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Med Definitions
Medical Definitions (PTA)
Question | Answer |
Dyspnea | Difficulty breathing at rest or with exertion. |
Hypertrophic scarring | An abnormal and disorganized scar formation characterized by a raised firm scar with collagen fibers that do not follow any oattern. |
Kinesthesia | The ability to percieve the direction and axtent of movement of a joint or bodily part. |
Areflexia | Absence of reflex; possible sign of nerve damage. |
Asthma | A reversable obstructive lung condition characterized by increased responsiveness of the trachea and brochi to stimuli, inflamtion, and overproduction of mucous glands with widespread narrowing of the airways;symtoms include increased rep rate, prolonged |
Ataxic Gait | A gait pattern characterized by staggering and unsteadiness; there is usually a wide base of support and movements are exaggerated |
Apraxia | Inability to perform purposeful learned movements, although there is no sensory or motor impairment. |
Agnosia | Inability to interpret information. |
Tenacious | Thick, sticky , sputum. |
Disability | Person is no longer able to complete an activity. |
Impairment | Loss or abnormality to a strucutre or function. |
Aphasia | An acquired neurological impairment of processing for receptive and/or expressive language. |
Functional Limitation | Limited abilities due to disease. |
Acidosis | Body has decreased pH and high level of acid. |
Nystagmus | Rapid involuntary ossilation of the eye;may be secondary to brain malfunction or inner ear problems. |
Controlled mobility | The ability to alter a position or change positions while maintaining stability. |
Stability | Ability to maintain a fixed position while going against resistace in a weight bearing against gravity position. |
Akinesia | The inability to initiate movement;commonly seen in Parkinsons disease. |
Ataxia | The inability to perform coordinated movements. |
Rusty | Color of sputum; classic for Pneumococcal Pneumonia. (prune juice) |
Purulent | Pus, or yellow or greenish sputum, often copious and thick, common with acute and chronic infection. |
Mucopurulent | Mixture of mucoid and pus, yellow to pale green, associated with infection. |
Mucoid | White or clear, not generally associated with brochopulmonary infection but is present with chronic cough. |
Diaphoresis | Excessive sweating. |
Orthopnea | Difficulty breathing exept in the sitting and standing positions. |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft;surgical replumbing of the heart to improve blood supply.precautions;avoid UE retraction (sternal Precautions) so as not to stress incision, and avoid UE exercises, they cause to high a heart rate. |
Coronary Artery Disease | The narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries that may produce; ichemia and necrosis of the myocardium. |
Chorea | Movements that are sudden, random and involuntary. |
Athetosis | Slow writhing, and involuntary movements that may occur with damage to the basal ganglia. |
Atelectasis | A collapsed lung. |
Ischemia | Temporary oxygen defieciency of the tissue. |
Alkalosis | Body has increased pH and high level of base. |
Agraphia | The inability to write due to a lesion within the brain. |
Clonus | A characteristic of an upper motor neuron lesion, involuntary alternating spasmodic contraction of a muscle precipitated by a quick stretch reflex. |
"Tennis Elbow" | Lateral Epicondylitis; Activity related disorder; occurs when forearm extensor and supinator tendon fibers become inflamed at thier common attatchment to the lateral humeral epicondyle. |
"Golfer's Elboe" | Medial Epiconylitis;Usually an inflammation of the pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis tendons at their attachment to the medial epicondyle. |
Dystharthria | Slurred and impaired speech. |
Dysaphagia | Inability to properly swallow. |
Decerebrate Rigidity | A characteristic of a corticospinal lesion at the level of the brain stem that results in extension of the trunk and all extremities. |
Decorticate Rigidity | A characteristic of a corticospinal lesion at the level of the diencephalon where the trunk and LE are positioned in extension and the UE are positioned in flexion,. |
Dystharthria | Slurred speech due to a motor deficet of the tongue or other muscles essential for speech. |
Aneurysm | A dilation or sac like bulginging of a blood vessel wall. These weakend areas may rupture and cause sudden death. |
Arrythmias | Also called dysarythmia; loss of or an irregularity in normal heart rythm. |
Bradycardia | Heart rate less than 60 beats/min |
Tachycardia | Heart rate greater than 100 beats/min. |
Embolus | A blood clot that forms in one part of the body and travels to another. |
Thrombosis | Blood clot with in a vessel |
Anterversion | Only a small part of the femoral head is inside the acetabulum as a result the patient presents with a toe-in gait and appears to lack external rotation and the pt may seem less stable. |
Intratester Reliability | The consistency of the results obtained when one uses a particular method repeatedly. |
Intertester Reliability | The consistency of the data obtained from repeated analysis performed by a number of different persons. |
Autograft | A permanent skin graft taken from a donor site on the patients own body. |
Heterograft | Temporary skin graft taken from another species. |
Allograft | Temporary skin graft taken from a cadaver to cover large burns. |
Q Angle | The measurement taken from the ASIS to mid patella to tibial tuberosity, slightly larger in women due to wider hips for child birth. |
Chemical burns | Caused by exposure to sulfuric acid, hydrofuric acid, or gasoline, will continue to burn skin until diluted from are or skin. |
Electrical burns | Usually shows entry and exit wounds, caused when electricity is passed through the body, examples lightening and power wire accidents. |
Ankle strategy | Side view of person standing on foam, leaning forward as in a skiers position. |
Collies fracture | Most common wrist fracture resulting from a fall onto out stretched hand. |
Smith Fracture | The distal fragment of the radius discloses in the ventral direction; results from a fall on an out stretched hand while the hand is supinated. |
Tachypnea | Rapid respiratory rate. |
Pusher Syndrome | Significant lateral deviation of all joints toward the hemoplegic side. |
Z-Plasty | A surgical procedure to eliminate a scar contracture. An incision in the shape of a Z allows the contracture to change configuration and lengthen the scar. |
Retroversion | Allows a greater amount of the femoral head to be placed inside the acetabulum as a result it improves stability and the patient ambulates with a toe out gait and appears to lack internal rotation. |
Hip Strategy | One leg stance on foam. |