign
la parada (bus)stop
el pasaje ticket, passage
la plaza space (on a bus)
el recorrido turístico sightseeing trip
el retraso delay
la taquilla ticket office
la tarifa price
la terminal terminal
el vagón car (of a train)
el viaje redondo round trip
el monumento monument
la pirámide pyramid
las ruinas ruins
abordar, transbordar to board, get on, to transfer (on a bus)
alojarse/ el alojamiento to stay (lodge)/ lodging
pedir/ dar un aventón to hitchhike
regatear to bargain
rentar un carro to rent a car
reservar con anticipación to reserve in advance
transitar/ transitado(a) to travel/ traveled
In comparative statements comparing two people or things in regard to a particular quality. más/menos que
In comparative statements referring to numerical quantities. más/menos de
bueno(a) good
mejor(es) better
malo(a) bad
peor(es) worse
joven young
menor(es) younger
viejo(a) old
mayor(es) older
To make comparisons of equality tan+ adj or adverb +como
tanto/tanta as much
tantos/tantas as many
tanto como as much as
Superlative statements... express the highest/lowest degree definite article + noun + más/menos + adjective + de
el(la,los,las) mejor(es) best
el(la,los,las) peor(es) worst
el(la,los,las) menor(es) youngest
el (la,los,las) mayor(es) oldest
To indicate the highest degree of a quality muy or sumamente + adjective OR -ísimo(a,os,as)
me (yo) myself
te (tú) yourself
se (él/ella/usted) himself, herself, yourself
nos (nosotros/as) ourselves
se (ellos/ellas/ustedes) yourselves, themselves
acordar(ue) to agree
despedir(i) to fire
dormir(ue) to sleep
ir to go
negar(ie) to deny
parecer to seem
poner to put
probar(ue) to try, taste
quitar to take away
acordarse(ue) de to remember
despedirse(i) de to say good-bye
dormirse(ue) to fall asleep
irse to leave, to go away
negarse(ie) a to refuse
parecerse a to resemble
ponerse to put on, to become
probarse(ue) to try on
quitarse to take off
arrepentirse(ie) to repent, regret
darse cuenta de to realize
jactarse de to boast
quejarse de to complain
uno(a,os,as) a otro(a,os,as) to one another
Movement or direction toward a destination or goal para (in the direction of)
Purpose, use, goal, or intented recipient para (by)
An implied comparison of inequality para (for/in order to)
Having an opinion or making judgment Para mí (personally, as for me)
Created by: Futuredoctor09
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