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312 - Public Partici

AICP Public Participation

Design Charrette Intensive collaborative effort that brings together citizens, stakeholders, and staff to develope a detailed design plan for a specific area
Delphi Method a structured process of public participatoin with the intent of coming to a consensus decision. created in 1944 for US army air force. 1. questions are asked to participants. 2. feedback on the responses is presented to group. 3. overtime consensus build
Facilitation a person who does not have a direct stake in the outcome of a meeting to help groups that disagree work together to solve complex problems and come to a consensus decision.
Mediation to help parties reach a satisfactory agreement the agreement typically specifies measurable,achievable, and realistic solutions. The final agreement is in writing. This is a dispute solution process that is used to help resolve conflict without court sys
Public Hearing associated with the Planning Commision, City Council, or other governing body Hearings are mandated by law nad ineffective at building public participation and consensus
Visual Preference Survey a techique that can be used to assist citizens in evaluaion physical images of natural and built environenments.
Coalition building can be an effective method to achieve goals. Often, goals of a comprehensive plan can only be achieved through building a coalition.
Key principles to build consensus 1. design the process to fit the stakeholders' need 2. include all appropriate special interest groups 3. Identify shared common interests 4. Provide all stakeholders with information that is credible 5. Use professional facilitators where appropriate
Saul Alinsky Back of the Yards forming community group
Paul Davidoff Advocacy Planning
Arnstein Ladder of Participation
3Cs Coalition Building, Consensus Building, Conflict Resolution
what is public participation method for kick-off meetin Town hall meeting
what is public participation method for ?
Public Hearing older approach to public participation, often required by law -additional approach - televise the meeting or braodcast through internet
Public Meetings opportunity to voice their ideas about a problem or a plan -additional approach - open house
Visioning participatory process can be used to develop a vision for a community as well as to define goals, objectives, and policies generally takes place at the start of a planning process. Impartial professional facilitators should be included
Focus Group purpose may be to clarify problems, to identify alternative approaches to solving the problems, or to suggest various implementation strategies discussion among a group of representative participants led by a facilitator to clarify community vision
Purpose of facilitator ensure that all participants have opportunities to speak ensure that the discussion is not dominated by particular interest groups help focus the discussion on the topics or questions it is convened to address
Citizen Advisory Committee help create content of the plan a citizen advisory committee also advise plannign commission and governing body in decision-making process advisory committee meetings are usually open to the public
Rational (Synoptic) use scientific method goal setting - identify alternatives - evaluation - implementation ignores political reality,
Incremental Charles Lindblom " the Science of Muddling Through" Decision makers are under limits of time money and expertise
Transactive Planning sharing knowledge and through 'mutual learning' great for solving small problems
Advocacy planning Paul Davidoff / Saul Alinsky brought backroom negotiations out into the open create multiple plans advocating different groups' interests
Noam Krumholz Equity Planning in Chicago
Saul Alinsky Back Yard Movement Community Organization Boycotting / marching in order to gain power to successfully negotiate for economic and political gains Fought Chicago Slums
Radical Planning gives planning to the people allows neighborhoods to be responsible for planning in their own communities could be resulting in conflicting plans; never effectively occurs
Communicative Planning Consensus Building Focuses on identifying stakeholders and building a consensus on how to solve a problem Limitation is that hard to get best solution for the community but something everyone can live with
Public hearing rather old participation method; required by law usually; additional approach is to presenting public hearings to televise them or to broadcast through the internet
Public Meeting people have opportunities to voice their ideas about a problem or a plan; additional approach is the open house
Visioning used to develop a vision for a community as well as to define goals, objectives and policies; at the start of a planning process
Focus Group to clarify problems, identify alternatives
Citizen Advisory Committee help to create content of the plan; advise the planning commission and governing body in decision-making process
Created by: Jae Min



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