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Character and Social
Character And Social Traits-Italian Vocab-Part I
English | Italian |
absent-minded | distratto |
active | attivo |
adaptable | addattabile |
affable | affabile |
affectionate | affettuoso |
affluent | benestante |
aggressive | aggressivo |
altruist | altruista |
ambitious | ambizioso |
annoying | antipatico |
anxious | ansioso |
arrogant | arrogante |
artistic | artistico |
astute | astuto |
attentive | attento |
bold | audace |
mean | cattivo |
bigoted | bigotto |
bothersome | noioso |
brash | sfacciato |
brilliant | brillante |
broad-minded | di ampie vedute |
brusque | brusco |
calm | calmo |
carefree | spensierato |
careful | cauto |
careless | spericolato |
character | carettere |
charming | affascinante |
competent | competente |
conformist | conformista |
conscientious | coscienzioso |
corrupt | corrotto |
courageous | coraggioso |
courteous | cortese |
cowardly | codardo |
crazy | matto |
creative | creativo |
critical | critico |
cruel | crudele |
cultured | colto |
delicate | delicato |
depressed | depresso |
desperate | disperato |
diligent | diligente |
diplomatic | diplomatico |
disgusted | disgustato |
dishonest | disonesto |
disinterested | disinteressato |
downtrodden | avvilito |
dynamic | dinamico |
self-centered | egoista |
elegant | elegante |
eloquent | eloquente |
energetic | energico |
envious | invidioso |
erudite | erudito |
extraordinary | straordinario |