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Arriba Capítulo 5
Term | Definition |
acostarse (ue) | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
bañarse | to bathe |
cepillarse | to brush |
despertarse (ie) | to wake up |
dormirse (ue,u) | to fall asleep |
ducharse | to take a shower |
lavarse | to wash |
levantarse | to get up; to stand up |
maquillarse | to apply makeup |
peinarse | to comb |
quitarse | to take off |
secarse | to dry off |
sentarse (ie) | to sit down |
vestirse (i,i) | to get dressed |
ponerse contento/a | to become happy |
ponerse furioso/a | to become angry |
ponerse impaciente | to become impatient |
ponerse nervioso/a | to become nervous |
ponerse triste | to become sad |
sentirse (ie,i) | to feel |
cara | face |
dientes | teeth |
la mano | the hand |
nariz | nose |
ojo | eye |
pelo | hair |
cepillo (de dientes) | (tooth) brush |
el champú | the shampoo |
crema (de afeitar) | (shaving) cream |
desodorante | deodorant |
espejo | mirror |
jabón | soap |
el brillo de labios | lip gloss |
loción (de afeitar) | shaving lotion |
aspiradora | vacuum |
lavadora | washer |
el lavaplatos | the dishwasher |
plancha | iron |
secadora | dryer |
cama | bed |
cómoda | dresser |
cuadro | painting |
estante | bookcase |
lámpara | lamp |
mesa de noche | nightstand |
sillón | armchair |
el sofá | sofa |
las partes de una casa | the parts of a house |
baño | bathroom |
casa | house |
cocina | kitchen |
comedor | dining roon |
cuarto | room, bedroom |
dormitorio | bedroom |
garaje | garage |
jardín | garden |
pasillo | hallway |
patio | patio |
piso | floor |
sala | living room |
terraza | terrace |
los quehaceres domésticos | household chores |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar (el piso, los platos) | to wash (the floor, the plates) |
llenar/vaciar el lavaplatos | to fill/to empty the dishwasher |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
poner/quitar la mesa | to set/to clear the table |
recoger la ropa (del piso/de la secadora) | pick up the clothes (from the floor/from the dryer) |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
barrer el piso | to sweep the floor |