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GRE Barrons Words C

A complete list of Barron's GRE Wordlist, with meanings and sentences.

cabal small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests The cabal was defeated when its scheme was discovered.
cache hiding place The detectives followed the suspects until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot.
cacophony discord Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up.
cadaver corpse In some states, it is illegal to dissect cadavers.
cadaverous like a corpse; pale From his cadaverous appearance, we could see how the disease had ravaged him.
cadence rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds); beat Marching down the road, the troops sang out, following the cadence set by the sergeant.
cajole coax; wheedle I will not be cajoled into granting your wish.
calamity disaster; misery As news of the calamity spread, offers of relief poured in to the stricken community.
caliber ability; capacity A man of such caliber should not be assigned such menial tasks.
calligraphy beautiful writing; excellent penmanship As we examine ancient manuscripts, we became impressed with the calligraphy of the scribes.
callous hardened; unfeeling He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards.
callow youthful; immature In that youthful movement, the leaders were only a little less callow than their immature followers.
calorific heat-producing Coal is much more calorific than green wood.
calumny malicious misrepresentation He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him.
camaraderie good-fellowship What he loved best about his job was the sense of camaraderie he and his co-workers shared.
cameo shell or jewel carved in relief Tourists are advised not to purchase cameos from the street peddlers of Rome who sell poor specimens of the carver's art.
canard unfounded rumor It is almost impossible to protect oneself from such a base canard.
candor frankness The candor and simplicity of his speech impressed all, it was all clear he held nothing back.
canine related to dogs; doglike Some days the canine population of Berkeley seems almost to outnumber the human population.
canker any ulcerous sore; any evil Poverty is a canker in the body politic; it must be cured.
canny shrewd; thrifty The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.
cant pious phraseology; jargon of criminals Angry that the president had slashed the education budget, we dismissed his speech on the importance of education as mere cant.
cantankerous ill-humored; irritable Constantly complaining about his treatment and refusing to cooperate with the hospital staff, he was a cantankerous patient.
cantata story set to music, to be sung by a chorus The choral society sang the new cantata composed by its leader.
canter slow gallop Because the racehorse had outdistanced its competition so easily, the reporter wrote that the race was won in a canter.
canto division of a long poem Dante's poetic masterpiece The Divine Comedy is divided into cantos.
canvass determine or seek opinions, votes, etc. After canvassing the sentiments of his constituents, the congressman was confident that he represented the majority opinion of his district.
capacious spacious In the capacious areas of the railroad terminal, thousands of travelers lingered while waiting for their train.
capillary having a very fine bore The changes in surface tension of liquids in capillary vessels is of special interest to physicists.
capitulate surrender The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.
caprice whim She was an unpredictable creature, acting on caprice, never taking thought of the consequences.
capricious fickle; incalculable The storm was capricious and changed course constantly.
caption title; chapter heading; text under illustration I find the captions that accompany these cartoons very clever and humorous.
captious faultfinding His criticisms were always captious and frivolous, never offering constructive suggestions.
carafe glass water bottle With each dinner, the patron receives a carafe of red or white wine.
carapace shell covering the back (of a turtle, crab, etc) At the children's zoo, Richard perched on top of the giant turtle's hard carapace as it slowly made its way around the enclosure.
carat unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold He gave her a diamond that weighed three carats and was mounted in an eighteen-carat gold band.
carcinogenic causing cancer Many supposedly harmless substances have been revealed to be carcinogenic.
cardinal chief If you want to increase your word power, the cardinal rule of vocabulary-building is to read.
careen lurch; sway from side to side The taxicab careened wildly as it rounded the corner.
caricature distortion; burlesque The caricatures he drew always emphasized personal weaknesses of the people he burlesqued.
carillon set of bells capable of being played The carillon in the bell tower of the Coca-Cola pavilion at the New York World's Fair provided musical entertainment every hour.
carnage destruction of life The carnage that can be caused by atomic warfare adds to the responsibilities of our statesmen.
carnal fleshly The public was more interested in carnal pleasures than in spiritual matters.
carnivorous meat-eating The lion is a carnivorous animal.
carousal drunken revel The party degenerated into an ugly carousal.
carping petty criticism; fault-finding Welcoming constructive criticism, Lexy appreciated her editor's comments, finding them free of carping.
carrion rotting flesh of a dead body Buzzards are nature's scavengers; they eat the carrion left behind by other predators.
cartographer map-maker Though not a professional cartographer, Tolkien was able to construct a map of the fictional world.
cascade small waterfall We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we made detours around each of them to avoid getting wet.
caste one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society, social stratification; prestige The differences created by caste in India must be wiped out if true democracy is to prevail in that country.
castigation punishment; severe criticism Sensitive even to mild criticism, Woolf could not bear castigation that she found in certain reviews.
casualty serious or fatal accident The number of automotive casualties on this holiday weekend was high.
cataclysm deluge; upheaval A cataclysm such as the French Revolution affects all countries.
catalyst agent that brings about a chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst.
catapult slingshot; hurling machine Airplanes are sometimes launched from battleships by catapults.
cataract great waterfall; eye abnormality She gazed with awe at the mighty cataract known as Niagara Falls.
catastrophe calamity The Johnstown flood was a catastrophe.
catechism book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer He taught by engaging his pupils in a catechism until they gave him the correct answer.
categorical without exceptions; unqualified; absolute Though the captain claimed he was never, never sick at sea, he finally qualified his categorical denial; he was hardly ever sick at sea.
catharsis purging or cleansing of any passage of the body Aristotle maintained that tragedy created a catharsis by purging the soul of base concepts.
cathartic purgative Some drugs act as laxatives when taken in small doses but act as cathartics when taken in much larger doses.
catholic universal; wide-ranging liberal He was extremely catholic in his taste and read everything he could find in the library.
caucus private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy At the opening of Congress the members of the Democratic Party held a caucus to elect the majority leader of the House and the party whip.
caulk to make watertight (by plugging seams) When water from the shower leaked into the basement, we knew it was time to caulk the tiles at the edges of the shower stall.
causal implying a cause-and-effect relationship The psychologist maintained there was a causal relationship between the nature of one's early childhood experiences and one's adult personality.
caustic burning; sarcastically biting The critic's caustic remarks angered the hapless actors who were the subjects of his sarcasm.
cauterize burn with hot iron or caustic In order to prevent infection, the doctor cauterized the wound.
cavalcade procession; parade As described by Chaucer, the cavalcade of Canterbury pilgrims was motley group.
cavalier casual and offhand; arrogant Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly, Marcia felt insulted by Mark's cavalier dismissal of her suggestion.
cavil make frivolous objections I respect your sensible criticisms, but I dislike the way you cavil about unimportant details.
cede transfer; yield title to I intend to cede this property to the city.
celerity speed; rapidity Hamlet resented his mother's celerity in remarrying within a month after his father's death.
celestial heavenly She spoke of the celestial joys that awaited virtuous souls in the hereafter.
celibate abstaining from sexual intercourse; unmarried Though the late Havelock Ellis wrote extensively about sexual customs and was considered an expert in such matters, recent studies maintain he was celibate throughout his life.
censor overseer of morals; person who eliminates inappropriate matter Soldiers dislike having their mail read by a censor but understand the need for this precaution.
censorious critical censorious people delight in casting blame.
censure blame; criticize He was censured for his inappropriate behavior.
centaur mythical figure, half man and half horse I was particularly impressed by the statue of the centaur in the Roman Hall of the museum.
centigrade denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius) On the centigrade thermometer, the freezing point of water is zero degrees.
centrifugal radiating; departing from the center Many automatic drying machines remove excess moisture from clothing by centrifugal force.
centrifuge machine that separates substances by whirling them At the dairy, we employ a centrifuge to separate cream from milk.
centripetal tending toward the center Does centripetal force or the force of gravity bring orbiting bodies to the earth's surface?
centurion Roman army officer Because he was in command of a company of one hundred soldiers, he was called a centurion.
cerebral pertaining to the brain or intellect The content of philosophical works is cerebral in nature and requires much thought.
cerebration thought Mathematics problems sometimes require much cerebration.
ceremonious marked by formality Ordinary dress would be in appropriate at so ceremonious an affair.
cessation stopping The workers threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not met.
cession yielding to another; ceding The cession of Alaska to the United States is discussed in this chapter.
chafe warm by rubbing The collar chafed his neck.
chaff worthless products of an endeavor When you separate the wheat from the chaff, be sure you throw out the chaff.
chaffing bantering; joking Sometimes his flippant and chaffing remarks annoy us.
chagrin vexation; disappointment Her refusal to go with us filled us with chagrin.
chalice goblet; consecrated cup In a small room adjoining the cathedral, many ornately decorated chalices made by the most famous European goldsmiths were on display.
chameleon lizard that changes color in different situations Like the chameleon, he assumed the political coloration of every group he met.
champion support militantly Martin Luther King, Jr., won the Nobel Peace Prize because he championed the oppressed in their struggle for equality.
chaotic in utter disorder He tried to bring order into the chaotic state of affairs.
charisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal Political commentators have deplored the importance of a candidate's charisma in these days of television campaigning.
charlatan quack; pretender to knowledge When they realized that the Wizard didn't know how to get them back to Kansas, Dorothy and her friends were sure they'd been duped by a charlatan.
chary cautious; sparing or restrained about giving A prudent, thrifty New Englander, DeWitt was as chary of investing money in junk bonds as he was chary of paying people unnecessary compliments.
chase ornament a metal surface by indenting With his hammer, he carefully chased an intricate design onto the surface of the chalice.
chasm abyss They could not see the bottom of the chasm.
chassis framework and working parts of an automobile Examining the car after the accident, the owner discovered that the body had been ruined but that the chassis was unharmed.
chaste pure Her chaste and decorous garb was appropriately selected for the solemnity of the occasion.
chasten discipline; punish in order to correct Whom God loves, God chastens.
chastise punish I must chastise you for this offense.
chauvinist blindly devoted patriot A chauvinist cannot recognize any faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be.
check stop motion; curb or restrain Thrusting out her arm, Grandma checked Bobby's lunge at his sister. "Young man," she said, "you'd better check your temper."
checkered marked by changes in fortune During his checkered career he had lived in palatial mansions and in dreary boardinghouses.
cherubic angelic; innocent-looking With her cheerful smile and rosy cheeks, she was a particularly cherubic child.
chicanery trickery Your deceitful tactics in this case are indications of chicanery.
chide scold Grandma began to chide Steven for his lying.
chimerical fantastic; highly imaginative Poe's chimerical stories are sometimes too morbid for reading in bed.
chivalrous courteous; faithful; brave chivalrous behavior involves noble words and good deeds.
choleric hot-tempered His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature.
choreography art of dancing Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.
chronic long established, as a disease The doctors were finally able to attribute his chronic headaches and nausea to traces of formaldehyde gas in his apartment.
chronicle report; record (in chronological order) The gossip columnist was paid to chronicle the latest escapades of the socially prominent celebrities.
churlish boorish; rude Dismayed by his churlish manners at the party, the girls vowed never to invite him again.
ciliated having minute hairs The paramecium is a ciliated, one-celled animal.
cipher nonentity; worthless person or thing She claimed her ex-husband was a total cipher and wondered why she had ever married him.
cipher secret code Lacking his code book, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him in cipher.
circlet small ring; band This tiny circlet is very costly because it is set with precious stones.
circuitous roundabout Because of the traffic congestion on the main highways, she took a circuitous route.
circumlocution indirect or roundabout expression He was afraid to call spade a spade and resorted to circumlocutions to avoid direct reference to his subject.
circumscribe limit; confine Although I do not wish to circumscribe your activities, I must insist that you complete this assignment before you start anything else.
circumspect prudent; cautious Investigating before acting, she tried always to be circumspect.
circumvent outwit; baffle In order to circumvent the enemy, we will make two preliminary attacks in other sections before starting our major campaign.
citadel fortress The citadel overlooked the city like a protecting angel.
cite quote; commend She could cite passages in the Bible from memory.
civil having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite Although internal Revenue Service agents are civil servants, they are not always civil to suspected tax evaders.
clairvoyant having foresight; fortuneteller Cassandra's clairvoyant warning was not heeded by the Trojans.
clamber climb by crawling She clambered over the wall.
clamor noise The clamor of the children at play outside made it impossible for her to take a nap.
clandestine secret After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting.
clangor loud, resounding noise The blacksmith was accustomed to the clangor of hammers on steel.
clapper striker (tongue) of a bell Wishing to be undisturbed by the bell, Dale wound his scarf around the clapper to muffle its striking.
clarion shrill, trumpetlike sound We woke to the clarion to muffle its striking.
claustrophobia fear of being locked in His fellow classmates laughed at his claustrophobia and often threatened to lock him in his room.
clavicle collarbone Even though he wore shoulder pads, the football player broke his clavicle during a practice scrimmage.
cleave split asunder The lightening cleaves the tree in two.
cleft split Erosion caused a cleft in the huge boulder.
clemency disposition ot be lenient; mildness, as of the weather The lawyer was pleased when the case was sent to Judge Smith's chambers because Smith was noted for her clemency toward first offenders.
cliche phrase culled in meaning by repetition High school compositions are often marred by such cliches as "strong as an ox."
clientele body of customers The rock club attracted a young, stylish clientele.
climactic relating to the highest point When he reached the climactic portions of the book, he could not stop reading.
clime region; climate His doctors advised him to move to a milder clime.
clique small, exclusive group She charged that a clique had assumed control of school affairs.
cloister monastery or convent The nuns lived in the cloister.
clout great influence (especially political or social) Gatsby wondered whether he had enough clout to be admitted to the exclusive club.
cloying distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental Disliking the cloying sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose a homemade carrot cake for their reception.
coagulate thicken; congeal; clot Even after you remove the pudding from the burner, it will continue to coagulate as it stands.
coalesce combine; fuse The brooks coalesce into one large river.
coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition The piece concluded with a distinctive coda that strikingly brought together various motifs.
coddle treat gently; pamper Don't coddle the children to much; they need a taste of discipline.
codicil supplement to the body of a will This codicil was drawn up five years after the writing of the original will.
codify arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify We need to take the varying rules and regulations of the different health agencies and codify them into a national health code.
coercion use of force They forced him to obey, but only by great coercion.
coeval living at the same time as; contemporary coeval with the dinosaur, the pterodactyl flourished during the Mesozoic era.
cog tooth projecting from a wheel A bicycle chain moves through a series of cogs in order to propel the bike.
cogent convincing She presented cogent arguments to the jury.
cogitate think over cogitate on this problem; the solution will come.
cognate related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature The English word "mother" cognate to the Latin word "mater," whose influence is visible in the words "maternal" and "maternity."
cognitive having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental precesses Though Jack was emotionally immature, his cognitive development was admirable; he was very advanced intellectually.
cognizance knowledge During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the international situation.
cohere stick together Solids have a greater tendency to cohere than liquids.
cohesion tendency to keep together A firm believer in the maxim "Divide and conquer," the emperor, by lies and trickery, sought to disrupt the cohesion ofthe free nations.
cohorts armed band Caesar and his Roman cohorts conquered almost all of the known world.
coiffure hairstyle You can make a statement with your choice of coiffure: in the 60's many African-Americans affirmed their racial heritage by wearing their hair in Afros.
coincident occurring at the same time Some people find the coincident events in Hardy's novels annoyingly improbable.
colander utensil with perforated bottom used for straining Before serving the spaghetti, place it in a colander to drain it.
collaborate work together Two writers collaborated in preparing this book.
collage work of art put together from fragments Scraps of cloth, paper doilies, and old photographs all went into her collage.
collate examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order They collated the newly found manuscripts to determine their age.
collateral security given for loan The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral.
collation a light meal Tea sandwiches and cookies were offered at the collation.
colloquial pertaining to conversational or common speech Your use of colloquial expressions in a formal essay such as the one you have presented spoils the effect you hope to achieve.
colloquy informal discussion I enjoy our colloquies but I sometimes wish that they could be made more formal and more searching.
collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme The swindlers were found guilty of collusion.
colossal huge Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.
colossus gigantic statue The legendary Colossus of Rhodes, bronze statue of the sun god that dominated the harbor of the Greek seaport, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
comatose in a coma; extremely sleepy The long-winded orator soon had his audience in a comatose state.
combustible easily burned After the recent outbreak of fires in private homes, the fire commissioner ordered that all combustible materials be kept in safe containers.
comely attractive; agreeable I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.
comestible something fit to be eaten The roast turkey and other comestibles, the wines, and the excellent service made this Thanksgiving dinner particularly memorable.
comeuppance rebuke; deserts After his earlier rudeness, we were delighted to see him get his comeuppance.
comity courtesy; civility A spirit of comity should exist among nations.
commandeer to draft for military purposes; to take for public use The policeman commandeered the first car that approached and ordered the driver to go to the nearest hospital.
commemorative remembering; honoring The new commemorative stamp honors the late Martin Luther King, Jr.
commensurate equal in extent Your reward will be commensurate with your effort.
commiserate feel or express pity or sympathy for Her friends commiserated with the widow.
commodious spacious and comfortable After sleeping in a small roadside cabins, they found their hotel suite commodious.
communal held in common; of a group of people When they were divorced, they had trouble dividing their communal property.
compact agreement; contract The signers of the Mayflower Compact were establishing a form of government.
compact tightly packed; firm; brief His short, compact body was better suited to wrestling than to basketball.
compatible harmonious; in harmony with They were compatible neighbors, never quarreling over unimportant matters.
compelling overpowering; irresistible in effect The prosecutor presented a well-reasoned case, but the defense attorney's compelling arguments for leniency won over the jury.
compendium brief, comprehensive summary This text can serve as a compendium of the tremendous amount of new material being developed in this field.
compensatory making up for; repaying Can a compensatory education program make up for the inadequate schooling he received in earlier years?
compilation listing of statistical information in tabular or book form The compilation of available scholarships serves a very valuable purpose.
complacent self-satisfied There was a complacent look on his face as he examined his paintings.
complaisant trying to please; obliging The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.
complement complete; consummate; make perfect The waiter recommended a glass of port to complement the cheese.
compliance conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield The design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.
compliant yielding He was compliant and ready to go along with his friends' desires.
complicity participation; involvement You cannot keep your complicity in this affair secret very long; you would be wise to admit your involvement immediately.
component element; ingredient I wish all the components of my stereo system were working at the same time.
comport bear one's self; behave He comported himself with great dignity.
composure mental calmness Even the latest work crisis failed to shake her composure.
compound combine; constitute; pay interest; increase The makers of the popular cold remedy compounded a nasal decongestant with an antihistamine.
comprehensive thorough; inclusive This book provides a comprehensive review of verbal and math skills for the SAT.
compress close; squeeze; contract She compressed the package under her arm.
comprise include; consist of If the District of Columbia were to be granted a statehood, the United States of America would comprise fifty-onestates, not just fifty.
compromise adjust; endanger the interests or reputation of Your presence at the scene of the dispute compromises our claim to neutrality in this matter.
compunction remorse The judge was especially severe in this sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.
compute reckon; calculate He failed to compute the interest, so his bank balance was not accurate.
concatenate link as in a chain It is difficult to understand how these events could concatenate as they did without outside assistance.
concave hollow The back-packers found partial shelter from the storm by huddling against the concave wall of the cliff.
concede admit; hield Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to concede that she was right.
conceit whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor He was an entertaining companion, always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of phrase.
concentric having a common center The target was made of concentric circles.
conception beginning; forming of a idea At the first conception of the work, he was consulted.
concerted mutually agreed on; done together The girl scouts in the troop made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing, and emitted a concerted sigh when their leader announced that they had reached their goal.
concession an act of yielding Before they could reach an agreement, both sides had to make certain concessions.
conciliatory reconciling; soothing She was still angry despite his conciliatory words.
concise brief and compact When you define a new word, be concise; the shorter the definition, the easier it is to remember.
conclave private meeting He was present at all their conclaves as an unofficial observer.
conclusive decisive; ending all debate When the stolen books turned up in John's locker, we finally had conclusive evidence of the identity of the mysterious thief.
concoct prepare by combining; make up in concert How did the inventive chef ever concoct such strange dish?
concomitant that which accompanies Culture is not always a concomitant of wealth.
concord harmony Watching Tweediedum and Tweedledee battle, Alice wondered why the two brothers could not manage to life in concord.
concur agree Did you concur with the decision of the court or did you find it unfair?
concurrent happening at the same time In America, the colonists were resisting the demands of the mother contry; at the concurrent moment in France, the middle class was sowing the seeds of rebellion.
condescend bestow courtesies with a superior air The king condescended to grant an audience to the friends of the condemned man.
condign adequate; deservedly severe The public approved the condign punishment for the crime.
condiments seasonings; spices Spanish food is full of condiments.
condole express sympathetic sorrow His friends gathered to condole with him over his loss.
condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse Unlike Widow Douglass, who condoned Huck's minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold.
conducive helpful; contributive Rest and proper diet are conducive to good health.
conduit aqueduct; passageway for fluids Water was brought to the army in the desert by an improvised conduit from the adjoining mountain.
confidant trusted friend He had no confidants with whom he could discuss his problems at home.
confiscate seize; commandeer The army confiscated all available supplies of uranium.
conflagration great fire In the conflagration that followed the 1906 earthquake, much of San Francisco was destroyed.
confluence flowing together; crowd They built the city at the confluence of two rivers.
conformity harmony; agreement In conformity with our rules and regulations, I am calling a meeting of our organization.
confound confuse; puzzle No mystery could confound Sherlock Holmes for long.
congeal freeze; coagulate His blood congealed in his veins as he saw the dread monster rush toward him.
congenial pleasant; friendly My father loved to go out for a meal with congenial companions.
congenital existing at birth His congenital deformity disturbed his parents.
conglomeration mass of material sticking together In such a conglomeration of miscellaneous statistics, it was impossible to find a single area of analysis.
congruence correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship The student demonstrated the congruence of the two triangles by using the hypotenuse-arm theorem.
conifer pine tree; cone-bearing tree According to geologists, the conifers were the first plants to bear flowers.
conjecture surmise; guess I will end all your conjectures; I admit I am guilty as charged.
conjugal pertaining to marriage Their dreams of conjugal bliss were shattered as soon as their temperaments clashed.
conjure summon a devil; proactive magic; imagine; invent He conjured up an image of a reformed city and had the voters completely under his spell.
connivance pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance; permission to offend With the connivance of his friends, he plotted to embarrass the teacher.
connoisseur person competent to act as judge of art, ect.; a lover of an art She had developed into a connoisseur of fine china.
connotation suggested or implied meaning of an expression Foreigners frequently are unaware of the connotations of the words they use.
connubial pertaining to maffige or the matrimonial state In his telegram, he wished the newlyweds a lifetime of connubial bliss.
consanguinity kinship The lawsuit developed into a test of the consanguinity of the claimant to the estate.
conscientious scrupulous; careful A conscientious editor checked every definition for its accuracy.
conscript draftee; person forced into military service Did Rambo volunteer to fight in Vietnam, or was he a conscript, drafted against his will?
consecrate dedicate; sanctify We shall consecrate our lives to this noble purpose.
consensus general agreement The consensus indicates that we are opposed to entering into this pact.
consequential pompous; self-important Convinced of his own importance, the actor strutted about the dressing room with a consequential air.
conservatory school of the fine arts (especiallymusic or drama) A gifted violinist, Marya was selected to study at the conservatory.
consign deliver officially; entrust; set apart The court consigned the child to her paternal grandmother's care.
consistency absence of contradictions; dependability; uniformity; degree of thickness Holmes judged puddings and explanations on their consistency; he liked his puddings without lumps and his explanations without improbabilities.
console lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort When her father died, Marius did his best to console Cosette.
consonance harmony; agreement Her agitation seemed out of consonance with her usual calm.
consort associate with We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort.
consort husband or wife The search for a consort for the young Queen Victoria ended happily.
conspiracy treacherous plot Brutus and Cassius joined in the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar.
constituent supporter The congressman received hundreds of letters from angry constituents after the Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass.
constraint compulsion; repression of feelings There was a feeling of constraint in the room because no one dared to criticize the speaker.
construe explain; interpret If I construe your remarks correctly, you disagree with the theory already advanced.
consummate complete I have never seem anyone who makes as many stupid errors as you do; you must be a consummate idiot.
contagion infection Fearing contagion, they took drastic steps to prevent the spread of the disease.
contaminate pollute The sewage system of the city so contaminated the water that swimming was forbidden.
contempt scorn; disdain Even if you feel superior to others, it is unwise to show your contempt for them.
contend struggle; compete; assert earnestly In Revolt of the Black Athlete, sociologist Harry Edwards contends that young black athletes have been exploited by some college recruiters.
contentious quarrelsome We heard loud and contentious noises in the next room.
contest dispute The defeated candidate attempted to contest the election results.
context writings preceding and following the passage quoted Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not convey the message the author intended.
contiguous adjacent to; touching upon The two countries are contiguous for a few miles; then they are separated by the gulf.
continence self-restraint; sexual chastity She vowed to lead a life of continence.
contingent conditional The continuation of this contract is contingent on the quality of your first output.
contortions twistings; distortions As the effects of the opiate wore away, the contortions of the patient became more violent and demonstrated how much pain she was enduring.
contraband illegal trade; smuggling; smuggled goods The coast guard tries to prevent contraband in U.S. waters.
contravene contradict; oppose: infringe on or transgress Mr. Barrett did not expect his frail daughter Elizabeth to contravene his will by eloping with Robert Browning.
contrite penitent Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.
contrived forced; artificial; not spontaneous Feeling ill at ease with his new in-laws; James made a few contrived attempts at conversation and then retreated into silence.
controvert oppose with arguments; contradict To controvert your theory will require much time but it is essential that we disprove it.
contumacious disobedient; resisting authority The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.
contusion bruise She was treated for contusions and abrasions.
conundrum riddle; difficult problem During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.
convene assemble Because much is needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special session by January 15.
convention social or moral custom; established practice Flying in the face of convention, George Sand (Amandine Dudevant) shocked her contemporaries by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes.
conventional ordinary; typical His conventional upbringing left him wholly unprepared for his wife's eccentric family.
converge come together Marchers converged on Washington for the great Save Our Cities-Save Our Children March.
conversant familiar with The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.
converse opposite The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation.
convert one who has adopted a different religion or opinion On his trip to Japan, though the President spoke at length about the merits of American automobiles, he made few converts to his beliefs.
convex curving outward He polished the convex lens of his telescope.
conveyance vehicle; transfer During the transit strike, commuters used various kinds of conveyances.
conviction strongly held belief Nothing could shake his conviction that she was innocent.
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