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Capitulo 4

los antepasados ancestors
el/la bisabuelo/a great-grandfather/grandmother
el/la descendiente descendant
el/la emigrante emigrant
el/la esclavo/a slave
el/la extranjero/a foreigner
el/la inmigrante immigrant
el/la mestizo/a mestizo (indigenous and European)
el/la mulato/a mulatto (black and European)
el/la pariente lejano/a distant relative
el/la refugiado/a politico/a political refugee
el/la residente resident
el/la tatarabuelo/a great-great-grandfather/grandmother
la ascendencia ancestry
en busca de nuevos horizontes in search of new opportunities (horizons)
la discriminacion discrimination
discriminar a alguien to discriminate against someone
la emigracion emigration
emigrar to emigrate
el extranjero abroad
hacer algo contra su voluntad to do something against one's will
hacerse ciudadano/a to become a citizen
hacerse la America to seek success in America
la inmigracion immigration
inmigrar to immigrate
la libertad freedom
el orgullo pride
recibir a alguien con los brazos abiertos to receive someone with open arms
sentir nostalgia (por) to be homesick; to feel nostalgic (about)
sentirse rechazado/a to feel rejected
ser biligue/trilingue/poliglota to be bilingual/trilingual/a poly glot
ser mano de obra barata to be cheap labor
ser oriundo/a de (+ciudad or pais) to be originally from (+city or country)
ser una persona de pocos recursos to be a low-income person
ser una persona preparada to have an education
tener incentivos to have incentives
tener iniciativa to have initiative/drive
tener prejuicios contra alguien to be prejudiced against someone
tener titulo to have an education/a degree
tener un futuro incierto to have an uncertain future
acabar/terminar to run out (of)
caer to fall
descomponer to break down
olvidar to forge
perder to lose
quedar to leave behind
quemar to burn
romper to break
Created by: amyelizabeth904
Popular Spanish sets




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