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Vet DZ

Blood Chem: Liver DZ

ALT Alanine transferase; increased with hepatic cellular damage. Test for liver damage.
AST Asparate transferase; increased with liver necrosis, also found in muscle cells (muscle damage). Test for liver damage.
SDH Sorbitol dehydrogenase; increased when used in large animals. Test for liver damage.
GD Glutamic dehydrogenase; increased when used in cattle and sheep. Test for liver damage.
ALP/ALKP Alkaline phosphatase; increased in young animals and lowered excretion of bile. Also seen with steroid treatment. Test for liver cholestasis.
GGT Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; increased with large animal biliary disease. Test for liver cholestasis.
Bilirubin Breakdown of HgBm; increased from liver or hemolytic disease. Test for liver cholestasis.
Blood glucose (Liver) Decreased with liver failure and many other diseases. Test to evaluate liver function.
Albumin (Liver) Protein in the bloodl; can decrease with liver failure and other diseases. Test to evaluate liver function.
BUN (Liver) Decreased with liver failure. Test to evaluate liver function.
Bile Acid Test Best blood test to evaluate liver function. Used in small animals and birds frequently. Increased levels indicate when liver is not clearing blood bile acid from the blood.
BUN (Kidneys) Blood urea nitrogen. Elevated levels can be caused by gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or: (pre-renal) dehydration, heart disease, low BP. (Renal): Non-functional kidneys. (Post-Renal) Urethral or ureteral obstruction or tear.
Creat (Kidneys) Creatinine; more specific than BUN. Same pre-renal, renal, and post-renal causes. Also increased with metabolism of muscles ie: starvation, diabetes.
Uric acid Used in birds.
K+ (Kidneys) Potassium; increases with unpassed or unmade urine. Decreases with PU/PD. Has other causes as well.
P (Kidneys) Phosphorus; Generally increases along with BUN and Creat, but has other causes as well.
Amylase Increased levels seen with pancreatitis, renal failure and gastric disease. Test for exocrine function of pancreas.
Lipase Increased lipase is more specific than amylase; pancreatitis. Test for exocrine function of pancreas.
TLI Trypsin-like immunoreactivity. Test used for EPI (Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency).
Glucose (Pancreas) Test for Diabetes(increased) and Insulinoma(decreased). Test for endocrine function.
Insulin (Pancreas) Test for Diabetes(decreased) and Insulinoma(increased). Test for endocrine function.
Created by: 747381778
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