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Human Repro Develop
Human Reproduction Fertilization Development Birth
Question | Answer |
Muscular structure where the fetus develops | Uterus |
Where fertilization takes place | Uterine/Fallopian tube |
The structure in sperm containing enzymes to "eat" away at the layers around the egg | Acrosome |
The very first cell after fertilization | Zygote |
More than one sperm entering the egg | Polyspermy |
Structure where nutrients and wastes are exchanged between mother and baby | Placenta |
Structure that transports fetal blood back and forth to the placenta | Umbilical cord |
An incision that enlarges the vaginal opening for childbirth | Episiotomy |
Shaping of the embryo | Morphogenesis |
Cells beginning to specialize | Differentiation |
A lot of cell division but no growth | Cleavage |
Site of blood cell formation | Yolk sac |
Will become the umbilical cord | Allantois |
Contains fluid to cushion and protect the embryo | Amnion |
Will become the fetal half of the placenta | Chorion |
The process of the embryo embedding itself into the uterine wall | Implantation |
The jelly-like layer that surrounds the egg | Zona pellucida |
Hollow ball of cells with an inner cell mass | Blastocyst |
Fluid released from the breast before the milk comes in | Colostrum |
The number of days in human gestation | 280 |
The first organ system to develop in the embryo | Nervous system |
Fine hair covering the fetus | Lanugo |
Name for the process of giving birth | Parturition |
Stage of birth where a woman's "water breaks" | Stage 1 |
Fusion of the sperm nucleus and egg nucleus | Fertilization |
Hormone involved in uterine contractions | Oxytocin |
Term when the baby is positioned feet-first for birth | Breech |
Hormone involved in making breastmilk | Prolactin |
Stage of birth where the cervix dilates to 10 cm | Stage 1 |
Stage of birth where the baby is pushed out | Stage 2 |
Stage of birth where the afterbirth (placenta and umbilical cord) is delivered | Stage 3 |
A term for stretch marks | Striae gravidarium |
False labor contractions | Braxton-Hicks |
A tool used to break a woman's water during labor | Amniohook |
The process where sperm are "activated" so they can fertilize an egg | Capacitation |
A procedure to remove a baby from a woman's abdomen | Cesarean section |
A medication commonly used as a form of pain relief during labor | Epidural |
Membranous areas between the bones of the skull to allow flexibility of the baby's head during delivery | Fontanels |
When a person leaks urine after coughing/sneezing/laughing | Incontinence |
Structures in the embryo that will elongate into arms and legs | Limb buds |
A white, greasy substance to protect the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid | Vernix caseosa |