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Human Repro Develop

Human Reproduction Fertilization Development Birth

Muscular structure where the fetus develops Uterus
Where fertilization takes place Uterine/Fallopian tube
The structure in sperm containing enzymes to "eat" away at the layers around the egg Acrosome
The very first cell after fertilization Zygote
More than one sperm entering the egg Polyspermy
Structure where nutrients and wastes are exchanged between mother and baby Placenta
Structure that transports fetal blood back and forth to the placenta Umbilical cord
An incision that enlarges the vaginal opening for childbirth Episiotomy
Shaping of the embryo Morphogenesis
Cells beginning to specialize Differentiation
A lot of cell division but no growth Cleavage
Site of blood cell formation Yolk sac
Will become the umbilical cord Allantois
Contains fluid to cushion and protect the embryo Amnion
Will become the fetal half of the placenta Chorion
The process of the embryo embedding itself into the uterine wall Implantation
The jelly-like layer that surrounds the egg Zona pellucida
Hollow ball of cells with an inner cell mass Blastocyst
Fluid released from the breast before the milk comes in Colostrum
The number of days in human gestation 280
The first organ system to develop in the embryo Nervous system
Fine hair covering the fetus Lanugo
Name for the process of giving birth Parturition
Stage of birth where a woman's "water breaks" Stage 1
Fusion of the sperm nucleus and egg nucleus Fertilization
Hormone involved in uterine contractions Oxytocin
Term when the baby is positioned feet-first for birth Breech
Hormone involved in making breastmilk Prolactin
Stage of birth where the cervix dilates to 10 cm Stage 1
Stage of birth where the baby is pushed out Stage 2
Stage of birth where the afterbirth (placenta and umbilical cord) is delivered Stage 3
A term for stretch marks Striae gravidarium
False labor contractions Braxton-Hicks
A tool used to break a woman's water during labor Amniohook
The process where sperm are "activated" so they can fertilize an egg Capacitation
A procedure to remove a baby from a woman's abdomen Cesarean section
A medication commonly used as a form of pain relief during labor Epidural
Membranous areas between the bones of the skull to allow flexibility of the baby's head during delivery Fontanels
When a person leaks urine after coughing/sneezing/laughing Incontinence
Structures in the embryo that will elongate into arms and legs Limb buds
A white, greasy substance to protect the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid Vernix caseosa
Created by: Miss Cote
Popular Biology sets




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