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BMS 450 Exam 3

ANS, Anti-anxiety, and Anti-psychotic Drugs

Drug NameMechanism of ActionSummary
Epinephrine Nonselective α and β agonist Increases cardiac output Vasoconstrictor Bronchodilator
Norepinephrine Nonselective α and β agonist Increases cardiac output Vasoconstrictor
Albuterol Selective β2 agonist Bronchodilator
Phenylephrine Selective α1 agonist Vasoconstrictor
Clonidine Selective α2 agonist Presynaptic inhibitor Decreases cardiac output and total peripheral resistance
Phenoxybenzamine Nonselective α antagonist Non-competitive Irreversible
Phentolamine Nonselective α antagonist Competitive Reversible
Propranolol Nonselective β antagonist Decreases cardiac output Bronchoconstriction
Atenolol Selective β1 antagonist Decreases cardiac arrhythmias Decreases cardiac output
Acetylcholine Endogenous cholinergic agonist SLUDGE
Bethanechol Direct acting cholinergic agonist Synthetic choline ester SLUDGE Some M3 selectivity (promotes voiding)
Muscarine Direct acting cholinergic agonist Cholinomimetic alkaloid SLUDGE
Atropine Cholinergic antagonist Competitive inhibitor of ACh binding Anti-SLUDGE (decreases salivary and airway secretions)
Ipratropium Cholinergic antagonist Anti-SLUDGE (decreases bronchoconstriction and airway secretions) Administered via inhalation
Propantheline Cholinergic antagonist Anti-SLUDGE Promotes urine retention (decreases detrusor and increases trigone and sphincter contraction)
Prazosin Selective α1 antagonist Vasodilator (decreases total peripheral resistance)
Carvedilol Mixed α1 and β antagonist Vasodilator (decreases total peripheral resistance) Decreases cardiac output
Aliskiren Renin inhibitor Competitive antagonist of renin Prevents conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1
Benazepril ACE inhibitor Competitive antagonist of ACE Prevents conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2
Losartan Angiotensin receptor antagonist Competitive antagonist AT1 receptors Blocks hypertensive/vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin 2 (vasodilator)
Procainamide Sodium channel blocker (Class 1A) Antiarrhythmic Slows conduction velocity Prolongs refectory period
Lidocaine Sodium channel blocker (Class 1B) Antiarrhythmic Keeps sodium channels in inactivated state Decreases automaticity in depolarized cells
Flecainide Sodium channel blocker (Class 1C) Antiarrhythmic Profoundly decreases conduction velocity
Amiodarone Potassium channel blocker Antiarrhythmic Action potential prolonging
Diltiazem Calcium channel blocker Antiarrhythmic Decreases ventricular response to atrial fibrillation
Verapamil Calcium channel blocker Antiarrhythmic Decreases ventricular response to atrial fibrillation
Digoxin Limits Na/Ca exchanger function indirectly Decreases calcium efflux (increases CO) Decreases AV nodal conduction and ventricular response to atrial fibrillation
Adenosine Miscellaneous antiarrhythmic Blocks AV nodal conduction Terminates supraventricular tachycardias involving SA node (atrial fibrillation)
Dopamine Selective β1 stimulator Increases cardiac output (heart rate and contractility)
Dobutamine Selective β1 stimulator Increases cardiac output (heart rate and contractility)
Milrinone PDE 3 inhibitor Increases calcium influx Increases cardiac output (contractility)
Pimobendan Calcium sensitizer Increases cardiac contraction Increases Ca binding to troponin C
Nifedipine Calcium channel antagonist Vasodilator (decrease total peripheral resistance)
Nitroglycerin Exogenous NO donor Venous dilation (decrease preload)
Sodium Nitroprusside Exogenous NO donor Arterial and venous dilation (decreases preload and afterload)
Sildenafil Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor Vasodilation (especially in penile corpus cavernosum)
Minoxidil Potassium channel activator Vasodilation (decreases total peripheral resistance)
Alprazolam GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Chlordiazepoxide GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Diazepam GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic) Sedative Muscle relaxant
Lorazepam GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Oxazepam GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Triazolam GABA enhancement Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Buspirone 5-HT receptor agonist Anti-anxiety agent (anxiolytic)
Created by: 674956695
Popular Pharmacology sets




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