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PSAT F Word List

Word list for 2009-2010

fabricate to make or devise; construct
facade face, front; mask, superficial appearance
facile very easy
fallacious wrong, unsound, illogical
fallow uncultivated, unused
fanaticism extreme devotion to a cause
farcical absurd, ludicrous
fastidious careful with details
fathom (v) to measure the depth of, gauge
fatuous stupid; foolishly self-satisfied
fawn (v) to flatter excessively, seek the favor of
faze to bother, upset, or disconcert
feckless ineffective, careless, irresponsible
feign to pretend, give a false impression; to invent falsely
felicitous suitable, appropriate; well-spoken
fell (v) to chop, cut down
fervid passionate, intense, zealous
fetid foul-smelling, putrid
fiasco disaster, utter failure
fidelity loyalty
finicky fussy, difficult to please
flaccid limp, flabby, weak
flagrant outrageous, shameless
flamboyant flashy, garish; exciting, dazzling
flaunt to show off
flora plants
florid gaudy, extremely ornate; ruddy, flushed
flounder to falter, waver; to muddle, struggle
flout to treat contemptuously, scorn
fluctuate to alternate, waver
foible minor weakness or character flaw
foil (v) to defeat, frustrate
foment to arouse or incite
ford (v) to cross a body of water at a shallow place
foreboding dark sense of evil to come
forestall to prevent, delay; anticipate
forethought anticipation, foresight
forgo to go without, refrain from
forlorn dreary, deserted; unhappy; hopeless, despairing
forswear to repudiate, renounce, disclaim, reject
forte strong point, something a person does well
fortuitous happening by luck, fortunate
foster to nourish, cultivate, promote
founder (v) to fall helplessly; sink; fail
fracas noisy dispute
fractious unruly, rebellious
fraudulent deceitful, dishonest, unethical
fraught full of, accompanied by
frenetic wildly frantic, frenzied, hectic
fulsome sickeningly excessive; repulsive
funereal mournful, appropriate to a funeral
furtive secret, stealthy
Created by: rierei1971
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