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Lesson 5 PT

Body system that moves body parts, generates body heat, & helps maintain posture. muscular system
3 types of muscle tissue skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
Muscles that pull on bones, causing body parts to move. skeletal muscles
Muscles that form the walls of hollow organs, glands, & blood vessels. smooth muscles
Muscle that causes your heart to beat. cardiac muscle
Structures that attach skeletal muscles to bones. tendons
Tearing of muscle tissue. (muscular sys dis) muscle strain
Wasting away & weakening of muscle tissue. (muscular sys dis) muscular atrophy
Genetic disease that causes muscle tissue to be replaced by fat. (muscular sys dis) muscular dystrophy
Uncontrolled, painful contractions of muscle tissue. (muscular sys dis) muscle spasms
Inflammation of tendons. (muscular sys dis) tendonitis
Severe bruising of muscles due to torn blood vessels. (muscular sys dis) hematoma
Body system that is made up of bones that work with skeletal muscles to move, provide shape, support body weight, protect organs, blood cells are formed & help keep balance of chemicals. skeletal system
Connects bones to each other. (skeletal sys) ligaments
Where bones are bound together by ligaments. (skeletal sys) joints
Three major types of joints. (skeletal sys) fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
Joints that allow no or very slight amounts of movement, connected by dense connective tissue. ex: skull bones (skeletal sys) fibrous joints
Joints connected by rubbery tissue called cartilage that allow more movement. ex: spine (skeletal sys) cartilaginous joints
Joints that are complex and allow the most movement. ex: arms, legs synovial joints
Breaks in bones. (skeletal sys dis) fractures
Inflammation of joints (swelling & dissue destrution) (skele sys dis) arthritis
Tightening of joints causing limited movement. (skele sys dis) contractures
Surgical replacement of joint surfaces. (skele sys dis) joint replacement
Removal of an arm or a leg because of injury or disease. (skele sys dis) amputations
Tearing of ligaments. (skele sys dis) sprains
Thinning of bone tissue. (skele sys dis) osteoporosis
Abnormal sideways curves in the spine. (skele sys dis) scoliosis
The body system that gathers & sends informations to the spinal cord & then to the brain, where it is processed & decisions are made, signals sent back out to other parts of the body. nervous system
Nerve cells. (nervous system) sensory neurons
Gather information about what is going on outside/inside the body. (end of sensory neurons) (nervous system) sensory receptors
Carries signals back from the brain to other parts of the body. (nervous system) motor neurons
Bundles of neurons. (nervous system) nerves
Nerves that enter and leave the spinal cord. (nervous system) spinal nerves
Nerves that enter and leave the brain. (nervous system) cranial nerves
Brain and spinal cord make up the ...... (nervous system) central nervous system
All nerves outside the brain and spinal cord make up the ...... (nervous system) peripheral nervous system
Thinking/remembering/problem solving/speaking (nervous system) cognitive skills
Injury to the brain due to an accident. (difficulty moving, speaking & thinking) (nervous sys dis) traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Injury to the spinal cord results in paralysis (inability to move)& lack of feeling below the level of injury. (nerv sys dis) spinal cord injury (SCI)
Blockage of blood flow in the brain due to a blood clot or ruptured blood vessel. Usually causes some degree of paralysis. (nerv sys dis) stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Disorders of balance & posture. (nerv sys dis) vestibular disorders
Scarring of nerve cells causing problems with movement and sensation. (nerv sys dis) multiple sclerosis (MS)
Lack of chemical messenger called dopamine, causing tremors & other problems with movement. (nerv sys dis) Parkinson's disease
Damage to the brain of an infant or young child causing muscles to be to stiff or too relaxed. (often mental retardation as well) (nerv sys dis) Cerebral palsy
Tissue of the spinal cord pokes out through the bones in the back causing paralysis of some muscles. (nerv sys dis) spina bifida
Problems with motor coordination & balance in children. (nerv sys dis) developmental coordination disorder
Body system that controls internals secretions. endocrine system
Structures in the endocrine system that secrete chemicals directly into the blood stream. glands
Chemicals that travel around the body in the blood; controlling how fast chemical reactions occur, get substances to cells, regulate amount of chemicals, affect blood pressure, affect growth/development, reproduction, ect. (endocrine sys) hormones
Too high blood sugar levels due to problems with the hormone insulin, secreted by the pancreas, causing organ damage/tissue breakdown/severe dehydration. (endo sys dis) diabetes
Too low blood sugar levels sometimes due to excessive amount of insulin; causing weakness, confusion, increased heart rate, headache. (endo sys dis) hypoglycemia
The thyroid gland secretes too much thyroxine, causing a speeding up of the bodys chemical reactions; weight loss, fatigue, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting. (endo sys dis) hyperthyroidism
The thyroid gland secretes to little thyroxine causing a slowing down of the body's chemical reactions; weight gain, fatigue, weakness, depression, muscle pain, slowing down of thinking skills. (endo sys dis) hypothyroidism
The adrenal gland secretes to much of it several hormones causing loss of muscle/bone tissue, weight gain, weakness, memory loss, high blood pressure, heart problems. (endo sys dis) Cushing's disease
The adrenal gland secretes too little of its several hormones, causing wight loss, exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, heart problems, depression. (endo sys dis) Addison's disease
Excessive production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the parathyroid gland causing fatigue, weakness, kidney problems, poor memory, weakening of bones, nausea & vomiting. (endo sys dis) hyperparathyroidism
Decreased production of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the parathyroid gland causing disturbances in the amount of calcium in the blood, muscle spasms, seizures. (endo sys dis) hypoparathyroidism
Body system that carries blood to & from the heart...consists of: heart/blood vessels/blood circulatory system
Three types of blood vessels. (circu. sys) arteries - carry blood away from the heart veins - carry blood to the heart capillaries - tiny blood vessels that form bridges between arteries & veins
Muscle that contracts to send blood throughout the body. (circu. sys) cardiac muscle
Areas of hospitals devoted to patients with heart problems. cardiac unit
Blockage of the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. (circ sys dis) coronary artery disease
Lack of oxygen to the heart muscle causing death to some of the tissue; heart attack. (circ sys dis) myocardial infarction (MI)
Inability of the heart to pump enough blood to supply what the body needs. (circ sys dis) congestive heart failure
Blood pushes against the walls of the blood vessels with too much force. (circ sys dis) hypertension (high blood pressure)
Thickening and loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries, increasing the risk of blood clots. (circ sys dis) arteriosclerosis
Disturbances of the rate or rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle. (circ sys dis) arrhythmias
Problems with valves between the chambers of the heart. (circ sys dis) valvular heart disease
A defect of the heart present at birth. (circ sys dis) congenital heart disease
Body system that works with the circulatory system to keep the amount of water in your body just right and helps you fight off germs that cause disease. lymphatic system
Body parts that make up the lymphatic system. lymphatic vessels/lymph nodes/thymus/spleen/tonsils/Peyer's patches
Travel alongside circulatory vessels to carry fluid that drains into 2 large veins. (lymph) lymphatic vessels
Clumps of disease fighting cells placed strategically throughout the body. (lymph) lymph nodes
Organ in upper chest, contains white blood cells that help to keep the body free from infection. (lymph) thymus
Organ in the abdomen that contains white blood cells that help to keep the body free from infection. (lymph) spleen
Organ in the back of the throat/contains white blood cells/helps fight against infection. (lymph) tonsils
Lymphatic tissue in small intestine/contains white blood cells/helps fight against infection. (lymph) Peyer's patches
Infection of the lymph nodes, usually with enlargement of the nodes in the neck, under the arm, or groin area. (lymph sys dis) lymphadenitis
Infection of the lyphatic vessels, along with the nodes. Dangerous infection/prompt treatment. (lymph sys dis) lymphangitis
Edema of tissues caused by problems with the lymphatic system. Tissues swell because fluids are not draining properly. (lymph sys dis) lymphedema
An absent or depressed response to exposure to germs, causing frequent severe illnesses. (lymph sys dis) immunodeficiency disorders
An abnormal response to exposure to some substances. (lymph sys dis ) allergies
The science that studies the structure of the body. anatomy
The science that studies the function of the human body. physiology
The basic unit of matter. atom
Two or more atoms come together to form larger particles called _______. molecules
The working parts of the cell, made up by molecules. organelles
Most basic functional unit in the body. cell
Groups of similar cells organized into layers or masses. tissues
Tissue groups together to form __________ which are structures that have special jobs. organs
Groups of organs work together in ____________. organ systems
Grouping all the organ systems together makes up an _______________. organism
Four major types of tissues in the body. muscle/nervous/epithelial/connective
Tissues that allow you to move. muscle tissues
Tissues that tell muscles when to move. nervous tissues
Tissues that line or cover other structures. (skin, mucous membranes) Epithelial tissues
Tissues that provide support & protection. (bone,cartilage,blood) connective tissue
Created by: sabrinaharbour
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