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Final Exam!!!!!

Language of Medicine

air sac in the lung Alveolus
benign bone surface tumor or growth exostosis
clumping of recipient's blood when mixed with incompatible blood agglutination
collapsed lung atelectasic
enlarged speen splenomegaly
harsh, high pitched repiratory sound heard on inspiration, caused by obstruction stridor
malignant connective tissue tumor sarcoma
narrow, slit-like opening between bones fissure
pain in the diaphragm phrenodynia
removal of the voice box laryngectomy
swayback or anterior curvature in the lumbar region lordosis
ankyl/o stiff
chrondr/o cartilage
chrom/o color
leiomy/o smooth (visceral) muscle that lines the walls of internal organs
morph/o shape/form
my/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow
orth/o straight, upright
oste/o bone
poikil/o varied, irregular
rhabdomy/o skeletal (striated) muscle connected to bones
scoli/o crooked, bent
sider/o iron
tel/o expantion that is not complete
thromb/o clot
tox/o poison
-blast embryonic cell
-penia deficiency
-poisesis formation
-ptysis spitting
-trophy development, nourishment
COPD Cronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease. airway obstruction associated with emphysema, and chronic bronchitis
CT Scan computor x-ray imaging in the transverse plane
EMG electromyography-recording strength of muscle contractions as a result of electrical stimulation
MRI magnetic resonace imaging- magnetic field creates images of soft tissue.
adenoids nasopharyngeal lymphatic tissue
anaphylaxis exaggerated or unusual hypersensitivity to foreign protein or other substance
ankylosis condition or stiffening and immobility of a joint
antibodies protein produced by lymphocytes in response to bacteria, viruses, or antigens
antigens foreign material that invades the body
aplastic anemia failure of blood cell production due to absence of formation in bone marrow
arthroscopy visual examination of a joing with an arthroscope and T.V camera
asbestosis type of pneumoconiosis (asbestos particulate accumulation in lungs)
auscultation listening to sounds within the body (Stethoscope)
bone marrow produces lymphocytes and monocytes and all other blood cells
bronchi branch of trachea that is a passageway into the lung; broncial tube
cancellous bone spongy/ trabicular porus bone tissue
cytotoxic cells T lymphocyte that directly kills foreign cells
electrophoresis method of separating serum proteins by electrical charge
endotracheal intubation tube placed through mouth to trachea to establish air
eosinophil phagocytic cells involved in allergic responses and parasitic infections
Ewing sarcoma malignant bone tumor, often in children
exostosis bony growth on surface of bone
facial bones bones of face-lacrimal, mandibular, maxillary, nasal, vomer, and zygomatic
fissure narrow, slit-like opening in or between bones
gouty arthritis inflammation of joints caused by excessive uric acid accumulation
hematocrit sample of blood spun in test tube, RBC fall to bottom and % of RBC's is taken
hemochromotosis excessive deposits of iron in the body
hemophilia excessive bleeding caused by lack of factor VIII or IX
heparin anticoagulent found in the blood
Hodgkin disease malignant tumor of lymph nodes
humeral pertaining to the upper arm bone
iron-deficiency anemia sideropenia occurs causing deficient production of hemoglobin
Kaposi Sarcoma cancer arising from lining cells of capillaries that produces dark purplish skin nodules. Associated with AIDS
Lyme disease disorder, marked by arthritis, myalgia and malaise; cause is bacterium caused by tick
lymph nodes a collection of stationary solid lymphatic tissure along lymph vessels
lymphocytosis slight increase in leukocytes
lymphopoiesis formation of lymph
mastoid process the projection of the temporal bone
mediastinum space between lungs in chest
myeloid derived from bone marrow
neutropenia deficiency in #'s of WBC's
orthopnea breathing easier in an upright position
osteoarthritis chronic inflammation of bones and joints due to degenerative changes in cartilage
osteodystrophy poor formation of bone
osteomyelitis inflammation of bone and bone marrow
palliative relieving symptoms, not curing
pernicious anemia lack of mature erythrocytes caused by inability to absorb vitamin B12
pleural effusion abnormal accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity
pleuritis, pleurisy inflammation of pleura (around lungs)
pulmonary abscess localized area of pus forming in the lungs
scoliosis lateral curvature of the spinal column
sella turcica depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is localized
stridor occurs with croup-strained, high pitched sound heard on inspiration caused by obstruction
T cells helper or supressor cells
talipes club foot, congenital abnormality of hind foot
thalassemia an inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin (mostly in Mediteraneans)
tonsils oropharyngeal lymph tissue
toxic pertaining to poison
Created by: meghan_493
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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