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German Verbs


abbiegen to turn (off)
abgehen hand in,hand over, fire,give off,produce
abholen fetch, pick up
ablehnen decline,refuse
abnehmen lose weight,decrease,wane,remove,take off,take away
achten consider,respect,pay attention
anbieten offer
ändern alter,change
anfangen begin,start
anfassen handle,touch
anmachen turn on,attach,prepare,mix
anmelden announce,register,make an appointment,indicate,declare,express
annehmen accept,take on,assume,pass
anrufen phone,appeal,call out to
anschauen look at,watch
ansehen look at,watch,regard,consider,see
anziehen advance,increase,attract,draw up,pull at,tighten,take on
anzünden ignite,kindle,light,set fire to
ärgern annoy,irritate,upset
atmen breathe,respire
auffordern ask, call upon,demain,invite
aufgeben abandon,give up,assign,give,hand in
aufheben balance out,keep,lift up,pick up, terminate
aufhören stop,cease,discontinue
aufpassen beware,pay attention,watch over
aufräumen clean,straighten,tidy up,clear
aufregen upset,excite
aufstehen get up,stand up,rise (up)
aufwachen awake,wake up
ausgeben spend,distribute,give out,declare,yield, pass off as
ausgehen go out,come out,start out,assume,come to an end
ausmachen arrange,agree,put out,turn off/out,come to,constitute,discern
ausschalten switch off,turn off,eliminate,set aside
ausschließen exclude,rule out,expel,shut out
aussehen appear,look
aussprechen express,voice,pronounce,finish speaking
ausstellen display,exhibit,write out,issue
ausziehen pull out,extract,take off,remove
backen bake
baden bathe,take a bath,swim
bauern build, cultivate
beachten obey,heed,notice,regard,pay attention to
beantragen apply for,propose, call for
bedeuten mean,signify,portend
bedienen serve,wait on,operate,work
bedingen imply,depend on,determine,require
sich beeilen hurry,quicken
beeinflussen influence,have effect on
befehlen command,dictate,order,commend,entrust
befinden find,consider,judge
befreien free,liberate,release,excuse,exempt
begegnen meet,encounter,occur,treat,counter
beginnen begin,start,undertake
begleiten accompany,escort
begründen substantiate,supply evidence for,found,establish,start
begrüßen greet,hail,welcome
behalten keep,retain,remember,maintain
behandeln treat,deal with,handle
behaupten maintain,retain possession of,assert,contend
behindern hinder,obstruct,impede
beißen to bite,sting
bekommen get,receive,obtain
beleidigen offend,insult,affront
bellen bark,yap
bemerken notice,observe,mention,remark
sich bemühen endeavor,make an effort,concern o.s,bother
benutzen use,utilize,employ
beobachten observe,watch,comply with
beraten advise,confer
bereiten make ready,prepare,give,bring
bergen save,recover,rescue,secure,shelter,conceal,contain,involve,hide
berichten report,advise,inform
bersten burst,split
berücksichtigen take into consideration,allow for,bear in mind
berufen summon,call together,convene,appoint
beruhigen calm,quiet
beschädigen injure,damage
beschäftigen occupy,engage
beschließen resolve,decide,conclude,close
beschreiben describe,write on
beschweren weigh down,make heavy,encumber
besichtigen inspect,examine,go sightseeing in
besitzen possess,own
besorgen look after,attend to,get,procure
bestätigen confirm,verify,acknowledge,validate
bestehen undergo,endure,pass,exist,persist,consist,be composed,insist
bestellen order,reserve,arrange,deliver,summon
bestimmen determine,fix,intend,designate
besuchen visit,call on,attend,patronize
beteiligen give a share
beten pray
beton stress,emphasize
betragen to amount to,be
betrügen deceive,defraud,be unfaithful to
bewegen 2 move,stir,occupy one's mind
beweisen prove,show, give evidence
sich bewerben apply,compete
bezahlen pay, remunerate
bezeichnen make,indicate,designate,denote,refer to
beziehen relate,refer,cover,go to,enter,be supplied with,subscribe to
biegen bend,curve,wind
bieten offer,present,give,bid
binden bind,tie,compel,oblige,be binding,retain
bitten ask,request,invite,plead
blasen blow,play
bleiben remain,stay,keep
bleichen bleach,whiten
blühen bloom,blossom,prosper,thrive,be in store
braten roast,grill,broil,fry
brauchen need,require
brechen break,breach,crack,rupture
brennen burn,distil,bake,roast,be lit,be on fire
bringen bring,take,yield,present,put
buchen book,reserve,enter(bookkeeping)
danken thank,owe,decline with thanks
dauern last,endure,take(time),feel sorry for
denken think,conceive,believe,bear in mind
dienen serve,be of use,be useful
diskutieren discuss,debate,talk
drehen turn,rotate,roll,spin,shoot(film)
dreschen thresh
dringen penetrate,reach,spread,make one's way
drucken print
drücken press,push,impress,squeeze,weigh down
dürfen may,might,be allowed to,be permitted to
ehren honor,revere,do honor to
einfallen collapse,give way;invade,overrun;occur to, strike
einkaufen shop,purchase
einladen invite;treat,pay for;load
einrichten arrange,organize;equip,furnish;establish,setup
einschalten insert;switch on,engage;bring into
einsetzen insert,put in place,install,appoint;begin
einsteigen board,climb in,get in
einstellen put/place in;engage,hire;adjust;cease,stop
einziehen draw in,absorb,draft;retract,recall;collect
empfangen receive,greet;conceive,become pregnant
empfehlen recommend;commend
entdecken discover,expose,uncover
enthalten hold,comprise,include,contain
entlassen let go,release,dismiss,discharge,lay off
entscheiden decide,determine;settle(legally)
sich entschließen decide,resolve,make up one's mind
entschuldigen excuse,pardon,justify
entsprechen correspond,agree,be consistent,meet
entstehen originate,arise,ensue,emerge,be created
enttäuschen disappoint
entwickeln develop
sich ereignen occur,take place,happen
erfahren learn,discover;experience,undergo
erfinden invent,contrive;fabricate,make up
erfüllen fill;fulfill,perform
erhalten receive,obtain;save,preserve;keep,support
erhöhen raise,increase;enhance
sich erholen recover,recuperate,relax
erinnern remind
erkälten cool,chill
erkennen perceive,recognize,identify;be cognizant of;impose sentence
erklären explain,comment on;declare,announce,proclaim
erlauben allow,permit
erleben experience,live through;live to see
erledigen deal with,attend to,set right,handle,settle,complete,do
erlöschen go out;die down/out;expire;lapse
eröffnen open,start;unseal;inaugurate;reveal,disclose
erreichen reach;attain,achieve;arrive at
erscheinen appear,be published,count out;seem
erschrecken be frightened/scared;be shocked/alarmed
erwähnen mention,make reference to
erwarten expect,anticipate;await,wait for
erzählen tell,narrate,recount
essen eat,take a meal
existieren exist
fahren drive,go,travel,ride;move hurriedly;convey,carry
fallen fall;be captured;be killed(in action);decline,drop
fangen catch,capture;trap,snare;take prisoner
fassen grasp,take hold of;apprehend;express;hold,accommodate,embrace;understand;pass
fehlen be missing/lacking/absent;be needed
feiern celebrate,commemorate
feixen grin,smirk
festhalten hold tight,keep,maintain;detain,capture
feststellen establish,ascertain,determine;state;observe,realize;locate;secure
finden find,discover,come across;think, consider
flechten braid,plait;weave,interweave;wind
fliegen fly;rush,race
fliehen flee,retreat
fließen flow,stream,pour
fluchen curse,swear
folgen follow,ensue; succeed
fordern demand,ask for;summon;claim
fragen ask,inquire,question
fressen eat(of animals); devour;corrode
freuen make glad,delight
frieren freeze,chill
frühstücken eat breakfast
fühlen feel;perceive,be aware of
führen conduct,lead;take,carry;handle,manage
füllen fill;inflate;stuff;load
funktionieren function,operate,work
fürchten fear,be afraid,dread,be in awe
gären ferment;seethe
gebären bear;give birth to;produce
geben give,confer;grant;emit;yield;provide
gebrauchen use,employ
gedeihen grow,thrive,flourish,prosper,progress
gefallen be pleasing
gehen go,walk,move;go away,leave;work,function
gehören belong,be owned;pertain
gelingen be successful,be managed
gelten be valid,hold true;matter; be effective; apply to; be considered as
genesen get well,recover,convalesce
genießen enjoy,savor
geraten get,fall,happen;turn out
Created by: chriswalker66
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