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French Unit Three

l'ado adolescent
l'adulte adult
l'ami friend
l'argent de poche allowance
l'arrêt stop
le CD CD
le cellulaire cellular
le copain friend/buddy
l'étudiant student
le matin morning
le réveil alarm clock
l'adilescence adolescence
l'adolescente adolescent
la catastrophe catastrophe
la chambre bedroom
la chanteuse singer
la communication communication
la dent tooth
la difficulté difficulty
l'excuse excuse
la famille family
la fin de semaine weekend
la génération generation
l'idée idea
la journée day
la salle de bain bathroom
la sœur sister
la suggestion suggestion
la vie life
aliéné-e alienated
bon-ne good
canadien-ne Canadian
ce-cette this
cher-ére dear/expensive
cool cool
compliqué-e complicated
difficile difficult
essentiel-le necessary
favori-te favourite
incomris-e misunderstood
jeune young
mécontent-e unhappy
même same
nerveux-euse nervous
noir-e black
nouveau-elle new
ouvert-e open
pressé-e rushed
quel-le which
satisfait-e satisfied
sérieux-se serious
spécial-e special
sympa nice
tout-e every/all
typique typical
vieux-ieille old
absolument absolutely
contre against
déjà already
d'habitude usually
facilement easily
heureusement luckily
lentement slowly
maintenant now
normalement normally
rpaidement quickly
rarement rarely
seulement only
trop too much
vraiment really
compliquer to complicate
comprendre to understand
connaître to know someone
dire to say
discuter to discuss
marcher to work/function
oublier to forget
raccrocher to hang up
répéter to repeat
rougir to blush
se brosser to brush one's...
se croucher to go to bed
se dépêcher to rush/hurry
s'endormir to fall asleep
s'habiller to dress oneself
s'impatienter to become impatient
se laver to wash oneself
se lever to get up
se maquiller to put on makeup
se parler to speak to one another
se peigner to comb one's hair
se préparer to prepare one self
se promettre to promise one another
se rappeler to remember
se raser to shave
se rencontrer to meet one another
se réveiller to wake up
se sentir to feel
la bête noire pet-peeve
bein sûr of course
comme d'habitude as usual, as always
d'accord OK
de bonne heure early
en retard late
ne...jamias never
n'est-ce pas? right?
pas seulement not only
Que la vie est compliquée! boy,is life complicated
Quelle catastrophe! what a disaster
Quelle journée! what a day!
Qu'ils sont vieux jeu! wow, are they out of it
Created by: bwong
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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