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SAT Vocab Dum 3-16

SAT Vocabulary for Dummies - Chapters 3-16

attenuated slender, thin
comely attractive
corpulent fat, fleshy
dandy a man whose style of dress is ostentatiously elegant or fashionable
dapper neat, trim, smart in dress or appearance
emaciated abnormally thin or wasted
fop a dandy, someone who is excessively concerned with being fashionable
frowzy dirty, untidy, neglected in appearance
gaunt abnormally slim, especially from lack of nourishment
homely plain or unattractive in appearance
lanky awkwardly or ungracefully lean or long
obese very overweight
pallid pale, especially from illness or shock
pulchritudinous beautiful
rangy tall and thin
rotund round, plump
sartorial pertaining to clothing or to tailors
slattern an untidy and slovenly woman
slovenly untidy, dirty
soignee; soigne meticulously dress, well-groomed
stout fat, corpulent
svelte slender, willowy, elegant, graceful
swarthy dark-complexioned
unkempt untidy, having a neglected appearance
wan unhealthily pale, of a grayish, sickly color
affluent wealthy, having an abundance of money
avarice greed, desire to get something
cupidity greed for gain, inordinate desire to appropriate another's wealth or possessions
destitute without resources, in proverty
fiscal pertaining to money
frugal economical, careful in the use of goods
impecunious poor, penniless
indigent poor, needy
mendicant a beggar
mercenary serving merely for pay
miserly stingy, hoarding wealth
munificent splendidly generous
opulent rich, wealthy, affluent
parsimonious stingy, sparing
parvenu a person of humble origins who has gained wealth and position and risen in society, especially one considered unfit for the position (an upstart)
plutocrat a person exercising power or influence over others by right of wealth or position
prodigal recklessly wasteful, extravagant
profligate recklessly extravagant (also someone who has abandoned himself/herself to fice or indulgence)
solvent able to pay one's debts, financially sound
squander spend recklessly, use in a wasteful manner
bombastic using high-sounding language, pompous
chatterbox a person woh talks incessantly
declaim to speak in a dramatic, pompous way
diatribe a lengthy bitter, abusive, criticism
discursive rambling, wandering from one topic to another
garrulous talking too much
glib speaking in a smooth, easy manner
grandiloquent using pompous, bombastic, words
harangue a loud, noisy, or scolding speech; a tirade
hector to bully or browbeat
inaudible not loud enough to hear
laconic using few words, terse
loquacious very talkative
mellifluous sounding sweet and smooth, honeyed
pithy concise, terse, and full of meaning
pontificate to speak in a pompous or dogmatic way
prolix wordy, long-winded
rail to speak bitterly, to complain against
stentorian very loud
succinct clearly and briefly stated; terse
taciturn not liking to talk, almost always silent
terse brief, concise, succinct, free of superfluous words
verbose wordy, long-winded
vociferous loud, noisy, vehement
voluble talkative
antediluvian very old, old fashioned, primitive
antiquated old-fashioned, out of date, obsolete, old
archaic ancient, antiquated, old-fashioned
callow young and inexperienced, immature
hoary very old, ancient
immature not completely grown, not finished
ingenue an innocent, inexperienced, unworldly young woman
jejune not mature, childish
juvenescent becoming young, growing youthful
neophyte beginner, novice
newfangled new, novel
novice a beginner, an apprentice
precicious developed or matured beyond what is normal for the age, prematurely developed
puerile childish, silly, immature
senescence growing old, aging
senile showing deterioration from old age, especially mental impairment and confusion
superannuated too old or worn for further work; old fashioned, outdated
tyro a novice, a beginner
venerable worthy of respect by reason of age and dignity
veteran experienced, practiced
acclaim approval, praise
accolade a sign of approval
belittle speak slightingly of
castigate punish by giving public criticism
censure strong disapproval, a formal expression of disapproval
demean treat badly
denigrate blacken the reputation of someone; defame, decry
denounce condemn strongly
disparage show disrespect for
encomium a formal expression of praise
eulogy high praise
extol to praise highly
fawning flattering, showing servile difference
kudos praise, glory, fame
laud to praise
malign speak evil of
paean a song of praise
panegyric speech expressing high praise
plaudits expressions of praise
rebuke scold
sycophant a flatterer
toady a sycophant, a fawning, obsequious hanger-on
upbraid criticize or rebuke sharply
vilify use abusive language about
vituperate to find fault with, to vilify, revile, abuse
badinage humorous banter or ridicule
beatific serenely happy, blissful
bemoan weep, lament, express sorrow for
carp find fault with take exception to
choleric hot-tempered, angry, wrathful
despondent dejected, losing hope, losing heart
dirge a song of mourning, sung at a funeral (can also be the wake itself)
disconsolate unhappy, forlorn, unable to be comforted
disgruntled discontented, in a bad mood or bad humor
doleful sorrowful, mournful, discontent
droll amusing, especially in an odd or surprising way
felicitous very happy
funereal gloomy, dismal, appropriate for a funeral
incensed angry, enraged, exasperated
jocular speaking or acting in jest or merriment, jokingly
lachrymose tearful, sad mournful
lamentation bewailing, mourning, regret
lugubrious mournful, doleful, dismal
peevish irritable, fretful, spiteful
peckish irritable, touchy, often from hunger
querulous full of complaints
risible laughable, humorous
sanguine cheerful, optimistic
surly bad-tempered, unfriendly
acumen shrewdness, keenness, and quickness in understanding and dealing with a situation
acute keen or quick of mind, shrewd
astute having or showing a clever mind; cunning
befuddle to confuse
coruscation a sudden brilliant display of wit
discerning having or showing good judgement or understanding
dolt a stupid, slow-witted person, a blockhead
erudite learned, scholarly
fatuous silly, foolish, complacently stupid, or inane
folly a lack of understanding or sense, foolishness
inane lacking sense, foolish, silly
incisive sharp, keen, acute
ingenious clever, resourceful
judicious wise and careful, showing sound judgement
nescient ignorant, lacking knowledge
obtuse slow to understand, dull
omniscient knowing all things
pedant a schoolteacher, especially one who puts unnecessary stress on minor or trivial points of learning
perspicacious having keen judgement or understanding, acutely perceptive
polymath a person of great and diversified learning
prodigy a child of highly unusual talent or genius
pundit a person who has or professes to have great learning or authority
resourceful able to deal creatively and effectively with problems and difficulties
sagacious showing keen perception and sound judgement
vacuous stupid, showing lack of intelligence
animated lively, vigorous, spirited
celerity speed, swiftness
dawdle waste time by being slow or idle
dilatory causing delay; slow or late in doing things
dynamic energetic, vigorous
ebullient overflowing with enthusiasm, high spirited
effervescent lively, vivacious, high spirited
enervated weakened, devitalized
expedite to speed up, hasten, facilitate
indolent lazy, idle
laggard a slow person, one who falls behind
languid drooping, weak, sluggish
lassitude weariness, languor, listlessness
lethargic drowsy, dull, sluggish
listless weary, spiritless, languid
peripatetic walking or moving about, itinerant
precipitate acting, happening, or done very hastily or rashly
procrastinate put off, postpone
sluggish lacking energy, slow-moving
somnolent sleepy, drowsy
soporific causing sleep
torpor sluggishness, inactivity
vim energy, vigor
acquiescent agreeing or consenting without protest
compliant yielding, submissing
docile submissive, easy to manage
dogged persistent, stubborn
dogmatic stating opinions in a positive or arrogant manner
fractious hard to manage, unruly, rebellious
froward stubbornly willful, not easily controlled
hidebound obstinately conservative and narrow-minded
intractable hard to manage, stubborn
irresolute indecisive, wavering, vacillating
malleable capable of being changed or trained
obdurate stubborn, not giving in readily
obstinate stubborn, dogged, mulish, not yielding to reason or plea
pertinacious holding firmly and stubbornly to a purpose
pliable easily influenced or persuaded
recalcitrant stubbornly defiant; refusing to obey authority
refractory hard to manage, stubborn
resolved determined, fixed in purpose
servile like a slave, yielding, submissive
submissive yielding, unresisting; docile
tenacious persistent, stubborn
unruly hard to control or restrain
vacillate to waiver in mind, show indecision
aberration a departure or deviation from the norm
abjure to give up, renounce
abstemious moderate, temperate, especially in eating and drinking
acme the highest point, the peak
adjure to command solemnly, often under oath; to entreat or appeal to
Brobdingnagian a land inhabited by giants about 60 feet tall
candor fairness, honesty, or frankness
coeval all of the same age or period, contemporary
hackneyed overused or trite
halcyon happy, tranquil, or idyllic
inundate to flood or deluge; to overwhelm with a great amount of anything
noisome having a bad odor, foul-smelling, injurious to the health, harmful
noxious injurious, harmful to the health, or unwholesome
peregrinate to travel or walk
perfunctory done merely as form or routine; superficial
prolific fruitful, abounding,producing many/much
salubrious healthful, wholesome
serendipity luck or good fortune, especially in finding something accidentally
superfluous surplus, excessive
turpitude vileness, depravity
alacrity eager willingness or readiness
consternation great fear or shock that leaves one feeling helpless or bewildered
dither to be indecisive, vacillate, or waver
hapless unfortunate, unlucky
jaded tired, worn out, wearied, or satiated as frm overindulgence
lampoon to ridicule or attack
parasite a person who flatters in exchange for free meals or other items
parry to ward off or deflect
ravishing causing great joy or delight; entrancing
sotto voce in an undertone, so as not to be overheard
tome a book, especially a large, scholarly, or ponderous one
wanderlust an impulse, longing, or urge to wander or travel
affable friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to
corroborating confirming, bolstering, supporting
dissertation a formal and lengthy treatise on a subject
erstwhile former
hiatus a break or a gap
irony a circumstance that's the opposite of what may be expected
lobbyist a person acting for a special interest who tries to influence decisions
pragmatic practical
proffer offer
promulgate to publish or make known officially
protocol the code of ceremonial forms and courtesies accepted as proper for dealings between officials
punctiliously careful about every detail of behavior; exact
agitate to upset or disturb
blanch turn white
copiously abundantly, a lot
curtail shorten
dubious doubtful
exculpate remove guilt or blame from; get off the hook
frank openly, honestly, candidly
frenzied hyperactive, upset, running around like a chicken with its head cut off
glower glare, look angrily
solicitously concernedly, showing care and compassion
ultimate final, conclusive
alleviate lessen, relieve
aversion disliking for
cow intimidate
dolorous sad, mournful
enmity hostility
equable not readily upset, tranquil, serene
loath reluctant
nadir lowest point
nullify make of no value, negate
obsequies funeral services
pate crown of the head
trepidation fear, apprehension
visage face
Created by: jerry.stillman
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