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Vet DZ
Blood Chem: Liver DZ
Question | Answer |
ALT | Alanine transferase; increased with hepatic cellular damage. Test for liver damage. |
AST | Asparate transferase; increased with liver necrosis, also found in muscle cells (muscle damage). Test for liver damage. |
SDH | Sorbitol dehydrogenase; increased when used in large animals. Test for liver damage. |
GD | Glutamic dehydrogenase; increased when used in cattle and sheep. Test for liver damage. |
ALP/ALKP | Alkaline phosphatase; increased in young animals and lowered excretion of bile. Also seen with steroid treatment. Test for liver cholestasis. |
GGT | Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; increased with large animal biliary disease. Test for liver cholestasis. |
Bilirubin | Breakdown of HgBm; increased from liver or hemolytic disease. Test for liver cholestasis. |
Blood glucose (Liver) | Decreased with liver failure and many other diseases. Test to evaluate liver function. |
Albumin (Liver) | Protein in the bloodl; can decrease with liver failure and other diseases. Test to evaluate liver function. |
BUN (Liver) | Decreased with liver failure. Test to evaluate liver function. |
Bile Acid Test | Best blood test to evaluate liver function. Used in small animals and birds frequently. Increased levels indicate when liver is not clearing blood bile acid from the blood. |
BUN (Kidneys) | Blood urea nitrogen. Elevated levels can be caused by gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or: (pre-renal) dehydration, heart disease, low BP. (Renal): Non-functional kidneys. (Post-Renal) Urethral or ureteral obstruction or tear. |
Creat (Kidneys) | Creatinine; more specific than BUN. Same pre-renal, renal, and post-renal causes. Also increased with metabolism of muscles ie: starvation, diabetes. |
Uric acid | Used in birds. |
K+ (Kidneys) | Potassium; increases with unpassed or unmade urine. Decreases with PU/PD. Has other causes as well. |
P (Kidneys) | Phosphorus; Generally increases along with BUN and Creat, but has other causes as well. |
Amylase | Increased levels seen with pancreatitis, renal failure and gastric disease. Test for exocrine function of pancreas. |
Lipase | Increased lipase is more specific than amylase; pancreatitis. Test for exocrine function of pancreas. |
TLI | Trypsin-like immunoreactivity. Test used for EPI (Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). |
Glucose (Pancreas) | Test for Diabetes(increased) and Insulinoma(decreased). Test for endocrine function. |
Insulin (Pancreas) | Test for Diabetes(decreased) and Insulinoma(increased). Test for endocrine function. |